有关GPIO引脚高级功能的更多信息,请参见interactive pinout diagram
安装sudo apt -y install raspi-gpio
raspi-gpio get [GPIO]
raspi-gpio set
raspi-gpio funcs [GPIO]
raspi-gpio raw
GPIO is a comma-separated list of pin numbers or ranges (without spaces),
e.g. 4 or 18-21 or 7,9-11
Note that omitting [GPIO] from raspi-gpio get prints all GPIOs.
raspi-gpio funcs will dump all the possible GPIO alt funcions in CSV format
or if [GPIO] is specified the alternate funcs just for that specific GPIO.
Valid [options] for raspi-gpio set are:
ip set GPIO as input
op set GPIO as output
a0-a5 set GPIO to alternate function alt0-alt5
pu set GPIO in-pad pull up
pd set GPIO pin-pad pull down
pn set GPIO pull none (no pull)
dh set GPIO to drive to high (1) level (only valid if set to be an output)
dl set GPIO to drive low (0) level (only valid if set to be an output)
raspi-gpio get Prints state of all GPIOs one per line
raspi-gpio get 20 Prints state of GPIO20
raspi-gpio get 20,21 Prints state of GPIO20 and GPIO21
raspi-gpio set 20 a5 Set GPIO20 to ALT5 function (GPCLK0)
raspi-gpio set 20 pu Enable GPIO20 ~50k in-pad pull up
raspi-gpio set 20 pd Enable GPIO20 ~50k in-pad pull down
raspi-gpio set 20 op Set GPIO20 to be an output
raspi-gpio set 20 dl Set GPIO20 to output low/zero (must already be set as an output)
raspi-gpio set 20 ip pd Set GPIO20 to input with pull down
raspi-gpio set 35 a0 pu Set GPIO35 to ALT0 function (SPI_CE1_N) with pull up
raspi-gpio set 20 op pn dh Set GPIO20 to ouput with no pull and driving high