3.1 电感的定义:
(1) Inductance: the number of field line loops around a conductor per amp of current through it.
(2) Self-inductance: the number of field line loops around the conductor per amp of current through the same conductor.
(3) Mutual inductance: the number of field line loops around a conductor per amp of current through another conductor.
电流是不能孤立存在的,必须存在于一个闭合的环路中,这使我们想到,当我们谈一段导线的电感的时候,这个环路中其他部分的导线产生的磁力线或磁通量怎么办?是否也算在内?这就引出了Partial inductance的概念。
假定我们只考虑一小段导线,这段导线上通有电流(实际中不可能),这时,一定有磁力线环绕这段导线,用这些磁力线(以磁通量作为单位)除以电流,就得到了这一小段导线的电感。Partial inductance完全是一种数学上的构造,不能够测量,但是却很有用,特别是当我们不知道环路其他部分的形状的时候。
同样的,Partial inductance也有自感和互感。
(4) Partial inductance: the number of field line loops around a section of a conductor when no other currents exist anywhere.
(5) Partial self-inductance: the number of field line loops around a section of a conductor per amp of current in that section when no other currents exist anywhere.
(6) Partial mutual inductance: the number of field line loops around a section of a conductor per amp of current in another section when no other currents exist anywhere.
More often than not, when referring to the inductance of a lead in a package, or a connector pin, or a surface trace, we are really referring to the partial self-inductance of this interconnect element.
如果我们要把环路的其他部分的电流的效应也计算在内,就得到了Effective/ net/total inductance。假定这个环路有lega和legb组成。Lega的磁力线包围自身和legb,legb的磁力线包围自身和lega,当根据定义计算lega的电感的时候,就必须要考legb的磁力线的效应。这时的电感就是Effective, net, or total inductance.
(7) Effective, net, or total inductance: the total number of field line loops around a section of a conductor per amp of current in the entire loop, taking into account the presence of field line loops from current in every part of the loop.
(8) Loop inductance: the total number of field line loops around the complete current loop per amp of current.
(9) Loop self-inductance: the total number of field line loops around the complete current loop per amp of current in the same loop.
(10) Loop mutual inductance: the total number of field line loops around a complete current loop per amp of current in another loop.
It is sometimes stated that the loop self-inductance depends on the "area of the loop." While this is roughly true in general, it doesn't help feed our intuition much. As we have seen, it is not so much the area that is important, it is the total number of field line loops encircling each leg that is important.
(11) Equivalent inductance: the single self-inductance corresponding to the series or parallel combination of multiple inductors including the effect of their mutual inductance.