而关于这个主题,SAE对应的有很多比较好的文章,比如2011-01-0866 : Communication Requirements for Plug-In Electric Vehicles,这个地方似乎能下到。
这篇文章,写得主要是面向于V2G的SAE关于充电通信方面的进展,我看到一堆堆的标准(SAE Ground Vehicle Standards Status of work – PHEV +),实在有些顶不住,不过立下目标,这是一定需要仔细去啃掉和了解的。上次IEC的会议之中,直流充电机的相当一部分内容其都是类似的。
这张图是我从Richard A. Scholer的《SAE PEV Communication Task Force Status》之中摘录出来,所谓的通信标准群就是指得是以下这些内容。
这张图需要和以下图结合起来看才能更为清晰的表明通信标准之间的联系,出自Richard先生的《PEV Standards Process and Status》,前面的博文中已经应用过一次了。
Rich Scholer, Product Design Engineer Ford Motors
Rich Scholer has over 40 years of experience in electrical system design. He has worked extensively with heavy- and medium-duty trucks and military wheeled and tracked vehicles, and has designed communication equipment and installations for both ground and airborne vehicles. For the past 17 years Mr. Scholer has designed electric, hybrid, fuel cell and plug-in hybrid vehicles, and the electrical distribution system for all of Ford's fuel cell vehicles (production and demo) and the current plug-in hybrid demo fleet.
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