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2010-8-25 09:50 768 2 2 分类: EDA/ IP/ 设计与制造
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Adopt a Rescue Horse? - Things You Should Know Polytrack, a synthetic surface for horse racing, and the sport's newest invention, may not be as safe as experts once thought. Horsemen have reported that during the winter months, they notice that the surface, which is supposed to be uniform and more well-padded than regular dirt, is clumping and balling up under the honhl jerseyrse's hooves. This is a huge issue if it turns out to be true. If, for instance, the surface clumps on the hooves of the horses, it will be like they're running on stilts, creating a more forceful impact with each footfall, and potentially unbalancing the horse causing more spills. GHD cheap Woodbine, a Canadian Racetrack which installed Polytrack in 2006, has also had an increase in breakdowns in the winter over their new surface. The issues that horsemen have observed have not yet been thoroughly studied. According to horsemen, however, the issue is the cold temperatures. Many complain that when the temperadiscount mbt shoesture fluctuates greatly from day to day, the clumping effect worsens. Conrad Cohen, president of the Canadian HPBA mlb jerseys wholesalerecently that a€?...we haven't had time to totally evaluate it in terms of temperature. A total evaluation olouboutin shoesf the surface cannot be made in such a short period of time because of inconsistency of climate.a€? Turfway president Bob Elliston recently stated, "We've had 15-16 straight days when the temperature hasn't been above 25 degrees. These elements may have the ability to contribute to changes in the surface; the question thatlouboutin comes up is the stickiness issue."


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