原创 端接_4

2008-7-7 21:55 1987 4 4 分类: PCB

2.2.2 源端端接的上升时间

2.2.3 源端端接电阻的位置[15]

我们假设驱动器和端接电阻之间的stub长度小于1/3上升时间的长度。The connection stub, because it is connected at one end to a low-impedance driver, acts like a little inductor L_STUB.
在频率f,电感的电抗是(j*2*pi*f)L_STUB,因此,端接变成不准确的了。这个电感和端接电阻串联得到R+ Z(L_STUB)。可以预测这样一个阻抗产生的反射——1/2(VSTEP)(LSTUB/Z0)(1/TR), where VSTEP is the step amplitude, Z0 is the transmission line impedance and TR is the 10-90% risetime of the step waveform.可以参考[1],公式4.74.

That’s the theory, except for these embellishments:
1. The stub inductance may be calculated as LSTUB = DLY*Z0, where DLY is the delay of the stub in seconds and Z0 is the stub impedance.
2. Add to the stub inductance the parasitic series inductance of the driver package, LPACKAGE.
3. The stub affects the risetime of the first incident waveform by a tiny amount. Keep the stub delay less than 1/3 of the risetime and you will hardly see this effect. (Thanks to Tom Giovannini and Joe Cahill for reminding me to mention this).
Example: BGA package, LPACKAGE = 6000 pH, with an ideal 70-ohm  series terminator located 1/2 inch (microstrip trace) from the driver package. Assume we have a 3.3-v driver with a 1-ns risetime. In this case LSTUB= 1/2(145 ps/in)(70ohm ) = 5075 pH. The total inductance L TOTAL = LPACKAGE + LSTUB = 11075 nH. The reflected signal: Refl. = 1/2(3.3) [(11075/70) / 1000 ] = 261mV.
If you want 20dB or more of reflected-wave attenuation, use a stub delay of no more than 1/6 the risetime, a very good low-inductance package, and an accurate carbon-composition or low-inductance, non-etched metal film resistor.


2.3 末端端接的交流偏置(AC termination)


2.3.1 功耗计算



[4]中讲到了AC端接时电阻和电容的选择:The resistor R should be equal to the characteristic impedance of the transmission line, and the capacitor C should be chosen such that the RC time constant at the load is approximately equal to one or two rise times. It is advised that simulations be performed to choose the optimum capacitor value for the specific design。

对于长线,(line delay)/(signal risetime)is greater than 1,无法找到这样的电容,
对于短线,(line delay)/(signal risetime)is 1/3or 1/2,AC端接才会有效。
With DC-balanced data you are free to pick any capacitor BIG ENOUGH to hold its charge throughout the bit period。



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