原创 revolutionary patriots and heroes among us

2010-5-19 11:26 1632 1 1 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式

The presence of these few Mbt revolutionary patriots and heroes among us, seems to give a peculiar character to this generation, lt binds us by an affecting association to the tnomcntous days, the searching trials, the sacrifices, and dangers, to which Ihey were called. The feeble bands and grey haiirs of those, who before we Were living, faced death, that we, their children, might be born free, arc a sight, which this generation ought not to behold without Mbt shoes emotion i a sight which calls upon us not to delay those public ex?pressions of gratitude, which soon will be too late for those We would most wish to honor Nor is the present moment, iti other respects, less adapted to this honorable enterprize. It is a time, not indeed of ad? Venturous speculations and dazzling gains, but of steady general prosperity. Dwelling houses and ware houses are rising in unexampled numbers in our large towns manufac* tures with equal rapidity, and on the most solid footing, are advancing in evefj Mbt Shoes UK district of the country and agriciulurei the great substantial interest, the basis of every other pur?suit, is daily assuming an improved, liberal, and more pro?ductive character. It is only when we compare these well known features of our present position with the general lan* guorthe scanty population, and the poverty which existed at the opening of the revolutionary war, that we can do ius* tice to our present prosperity. Nor is this enough. Nour in the days of our independence, of our prosperity, of our growing internal wealthof our participation in all the world's commerce, of our enjoyment of every thing which can make people happy, we ought to remember the sacrifices and tosses of our fathers. No grateful mind can, from the fruits of this unexampled welfare, refuse to bestow a trifle upon a work, proposed Mbt discount as a decent and becoming tribute to the memory of the great and good men, to whose disinterested?ness, in putting to hazard their property and their livts, wc ?we our being, our rights, our property, our all.

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The general propriety and expediency of erecting puBInf monuments of the kind proposed, are acknowledged by alL Thejr form not only Mbt kaya the most conspicuous ornament, witk which we can adorn our towns and our high places, but they are the best proof we can exhibit to strangers, tbat our sen" sibility is strong and animated toward those great achieve- ments, and greater characters, to which we owe aU otir na- ? tional blessings. There surely is not one among uswhor would not experience a strong satisfaction, ia conducting an stranger to the foot of a monumental structure, rising in de? cent majesty on this memorable Mbt Tunisha spot.



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