原创 Who are you in 'The Big Bang Theory'?

2015-7-25 18:54 1557 18 18 分类: 消费电子

About a week ago, I got an email from my chum Jay Dowling. The subject of this email was "Which 'Big Bang Theory' Character Are You?"


Obviously I was intrigued. I love The Big Bang Show. By some strange quirk of fate, I even have the bobble-head characters for Sheldon, Leonard, Penny, Howard, and Raj sitting on the desk here in my office (I acquired these before Sheldon's girlfriend, Amy, and Howard's girlfriend-wife, Bernadette, came on the scene), so I couldn’t help but wonder what this was all about.



Inside the email was a link that said Click Here to discover which Big Bang Theory character you are most like. There was also a note saying: "I came out to be Sheldon... no surprise there. Who are you?"


Well, my knee-jerk reaction is that I'm a Leonard, but what do I know, so I clicked the link and took the online test -- which takes only a minute or so -- and then I was obliged to respond to Jay saying: "Dang! Just call me Amy!"


It has to be said that this is a tad ironic, since Amy is one of the bobble-head characters I don’t have. It's even more ironic in that Mayim Bialik -- the actress who plays Amy -- is the only member of the cast I've actually met in person. But we digress...


Jay immediately replied: "I guess that explains our rapport." This was one of those rare occasions on which I couldn’t come up with a snappy comeback. There's still time. What do you suggest?



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