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2010-2-23 21:33 706 0 分类: 工程师职场


Sealed with A kiss
I'll see you in the sunlight
I'll hear your voice evry day in a letter 
I'll run to tenderly hold you
But darling you won't be there
I don't wanna say good bye for the summer
Knowing the love we'll miss
Let us make a pledge to meet in September
And sealed it with a kiss


Sealed with A kiss
I'll see you in the sunlight
I'll hear your voice evry day in a letter 
I'll run to tenderly hold you
But darling you won't be there
I don't wanna say good bye for the summer
Knowing the love we'll miss
Let us make a pledge to meet in September
And sealed it with a kiss
[R][fts=1]Sealed with A kiss [/ft]
[fts=1]I'll see you [ftc=00AEEF][ftc=FFF467]in[/ft][/ft] the sunlight [/ft]
[fts=1]I'll hear your voice evry day in a letter[/ft] 
[fts=1]I'll run to tenderly [U]hold[/U] you [/ft]
[fts=1]But darling [ftc=37B400]you[/ft] won't [ftc=EE1000]be[/ft] there[/ft]
[fts=1]I don't wanna say good bye for the summer [/ft]
[fts=1]Knowing the love we'll [fts=3][ftc=FFF467][ftc=FFF100]miss[/ft][/ft][/ft] [/ft]
[fts=1]Let us make a pledge to meet in September [/ft]
[fts=1][ftc=FBAF00]And[/ft] sealed it with a [fts=4][ftc=00BFF3]kiss[/ft][/ft][/ft][/R]




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