原创 MCU board offers 'Smart Fusion' for IoT systems

2014-9-30 20:28 1280 16 16 分类: 消费电子

A few days ago I received an email from my chum Mike Hibbert, who is a columnist for the computer and electronics hobbyist magazine Everyday Practical Electronics in the UK. Mike's message was short and to the point as follows:


What ho! Max. This is just to let you know I've launched another PIC18F development board Kickstarter project. "What's different this time?" you ask. Well, this LPLC TOO is 1/10th of the size of the original LPLC board. This one is designed to act as the "intelligent glue logic" between a sensor and a wireless transceiver for IoT and wearable applications.

Mike continued to waffle on in this enthusiastic vein, but I'm afraid I wasn't listening, because I'd already bounced over to visit his new Kickstarter project.



Here we discover that Mike's new LPLC TOO project is the second generation of his low-cost, ultra-low-power microprocessor development board. At just 22mm x 5mm by 1.5mm thick -- and weighing in at only 0.25g -- this is a tiny device indeed.


The new LPLC TOO's operational current can be as low as 100nA, but you have the ability to "turn the wick" up to a full-throttle 64MHz clock speed. This little rascal can be used to control the sensing and communication needs of a homebrew Internet of Things (IoT) sensor intelligently and efficiently.


Just like Mike's original LPLC board, this new version can be programmed in C using the MPLAB IDE supplied for free by the guys and gals at Microchip Technology.


Funnily enough, I just started working on a little project involving two small containers (I'm thinking maybe tin cans) boasting servos and sensors that will hold random conversations with each other. You'll have to see them working to understand what I'm babbling on about. Suffice it to say that I'm going to have a lot of sensor data that needs processing into useful information. Hmmm …



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