The SN8P26042A is a RISC-like high performance and low power consumption 8-bit micro-controller. One clock per instruction cycle (1T) architecture will provide up to 16MIPS computation power. Also, the high EFT (Electrical Fast Transients) protection capability let this device is suitable for high noisy industrial application. The device is designed with the excellent IC structure including the program memory up to 4K-word OTP ROM, data memory of 128-bytes RAM, two 8-bit timer counters (T0, TC1), a watchdog timer, four interrupt sources (T0, TC1, INT0, INT1), one channels PWM output (PWM1), one channels buzzer output (BZ1) and 8-level stack buffers. There are four oscillator configurations to select for generating system clock, including High/Low Speed crystal, ceramic resonator or cost-saving RC. This device also includes an internal low frequency RC oscillator for slow mode controlled by programming. 松翰科技成立于1996年7月,随即1997年初推出她的第一颗语音控制器产品,从那时开始,松翰科技逐步成为各方广泛认知的语音、音乐控制器的领导者,为多方面应用的教育性电子玩具注入新的生命。今天,松翰也已在许多应用领域,提供更多领先创新的产品线,包括8位OTP微控器ICs、USB控制器ICs、影相控制ICs。 研发设计 专业承接芯片解密服务,我们在NTK中颖单片机解密、Feeling单片机解密、MDT单片机解密ST单片机解密、EMC义隆单片机解密、SONIX松翰单片机解密、TENX十速单片机解密、PIC单片机解密、HOLTEK单片机解密、、ALTERA芯片解密、LATTICE芯片解密、FREESCALE单片机解密、日系单片机解密比国内同行有技术及价格方面的优势,解密时间:大部分芯片现场解密立等可取,我们已经解决了诸多同行不能解决的关键技术难题。 郑重声明:本公司解密仅限合法性,有关法律上的一切责任由对方承担,本司概不负责。 创芯电子技术有限公司 地址:深圳市福田区福强路祥云天都世纪大厦A座1715 电话:0755-82701553 手机:13049863630 联系人:刘小姐 |