原创 关于ACEX1K EP1K30TC144-3的配置资料

2010-4-25 15:52 3060 2 3 分类: FPGA/CPLD

   关于ACEX1K  EP1K30TC144-3的配置资料





Configuration &Operation<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

The ACEX 1K architecture supports several configuration schemes. This section summarizes the device operating modes and available device configuration schemes.

Operating Modes

The ACEX 1K architecture uses SRAM configuration elements that require configuration data to be loaded every time the circuit powers up.The process of physically loading the SRAM data into the device is called configuration. Before configuration, as VCC rises, the device initiates a Power-On Reset (POR). This POR event clears the device and prepares it for configuration. The ACEX 1K POR time does not exceed 50 μs.

  When configuring with a configuration device, refer to the relevant configuration device data sheet for POR timing information.

During initialization, which occurs immediately after configuration, the device resets registers, enables I/O pins, and begins to operate as a logic device. Before and during configuration, all I/O pins (except dedicated inputs, clock, or configuration pins) are pulled high by a weak pull-up resistor. Together, the configuration and initialization processes are called command mode; normal device operation is called user mode.SRAM configuration elements allow ACEX 1K devices to be reconfigured in-circuit by loading new configuration data into the device. Real-time reconfiguration is performed by forcing the device into command mode with a device pin, loading different configuration data, re-initializing the device, and resuming user-mode operation. The entire reconfiguration process requires less than 40 ms and can be used to reconfigure an entire system dynamically. In-field upgrades can be performed by distributing

new configuration files.

Configuration Schemes

The configuration data for an ACEX 1K device can be loaded with one of five configuration schemes (see Table 59), chosen on the basis of the target application. An EPC16, EPC2, EPC1, or EPC1441 configuration device, intelligent controller, or the JTAG port can be used to control the

configuration of a ACEX 1K device, allowing automatic configuration on system power-up. Multiple ACEX 1K devices can be configured in any of the five configuration schemes by connecting the configuration enable (nCE) and configuration enable output (nCEO) pins on each device. Additional APEX 20K, APEX 20KE, FLEX 10K, FLEX 10KA, FLEX 10KE, ACEX 1K,

and FLEX 6000 devices can be configured in the same serial chain.






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