原创 Latest comms system thrills Steve Wozniak

2014-9-26 11:52 1317 24 24 分类: 消费电子

Funnily enough, just several days ago as I write this blog, I was chatting with my wife (Gina the Gorgeous) when she informed me that -- as a kid -- she had never played at making a telephone using two tin cans connected by a piece of string.


I must admit to being a tad surprised. I thought every kid was obliged to do this as a rite of passage or something. Even now that I'm old and gray, I'm not above playing with this sort of thing. Everyone should have a little whimsy in their lives. (I know, I know … it's not the size of your little whimsy, it's what you do with it that counts, but we digress …)


So, you can only imagine my surprise on discovering the ultimate in iRonic gifts -- the iCups communication system, which is billed as "The apex of high fashion and high technology, and the perfect gift for the trendiest of friends and family!" As you can see in the photograph below, being presented with his very own iCups communications system certainly brightened Steve Wozniak's day.



I think it's fair to say that, in this increasingly complex technological world in which we live, the retro iCups system takes us back to a simpler, purer time.



What, you want an iCups system of your very own? Well, in that case I'm about to bring a smile to your face and brighten your day, because Magdim Mukhametshin, co-founder of ADA Sport, has an iRonic iCups Kickstarter project up and running.


Why do these folks need a Kickstarter? Well, as Magdim says, quite apart from anything else, they need to be prepared for the onslaught of lawsuits from the phone companies whose business they'll be stealing! Knowing how litigious companies are these days, it's hard to argue with this.


I must admit that I'm tempted by the Special Christmas Edition, which is based on the regular 64-inch model power-boosted by special edition red Christmas string. I was tempted by the LD model, with a 128-inch string for long distance communications, which is claimed to be "Ideal for kids with tree houses, members of the neighborhood watch, and local law enforcement!" Sad to relate, this option has already been snapped up.



And what of the technology powering this revolutionary system? Well, as soon as I take delivery of my iCups system, I may feel moved to undertake a technology teardown. Watch this space …



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