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用户279090 2010-5-19 11:27
Our government has been called
Works of this kind also have tbe Mbt discontinued happiest mffuerice in ex?citing atid nourishirrg tbe national and patriotic sentiments Our gov ...
用户279090 2010-5-19 11:26
revolutionary patriots and heroes among us
The presence of these few Mbt revolutionary patriots and heroes among us, seems to give a peculiar character to this generation, lt binds us by ...
用户279090 2010-5-19 11:25
an event more entitled to celebration
It would, perhaps, be difficult to Mbts select in history an event more entitled to celebration by the character of the exploit, its great natio ...
用户279090 2010-5-19 11:23
which are bad richly embroidered Vrith her own han
Subsequent to the Mbt discontinued gallant defence at Sullivan's Island, Col. Moultrie's regiment was presented with a stand of colors by Mrs. E ...
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