Works of this kind also have tbe Mbt discontinued happiest mffuerice in ex?citing atid nourishirrg tbe national and patriotic sentiments Our government has been called,and truly is, a government of opinion ; but it is one of sentiment still more. It is nol the judgment only of this people, which dictates a prefers ence of our institutions ; bul it is a strong, deep-seated, in?born serrtim^at \ a feelings a passion for lrberty^ It is a beccxning expression of tbis sentiment to honor, m every way, the memories and character of our fathers; ta adorn: a spot where their noble blood Vibram Five Fingers spiltt and not surrender 1 it uncar^d for,to the ploughs Years, it is to be remember?ed, are rapidly passing away; and the glorious tradition of our national emancipation which we received from tbemf wiH descend more faintly to our successors^ The patriot?ic sentiment, which binds us together more strongly tha* compacts and constitutions, will,if permitted, grow cold fromr mere lapse of tiai€. We owe these mommicnts thereforer not less ta the character of aur posterity, than to the memo* ry of our fathers. These events must not lose their interest Our children, and our children's children have a right to these Vibram Fivefingers feelings, cherished and kept warm by a worthy trans- , mission. It is the order of nature that the generation to achieve nobly, should be succeeded by the generation wor?thily to. record, and gralefullj to commemorate. We are not called to the fire and the sword ; to meet the appal?ling array of armies ; to taste the bitter cup of imperial wrath and vengeance proffered to an ill provided land. Wa arc chosen for the easier, more grateful, but not less bounded duty, of commemorating and honoring the labors,、sacrifice、 and sufferings of the great men of those dark times. , There is one point of view, in Five fingers which we seem to be strong?ly called upon to engage in the erection of works like that proposed. The beautiful and noble arts of design and ar?chitecture have hitherto been engaged in arbitrary and desjiotic service. The pyramids and obelisks of Egypt, thfe oonum^ntal columns of Ti ajan and Aurelius, have paid no tribute to the rights or feelings of man. Majestic or grace?ful as they are, they bear no record but tbat of sovereignty, sometimes cruel and tyrannical, and sometimes mild ; but nev?er that of a great, enlightened, and generous people. Provi?dence, which bas given us the senses to observe, the taste to admire,Mbt changa and the skill to execute thcsfe beautiful works of art, cannot have intended that, in a flourishing nation of free?men, there should be no scope for their erection. Our fel- Jow citizens of Baltimore have set us a noble example of redeeming tire arts to ihe cause of free institutions, in the imposing monument thejr have erectcd to the memory of those w ho fell in defending their city. If we cannot be tbe first to set up a structure of this character, hi us not be other than the first to improve upon the example ; to arrest and fix the Mbt M.walk feelings of our gent ration on the important icvenls of an earlier and and more momentous struggle, and to redeem the pledge of gratitude to ihe high soulcd heroes mi that trying day. ?