我在所装的系统中,自己在grub里面加了几条代码,就是加入title、root、Kernel、initrd等几项,把Kernel中root的路径指定为我认为系统的安装路径,也就是/dev/hda1或者/dev/hdb1,但是在从我设定的这个选项启动的时候,总是给出错误提示,然后就Kernel Panic了,不知为啥,上网搜了一下,发现很多人也有此问题,但是还灭有明确解决方案,把几个有借鉴意义的内容拿过来留存。
然后:make ;make modules;make modules_install;
hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 3-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
Scanning and configuring dmraid supported devices
Trying to resume from LABEL=SWAP-hdc4
No suspend signature on swap, not resuming.
Creating root device.
Mounting root filesystem.
mount: could notKernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
find filesystem '/
Setting up other filesystems.
Setting up new root fs
setuproot: moving /
dev failed: No such file or
directoryno fstab.sys, mounting internal defaults
setuproot: error mounting /proc: No
such file or
directorysetuproot: error mounting /sys: No
such file or
directorySwitching to new root and running init.
unmounting old /
devunmounting old /proc
unmounting old /sys
switchroot: mount
failed: No such file or
Here's the fix
After almost giving up on Fedora 5, I finally got the fix to this problem.
The suspend signature on swap error, "Trying to resume from LABEL=SWAP-hdd3. No suspend signature on swap, not resuming", can be ignored. It gives this error because when the volumes are activated (look at the output previous to this error), it resumes the swap partition in that step. Therefore, it's trying to resume something that isn't suspended.
The error that causes all the trouble is "mount: could not find filesystem '/
dev/root'". Appartently, in the init script within initrd-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5.img, the command 'mount /sysroot' is trying to mount /
dev/root to /sysroot. Fedora 5 does not use /
dev/root like in the previous versions of Fedora. Instead, it uses '/
dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00' or '/
dev/hda1' (or whereever '/' is located) to mount to /sysroot. For some reason, when init calls 'mount /sysroot', it's trying to mount /
dev/root to /sysroot, instead of /
dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 to /sysroot. This messes up everything after this step in the init process. When it does a switchroot at the end, it fails. After killing init, it causes the kernel panic.
Here's the fix:
1) Boot with the rescue CD
2) Type 'chroot /mnt/sysimage' (wherever it mounts the Fedora 5 partition)
3) 'cd /boot'
4) 'mkdir newinit'
5) 'cd newinit'
6) 'gunzip -c ../initrd-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5.img | cpio -idmv'
7) 'vi init'
8) Find 'mount /sysroot' (near the end of the
9) Delete or comment this out
10) Replace with 'mount -o defaults --ro -t ext3 /
dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 /sysroot' where /
dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 is the mount point for /
11) ':wq' out of vi
12) 'find . | cpio --quiet -c -o >../newinitrd'
13) 'cd ..' - you are now in /boot
14) 'mv initrd-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5.img initrd-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5.bak' - backup current initrd img
file (just in case)
15) 'gzip -9 < newinitrd > initrd-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5.img'
16) Reboot the computer without the CD
* Steps 4-6,12,13,15 were taken from another site, but I couldn't post the URL. I'll try in my next post.
This should fix it. I'm glad I can finally run Fedora 5 on my box.
MarkCole, I'm not sure if you were experiencing the exact same problems I was with mounting root. However, I hope this helps anyone else experiencing the same problems I had.