原创 那些年,我们拿下了FPGA(上)第3章-FPGA的应用领域

2012-8-31 08:43 8593 15 16 分类: FPGA/CPLD 文集: 那些年,我们拿下了FPGA


第3章 FPGA的应用领域




3.1.1 概述  


3.1.2 视频编解码

视频编解码主要是从信道容量角度考虑的数据传输带宽,如何压缩图像,采用什么样的算法,这个已经做的比较成熟了。目前正在使用的视频编解码器要数的话可达数百种,但是针对我们最常用的还是其中少数的几种编解码器。列举出其中几种出来说明一下,第一种 是比较老的但是仍然在用的MPEG-2,主要在广播信号和DVD电影的编码,,但是随着高清DVD采用的VC-1和H.264标准进行编码,MPEG-2码的使用也将逐渐推出历史舞台。第二种是MPEG-4,它相比MPEG-2能够以更低的速率但是形同的图像质量来传送视频。同时它引入了描述自然的或合成的对象等新概念来构成场景并支持与用户交互,给视频节目制作商定提供了改进的内容保护功能和创建更灵活、可复制内容的能力。这些优点,使得卫星视频的传送得到使用。第三种就是H.264,它其实是MPEG-4中的第十部分,主要以其高数据压缩率和质量走红,这里单独列了出来进行突出。还有一些JPEG算法等等,就不列举了,这里只是做个引导,大家如果“不小心”走上了这个行业应用的话,可以找找相应图像处理算法书籍补充。

3.1.3 目标识别








表Xilinx ip 核



Color Correction Matrix

The Xilinx Color Correction Matrix LogiCORE can be used for color correction operations such as adjusting white balance, color cast, brightness, or contrast in an RGB image. The implementation is a 3x3 programmable coefficient matrix multiplier with offset compensation.

Color Filter Array Interpolation

The Xilinx LogiCORE Color Filter Array Interpolation Core reconstructs RGB data from color image sensors equipped with a Bayer Color Filter Array

Defective Pixel Correction

The Xilinx Defective Pixel Correction LogiCORE is a dynamic solution to remove defective pixels from a camera sensor array.

Gamma Correction

The Xilinx Gamma Correction LogiCORE provides customers with a fully tested and optimized hardware block for manipulating the values of a pixel. The input video data to be adjusted for specific output display devices by applying gamma curves to be applied to each color channel independently or as a single curve to all channels. This core supports a LUT table structure, or an interpolated LUT table structure that is programmed to transform the image data for the best image quality on the display

Image Characterization

The Xilinx Image Characterization LogiCORE calculates important statistical data for video input streams. Characterization is an important processing block for many applications including face recognition, object detection, and more. Statistics include means and variances for luminance, chrominance, high and low frequencies, edges and motion (When used with the Xilinx Motion Adaptive Noise Reduction LogiCORE) on both a global and block basis. Support for block sizes of 4x4, 8x8, 16x16, 32x32 or 64x64 pixels. Support for 8-bit pixel data in YUV 4:2:2 or 4:2:0, up to 1080p 30fps. The core is programmable through a comprehensive register interface for setting edge gains, high-pass gain, color selects (hue and saturation) and block size. The Image Characterization LogiCORE is provided with two different interfaces: General purpose processor and EDK pCore (including device driver)

Image Edge Enhancement

The Xilinx Edge Enhancement LogiCORE provides edge enhancement of each frame of video data being processed. The core provides a set of standard Sobel and Laplacian filters with programmable, edge adaptive gain settings to adjust the strength of the edge enhancement effect

Image Noise Reduction

The Xilinx Noise Reduction LogiCORE provides developers with an easy to use IP block for reducing noise within each frame of video. The core has a programmable, edge adaptive smoothing function to change the characteristics of the filtering in real-time

Image Statistics

The Xilinx Image Statistics LogiCORE collects statistical information for each video frame. This core generates a set of statistics for color histograms, mean and variance values, edge, and frequency content for 16 user defined zones on a per frame basis. The statistical information collected can be used in control loops for Auto-Focus, Auto-White Balance and Auto-Exposure applications.

