从前设计的电路板,使用LM2596 作为电路板稳压芯片,并使用220uF的输入电容,+12V输入电压,打火情况几乎可忽略不计,它引起的电流冲击也不会造成器件的破坏,所以也没有做消除打火的措施。而这块电路板打火现象非常严重,调试工具USB/RS232转换线也跟着不正常。所以增加消除打火的电路就变得非常必要了。
“Precharge of the powerline voltages in a high voltage DC application is a preliminary mode which currentlimits the power source such that a controlled rise time of the system voltage during power up is achieved.”
“When a highvoltage system is designed appropriately to handle the flow of maximum rated power through its distribution system, the components within the system can still undergo considerable stress upon the system ‘power up’. In some applications, the occasion to activate the system is a rare occurrence, such as in commercial utility power distribution which is typically on almost all of the time. Yet in other systems such as in vehicle applications, activation will occur with every individual use of the system. When a long life of the components and a high reliability of the high voltage system is needed, then a powerup method which reduces and limits the powerup stress is required.”
“Inrush currents into capacitive components are a key concern in powerup stress to components.When DC input power is applied to a capacitive load, the step response of the voltage input will cause the input capacitor to charge. The capacitor charging starts with an inrush current and ends with an exponential decay down to the steady state condition. When the magnitude of the inrush peak is very large compared to the maximum rating of the components, then components stress is to be expected. The current into a capacitor is known to be I=(dV/dT): the peak inrush current will depend upon the capacitor C and the rate of change of the voltage (dV/dT). The inrush current will increase as the capacitance value increases, and the inrush current will increase as the voltage of the power source increases. This second parameter is of primary concern in high voltage power distribution systems. By their nature, high voltage power sources will deliver high voltage into distribution system. Capacitive loads will then be subject to high inrush currents upon powerup. The stress to the components must be understood and minimized.”
In-rush电流(浪涌电流)是电容的关键参数。电容充电始于in-rush current,结束于指数级衰退。电容的电流为I=C(dV/dT),因此电容的容值越大,电源电压的上升趋势越大,inrush电流也会越大。
“The functional requirement of the high voltage precharge circuit is to minimize the peak current out from the power source by slowing down the dV/dT of the input power voltage such that a new ‘precharge mode’ is created. Of course the inductive loads on the distribution system must be switched off during the precharge mode. While precharging, the system voltage will rise slowly and controllably with powerup current never exceeding the maximum allowed. As the circuit voltage approached near steady state, then the precharge function is complete. Normal operation of a precharging circuit is to terminate precharge mode when the circuit voltage is 90% or 95% of the operating voltage. Upon completion of precharging, the precharge resistance is switched out of the power supply circuit and returns to a low impedance power source for normal mode. The high voltage load are then powered up sequentially.”
“The simplest inrushcurrent limiting system, used in many consumer electronics devices, is a NTC resistor. When cold, its high resistance allows a small current to precharge the reservoir capacitor. After it warms up, its low resistance more efficiently passed the working current.”
“电源设计中使用NTC热敏电阻型浪涌抑制器,其抑制浪涌电流的能力与普通电阻相当,而在电阻上的功耗则可降低几十到上百倍。对于需要频繁开关的应用场合,电路中必须增加继电器旁路电路以保证NTC热敏电阻能完全冷却恢复到初始状态下的电阻。在产品选型上,要根据最大额定电压和滤波电容值选定产品系列,根据产品允许的最大启动电流值和长时间加载在NTC热敏电阻上的工作电流来选择NTC热敏电阻的阻值,同时要考虑工作环境的温度,适当进行降额设计。 ”