原创 开发转向系统,您需要MXsteerHiL的五大理由

2022-7-15 17:28 1456 7 7 分类: 汽车电子

Forvehicle engineers, experiencing steering feel is essential for evaluation.Imagine being able to experience, evaluate and apply this steering feel muchearlier in the development phase and without a vehicle. With the MXsteerHiL you experience the real steering feel at anearly stage at your desk or in the lab and not – as usual – only in theprototype vehicle. The differences in steering feel can be measured andcalibrated with the MXsteerHiL. Especially in automated driving, the MXsteerHiLallows you to enter development with a high degree of maturity. Soundsunimaginable? It isn’t. Because that is our promise – backed by many years ofexpert knowledge – behind the MXsteerHiL. Convince yourself. Here are thepertinent reasons why you should use our system:


First. A variety of professionaldirections benefit from this tool. The MXsteerHiL helps to achieve the perfect steeringfeel. For application engineers in particular, it is of great importance toalways have access to a test bench in order to be able to test new ideasimmediately and on the spot. For function developers too, the MXsteerHiL offersgreat opportunities not to “bypass” the customer, but to harmonize thedevelopment of the hardware with the desired experience in a concrete andtargeted way. This also makes it easy to tune the steering, not least for thedeveloper of ADAS/AD systems. Our own experience and that of our customers showa wide range of applications for operators of driving simulators. Especially insimulation, this steering force module is an enormous asset for testing,validating and calibrating steering systems. Simulators already in operationcan easily be extended with MXsteerHiL to make the simulation experience evenmore realistic.


Second. Through a modulardesign, you acquire a product that can be subsequently adapted for new steeringor vehicle projects, other priorities and state-of-the-art products, such assteer-by-wire. You can also convert MXsteerHiL into a static driving simulator or –if you already have a dynamic driving simulator – add a realistic vehicleenvironment as an add-on. They are so modular and flexible that you hardly needto switch between simulative measurement and feel. And on top of that, theysave valuable workshop or office space, as the MXsteerHiL can be disassembledinto the individual modules and stored in the office cupboard or workshop nicheto save space.


Third. It is hard toimagine a cheaper and more flawless representation of reality. Nocost-intensive prototype is required and there is no longer any need tostruggle with insufficiently good representation of the steering in simulationmodels. This not only saves money, but also time. Because you recognize realproblems in virtual development earlier than ever.


Fourth. Ideal for use invehicle models, such as CarMaker, ASM or in-house models, because the MXsteerHiL is compatible with all commonreal-time computers. A significant advantage because the MXsteerHiL can beeasily integrated into the existing real-time simulation system.


Fifth. The mostconvincing argument might be the treasure trove of experience and knowledge inthe manufacturer’s field of application. Through our know-how we have managedto bring this feeling of driving pleasure from the road to the test bench andinto the simulator. The experience of MdynamiX in the fields of vehicledynamics and simulation as well as the close and long-standing cooperation withthe universities of Munich and Kempten and the major companies in theindustries are the basis of this high-performance mini-steering test bench.


Our competent team will help you find theright configured solution. We support you from the initial consultation tobeyond the commissioning. We are in personal contact with you and take care ofyour individual needs and wishes so you get exactly what you need for yourdevelopment.


作者: 北汇信息, 来源:面包板社区

链接: https://mbb.eet-china.com/blog/uid-me-3998886.html




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