在《Safety of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)》介绍了UL2231-1中定义的三项内容:
CCID: Charging Circuit Interrupting Device is a device that continuously monitors the current differential between all current carrying conductors in a grounded system and opens the circuit if the differential current exceeds a threshold.
在图中的Test Switch主要为自检使用,以确定CCID可以正常工作。
Ground Monitor/Interrupter: Device that monitors grounding continuity in a charging circuit, opening in the event of a loss of ground, or not closing in the absence of ground.
Isolation Monitor/Interrupter: Device that monitors insulation resistance between ground and isolated circuit and interrupts circuit if resistance drops below a threshold value.
而在《Electrical safety on charging electric vehicles》一文之中,则把这些内容以图示的方式标示出来了