spartan3e的开发板 今天出现了一点问题,然后去网上一搜,发现全都是一些提问和旁观者,没有一个合理的解释,然后我自己去找,通过对文件UG230的分析,知道impact的集中编程时序,以及板子对于跳线的使用,确保了M[2:0] 全是000的时候,发现问题不是出在编程器的上面,中文论坛和网站上基本没有合理的解释,于是我蹭到了Xilinx的官方论坛,人家老美的问题还真是详细啊,所有的输出内容都给了出来,如下所示:
I tried to program the PROM and here is the log-data:
// *** BATCH CMD : Program -p 1 -e -v -loadfpga -u aaaaaaaa -defaultVersion 0
Maximum TCK operating frequency for this device chain: 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'1': Erasing device...
PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.
'1': Erasure completed successfully.
'1': Programming device...
'1': Putting device in ISP mode...done.
'1': Putting device in ISP mode...done.
'1': Verifying device...done.
'1': Verification completed successfully.
'1': Calculated checksum matches expected checksum, 003a8bd84
'1': Putting device in ISP mode...done.
'1': Setting usercode...done.
'1': Putting device in ISP mode...done.
'1': Putting device in ISP mode...done.
'1': Setting user-programmable bits...
'1': Putting device in ISP mode...done.
'1': Starting FPGA Load with Prom Data...INFO:iMPACT:563 - '1':Please ensure proper connections as specified by the data book ...
'1': Programming completed successfully.
'1': Programming completed successfully.
PROGRESS_END - End Operation.
Elapsed time = 14 sec.
What does the red info mean? Could this be my problem or is it just for info? I didnt′t get a warning or error message.
// *** BATCH CMD : ReadStatusRegister -p 2
Maximum TCK operating frequency for this device chain: 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'2': Reading status register contents...
CRC error : 0
Decryptor security set : 0
DCM locked : 1
DCI matched : 1
legacy input error : 0
status of GTS_CFG_B : 0
status of GWE : 0
status of GHIGH : 0
value of MODE pin M0 : 1
value of MODE pin M1 : 1
value of MODE pin M2 : 1
value of CFG_RDY (INIT_B) : 1
DONEIN input from DONE pin : 0
IDCODE not validated while trying to write FDRI : 0
write FDRI issued before or after decrypt operation: 0
Decryptor keys not used in proper sequence : 0
I hope you can get some useful information from the register.
I tried to pulse PROG the FPGA - it worked fine but this is programming the FPGA isn′t it. Programming the FPGA directly always worked.
I put some User Code (aaaaaaaa) into the PROM. The usercode can be verified from the PROM but not from FPGA (ffffffff).
I will have a look at the debug guide, thank you.
Thanks in advance for your help!
通过查询文件 ug332查询master-slaver的工作模式学到很多,
用户377235 2016-2-25 21:15
我也遇到这个问题,用的Xilinx xcf01s PROM配置Virtex-II,采用主串模式配置电路,也出现你一样的情况,能否告知是否也要下载你这个文件?谢谢~~~
用户377235 2015-3-31 08:33
用户563816 2009-8-1 22:18
tengjingshu_112148725 2009-8-1 21:38
tengjingshu_112148725 2009-8-1 21:37