原创 What on earth is this?

2013-10-17 19:17 1756 20 20 分类: 消费电子

Here's an interesting piece of equipment that really had everyone baffled for a while.

Well, I just received an email from my chum Girish Choudankar who said:

Hi Max, yesterday I visited an electronics fair with my kids and came across this in the antique section. It has an efficiency of 93 per cent and is rated at 400A. It was installed in 1905 in a downtown Toronto building as part of an elevator's power supply.


(Click here to see a larger, more detailed image of this little beauty.)

Good grief, you certainly don't see many of these little beauties around these days. I would love to have this in my office. Of course you know what this is, don't you?




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