原创 Valor NPI fully integrated with PCB devt platform

2014-4-7 15:51 2078 19 20 分类: 消费电子

A couple of months ago, I noted how Mentor's Valor links ERP/MRP with the shop floor. It facilitates a lean new product introduction (NPI) flow. It starts by ensuring that the design can actually be manufactured, assembled, and tested. If there are any issues, these are fed back to the front-end designers and design tools to be resolved before things go further.

Mentor's Xpedition PCB Development also puts more power into your mouse.


Click here for a larger image.

Well, Mentor has just made a big announcement about how the company's Valor NPI software is now fully integrated with its Xpedition PCB design platform to deliver a seamless, automated flow for the design, fabrication, and assembly of PCBs.


Editor's note: You can find out more about this NPI solution here.




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