“电源设计中使用NTC热敏电阻型浪涌抑制器,其抑制浪涌电流的能力与普通电阻相当,而在电阻上的功耗则可降低几十到上百倍。对于需要频繁开关的应用场合,电路中必须增加继电器旁路电路以保证NTC热敏电阻能完全冷却恢复到初始状态下的电阻。在产品选型上,要根据最大额定电压和滤波电容值选定产品系列,根据产品允许的最大启动电流值和长时间加载在NTC热敏电阻上的工作电流来选择NTC热敏电阻的阻值,同时要考虑工作环境的温度,适当进行降额设计。 ”
l 最大工作电流 > 电源回路工作电流
l 标称电阻值R ≥ 1.414 * E / Im;E为线路电压,Im为浪涌电流
l 材料常数B值越大,残余电阻越小,温升越小
l 时间常数与耗散系数的乘积越大,热容量越大,抑制浪涌电流的能力也越强
能否不加pre-charge电路,而通过缓慢升高电源电压来避免inrush current呢?当然可以。如果使用直流电源,那缓慢的拧动输出旋钮就行。如果是使用开关电源,那还是算了吧。下图是5V10A的开关电源的输出波形(空载),它可是在10ms内就从0V升到了+5V。
理论分析很麻烦,但是结论通常都很简单。通常确定最大工作电流和标称阻值之后,就能选定NTC的型号。在LM2677的应用中,最大工作电流需要>5A,标称电阻值需要R ≥ (1.414 * 28 / 7) = 5.656Ω。NTC6D-20、NTC8D-20、NTC10D-20都是不错的选择,使用时串在电源线正极上即可。
“ESR - Equivalent Series Resistance, DF - Dissipation Factor, and Q or Quality factor are three important factors in the specification of any capacitor.”
“ESR, DF and Q are all aspects of the performance of a capacitor that will affect its performance in areas such as RF operation.. However ESR, and DF are also particularly important for capacitors operating in power supplies where a high ESR and dissipation factor, DF will result in large amount of power being dissipated in the capacitor.”
“The equivalent series resistance or ESR of a capacitor is particularly important in many applications. One particular area where it is of paramount importance is within power supply design for both switching and linear power supplies.In view of the high levels of current that need to be passed in these applications, the equivalent series resistance, ESR plays a major part in the performance of the circuit as a whole.”
“The ESR of the capacitor is responsible for the energy dissipated as heat and it is directly proportional to the DF. When analyzing a circuit fully, a capacitor should be depicted as its equivalent circuit including the ideal capacitor, but also with its series ESR.”
“Capacitors with high values of ESR will naturally need to dissipate power as heat. For some circuits with only low values of current, this may not be a problem, however in many circuits such as power supply smoothing circuits where current levels are high, the power levels dissipated by the ESR may result in a significant temperature rise.”
“It is found that when the temperature of a capacitor rises, then generally the ESR increases, although in a non-linear fashion. Increasing frequency also has a similar effect.”
“Although the ESR figure of a capacitor is mentioned more often, dissipation factor and loss tangent are also widely used and closely associated with the capacitor ESR.”
“Although dissipation factor and loss tangent are effectively the same, they take slightly different views which are useful when designing different types of circuit. Normally the dissipation factor is used at lower frequencies, whereas the loss tangent is more applicable for high frequency applications.”
除了ESR之外,DF(dissipation factor)和loss tangent也是非常重要的参考。dissipation factor一般使用在低频分析时,loss tangent使用在高频分析时。
“The dissipation factor can be defined as: the value of the tendency of dielectric materials to absorb some of the energy when an AC signal is applied.”
“The loss tangent is defined as: the tangent of the difference of the phase angle between capacitor voltage and capacitor current with respect to the theoretical 90 degree value anticipated, this difference being caused by the dielectric losses within the capacitor. The value δ (Greek letter delta) is also known as the loss angle.”
dissipation factor定义为:当加载AC信号时,电介质材料吸收能量的tendency。而loss tangent的定义为:***(请童鞋们自己翻译~~~~~~)Xc为reactance of the capacitor in ohms.
It is convenient to define the Q or Quality Factor of a capacitor. It is a fundamental expression of the energy losses in a resonant system. Essentially for a capacitor it is the ratio of the energy stored to that dissipated per cycle.
It can further be deduced that the Q can be expressed as the ratio of the capacitive reactance to the ESR at the frequency of interest:
As Q can be measured quite easily, and it provides repeatable measurements, it is an ideal method for quantifying the loss in low loss components.