原创 号外:ITU-T标准开始免费下载

2007-9-11 21:09 7414 8 8 分类: 通信

Geneva, 10 September 2007 - ITU Standards produced by the Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) are now available online without charge. The announcement follows a highly successful trial conducted from January-October 2007, during which some two million ITU-T Recommendations were downloaded throughout the world.

The aim of the trial was to "increase the visibility and easy availability of the output of ITU-T". Offering standards for free is a significant step for the standards community as well as the wider information and communication technologies (ICT) industry. Now, anyone with Internet access will be able to download any of over 3000 ITU-T Recommendations. These are
used by equipment manufacturers, telecommunication network operators and service providers throughout the world to drive the information society. The move further demonstrates ITU's commitment to bridging the digital divide by extending the results of its work to the global community.




用户1867900 2016-1-11 11:23


用户1303485 2008-11-4 16:03

这个冗余确实不小哦。。。10%! 一般多少合适呢?不知道有没有平均水平的说法,我们通常多一点点,比如125MHz需求,设置到128MHz就OK了 找了n久,没找到官方说法。xilinx建议有多少约束多少:) Xilinx recommends that you specify the exact value required for a path, as opposed to over-tightening a specification. Specifying tighter constraints than required is not recommended. Tighter constraints can lengthen PAR runtimes and cause degradation in the quality of results. --from http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~milom/cse372-Spring06/xilinx/cgd.pdf mengyudn

用户42344 2008-3-7 11:11

where can I download the achives?
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