Motion Adaptive Noise Reduction

The Xilinx Motion Adaptive Noise Reduction LogiCORE is an effective module for both motion detection and motion adaptive noise reduction in video streams. The core allows the motion detection function to be used independently of the noise reduction function for applications where noise reduction is not needed. The noise reduction algorithm is implemented as a recursive temporal filter with a user programmable transfer function allowing the user to control both the shape of the motion transfer and the strength of the noise reduction applied. The motion transfer function is initialized according to the settings in the Coregen GUI, but is also programmable at runtime via the register interface. The LogiCORE is provided with two different interfaces: General purpose processor and EDK Pcore (including device driver)

RGB to YCrCb Color-Space Converter

The Xilinx RGB to YCrCb Color Space Converter LogiCORE with built-in support for 5 formats and 3 range standards. The implementation is a simplified 3x3 constant coefficient matrix multiplier, which uses only 4 multipliers exploiting the inter-relations of RGB to YCrCb coefficients. The module is optimized to take advantage of multiply-add capabilities of DSP slices.

Video Direct Memory Access

The Xilinx Video DMA LogiCORE provides a flexible interface for controlling and synchronizing video frame stores from external memory. The VDMA works in conjunction with the Video Frame Buffer Controller (VFBC) and provides a read or a write interface to external memory. Multiple VDMAs from different clock domains can be linked together to control frame store reads and writes from multiple sources. Automatic frame skips and repeats are performed to seamlessly allow frame rate conversion. Support for up to 16 external frame stores with image sizes of 4k x 4k is provided. The core is programmable through a comprehensive register interface for setting and controlling frame synchronization (can be turned on/off in real-time), frame read/write delays, source synchronization switching, circular buffer enable and more using logic or a microprocessor. A comprehensive set of interrupt status bits provided for processor monitoring. The LogiCORE is provided with two different interfaces: General Purpose Processor and EDK pCore (including device driver).

Video On Screen Display

The Xilinx On-Screen Display LogiCORE provides a flexible video processing block for alpha blending and compositing as well as simple text and graphics generation. Support for up to eight layers using a combination of external video inputs (from frame buffer) and internal graphics controllers (including text generators) is provided. Supported image sizes up to 4kx4k with YUVa 4:4:4 or 4:2:2 and RGBa image formats up to 1080p 30fps. The core is programmable through a comprehensive register interface for setting and controlling screen size, background color, layer position, and more using logic or a microprocessor. A comprehensive set of interrupt status bits is provided for processor monitoring. The LogiCORE is provided with two different interfaces: General Purpose Processor and EDK Pcore (including device driver).

Video Scaler

The Xilinx Video Scaler LogicCORE is a sophisticated module for resizing video streams up or down and can be configured to support conversions across all SD and HD resolutions from 1080P to QCIF. The core is implemented as a polyphase filter that supports configurable vertical and horizontal tap settings from 2-12 with programmable coefficients. The user may select either a parameterizable EDK PCore, a General Purpose Processor (GPP) interface netlist or a Constant interface netlist. The GPP and PCore interfaces enable a microprocessor to load coefficient sets in real time and program other scaler parameters.

Video Timing Controller

The Xilinx Video Timing Controller LogiCORE(TM) is a general purpose video timing generator and detector. Automatic detection of horizontal and vertical front and back porches, sync pulses and active video pixels is provided along with sync and blank pulse polarity detection. Horizontal and vertical blanking and sync pulses are generated including support for programmable pulse polarity. The core is programmable through a comprehensive register set allowing control of various timing generation parameters including horizontal and vertical front and back porch start, active video start, sync start and more. A comprehensive set of interrupt status bits is provided for processor monitoring.

YCrCb to RGB Color-Space Converte

The Xilinx YCrCb to RGB Color Space Converter LogiCORE with built-in support for 4 video standards and 3 input ranges. The implementation is a simplified 3x3 constant coefficient matrix multiplier, which uses only 4 multipliers exploiting the inter-relations of color-space conversion coefficients. The module is optimized to take advantage of multiply-add capabilities of DSP slices.

表 altera ip核

Frame Reader

Reads video from external memory and outputs it as a stream.

Control Synchronizer

Synchronizes the changes made to the video stream in real time between two functions.


Allows video streams to be switched in real time.

Color Space Converter

Converts image data between a variety of different color spaces such as RGB to YCrCb.

Chroma Resampler

Changes the sampling rate of the chroma data for image frames, for example from 4:2:2 to 4:4:4 or 4:2:2 to 4:2:0.

2D FIR Filter

Implements a 3x3, 5x5, or 7x7 finite impulse response (FIR) filter on an image data stream to smooth or sharpen images.

Alpha Blending Mixer

Mixes and blends multiple image streams—useful for implementing text overlay and picture-in-picture mixing.

