原创 an event more entitled to celebration

2010-5-19 11:25 928 2 2 分类: PCB

It would, perhaps, be difficult to Mbts select in history an event more entitled to celebration by the character of the exploit, its great national effects, its astonishing gran?deur, and its affecting incidents.

The spot itself, on which this memorable action took place, is exlremely favorable for becoming the scite of a monumental structure. Competent judges have pronounced the heights of Charlestown to exceed any spot on our coast in their adaptation to the object in view. Their position be?tween the Mystic and the Charles, with the expanse of the harbor of Boston, and iis beautiful islands in front, has long attracted the notice of the stranger. An elevated monu?ment on this spot would be the first landmark of the mariner, in his approach to our harbor while the Mbt shoes sale whole neighboring coilntry, comprising the towns of Roxbnry, Brookline, Cam?bridge, Medford, Maiden, and Chelsea, with their rich fields, villages and spires, t-he buildings of the University, the bridg?es, the numerous ornamental country seats and improved plantations, the whole bounded by a distant line of hills, and forming a landscape which cannot be surpassed in variety and beauty, would be spread out, as in a picture, to the eye of the spectator, on the summit of the proposed structure.

Nor arc these the only natural advantages of Mbt shoes clearance the spot. Though essentially rural in many of its features, it rises above cme of our most flourishing towns, the seat of several important national establishments, where the noble ships of war of the American Republic seem to guard the approach to the spot where her first martyrs fought and bled* Its im- mediate vicinity to Boston, and its convenient distance from Salem, make tbe acccss to it direct from the centres of our most numerous, wealthy, and active population and will be the Mbt shoes reviews means of keeping continually in sight, or bringiRg frc- auentlj to view, to the greatest masses of the community, the imposing memorial of an event, which ought never to be absent fram their memory, as its effects are daily and hourly brought home to the business and bosom of every American citizen.

These are a few of the circumstancesvery briefly stated, vrhich point out the battle of the 17th of June, 1775as a suitable event to be commemorated and which illustrate the great adaptation of the spot where it was fought, to the erection of a monumental structure. The present moment ?eems peculiarly marked out as auspicious to the enterprize. Fifty years Mbt chapa nave now nearly elapsed, since the curtain rose on this momentous scene of our national drama. A half of one of those great periods, by which the hi&tory of our race is reckoned., is drawing to its close, and bringing wilh it tbe jobiitse of our political: existence. This long period hasrteid down in the soil which they: coixibined to liberate, most of the high minded men, who raised their hands or tbeir voices in those trying times. A few only remain, the venerable witnesses of what we may do to show our gratitude towards thoscj to whom we ow? all that makes it life to live,out liberty* A few only remain lo carry to their compatriots^ who have gone before them, the welcome tidings, that we tenderly cherish their Mbt Kisumu memory^ and that we are determined to bestow upon it every mark of honorable and grateful re- spect.



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