Scaler II

New HDL code-based Scaler II MegaCore function uses less area than first-generation Scaler in Video and Image Processing (VIP) Suite while delivering higher performance. The Scaler II function further reduces required resources with new support of 4:2:2 chroma data sampling rate. Both linear and polyphase algorithms are available in this VIP Suite release.


A sophisticated polyphase scaler that allows custom scaling and real-time updates of both the image sizes and the scaling coefficients.

Deinterlacer II

Converts interlaced video formats to progressive video format using a motion adaptive deinterlacing algorithm. Also supports "bob" and "weave" algorithms, low-angle edge detection, 3:2 cadence detection and low latency.


Converts interlaced video formats to progressive video format using a motion adaptive deinterlacing algorithm. Also supports "bob" and "weave" algorithms

Test Pattern Generator

Generates a video stream that contains still color bars for use as a test pattern.


Provides a way to clip video streams and can be configured at compile time or at run time.

Color Plane Sequencer

Changes how color plane samples are transmitted across the Avalon-ST interface. This function can be used to split and join video streams, giving control over the routing of color plane samples.

Frame Buffer

Buffers video frames into external RAM. This core supports double or triple-buffering with a range of options for frame dropping and repeating.

2D Median Filter

Provides a way to apply 3x3, 5x5, or 7x7 pixel median filters to video images.

Gamma Corrector

Allows video streams to be corrected for the physical properties of display devices.

Clocked Video Input/Output

These two cores convert the industry-standard clocked video format (BT-656) to Avalon-ST video and vice versa.



Xilinx System Generator for DSP

Xilinx System Generator for DSP允许使用Xilinx视频IP模块组构建和调试Simulink中的高性能DVR系统。使用System Generator开发并实现视频处理算法,可以获得经过彻底验证和可以轻松执行的设计。 Xilinx已开发出各种经过预测试的新型视频IP模块组,用户可以在System Generator内拖放模块来轻松构建视频/影像系统,从而省下用HDL语言编写这些基本构建模块的宝贵时间。

为了处理从开发板到PC的庞大的视频数据流,System Generator for DSP引入了另一种新颖的高速硬件协同仿真(通过以太网接口),实现低延迟的高流量,在System Generator环境中构建视频/影像系统极其有用。

另一种基于MATLAB语言的设计工具是Xilinx开发的AccelDSP综合工具,这是基于高级MATLAB语言的工具,用于为Xilinx FPGA设计DSP模块。此工具可实现浮点到定点的自动转换,能生成可综合的VHDL或Verilog语言,并且可以为验证创建测试平台。并且可以直接利用MATLAB算法生成定点C++模型或System Generator模块。AccelDSP是Xilinx XtremeDSP解决方案的一个关键组件,它集最先进的FPGA、设计工具、知识产权内核、合作伙伴关系于一体。

Altera DSP Builder

对于定制开发,Altera提供最佳的DSP设计流程,可以采用不同的方法进行设计,包括VHDL/Verilog、基于模型的设计和基于C语言的设计。Altera的视频和图像处理套件能够应用于这些设计流程中。Altera和The MathWorks合作开发了全面的DSP开发流程,使设计人员能够充分利用Altera的FPGA的价格/性能优势以及Simulink、The MathWorks基于模型的设计工具等。Altera的DSP Builder是一种DSP开发工具,它结合了Simulink和Altera业界领先的Quartus II开发软件。DSP Builder提供无缝设计流程,设计人员在MATLAB软件中进行算法开发,在Simulink软件中进行系统级设计,然后将设计导入至硬件描述语言 (HDL)文件,供Quartus II软件使用。DSP Builder工具和SOPC Builder工具紧密集成,使用户能够结合Simulink设计和Altera嵌入式处理器以及知识产权内核来构建系统。对于那些在可编程逻辑设计软件上经验还不够的设计人员而言,这种开发流程简单易用,非常直观。视频和图像处理套件。




用户3732739 2016-4-29 18:37


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用户427466 2017-04-27 10:08
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用户427466 2015-04-01 10:57
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用户427466 2015-03-28 23:50
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用户427466 2015-03-24 23:50
今年终于放下了手头的工作 背上背包 来一场说走就走的旅行 在这里让更多的朋友看到 路上的故事 路上的风景 路上的陌生人 川青大环线第七天 (实时状况关注微信) ...
用户427466 2015-03-24 23:40
今年终于放下了手头的工作 背上背包 来一场说走就走的旅行 在这里让更多的朋友看到 路上的故事 路上的风景 路上的陌生人 川青大环线第六天 (实时状况关注微信) ...
用户427466 2015-03-23 11:25
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