原创 The Tektronix's mixed signal oscilliscope

2008-6-3 10:43 4414 7 10 分类: 测试测量

中文版请见: http://blog.ednchina.com/likee/121785/message.aspx


Oscilloscopes are found in virtually every electronics lab owrldwide . Many would say the oscilloscope is the electronic dessign engineer’s tool of choice. Engineers are confident in the way they operate and trust the results. However, oscilloscopes are limited to typically two  or four analog channels. Engineers are commonly faced with needing  more channels than their oscilloscope offers.

If a engineer wants to look at the input of an A/D converter while monitoring the 8-bit output or wanting to observe the address and data lines of a microprocessor. In both cases, the oscilloscope has an inadequate number of channels to get the job done. Engineers are faced with the decision of hunting around the lab to find a couple more scopes or using a logic analyzer. In either case, measurement complexity is significantly increased.

At this point, the engineer is pondering, “If only my scope had more channels…” Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes are the ideal solution for this measurement challenge. Take the tool engineers already trust and know how to use (the oscilloscope), add 16 digital channels, and you now have the ultimate tool for embedded design. The Tektronix MSO4000 Series drives like a scope, offers both analog and digital channels but without the complexity associated with logic analyzers.

It has the following advantages:


1、    Designed to make your work easier .


The MSO4000 Series is designed with an attention to detail to revolutionize the way you view digital data. An example of this is how digital waveforms are drawn. Color is used to identify the logical state of the digital waveform.

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2、    Use wave inspector to easily find areas of interest in your acquired data.


The MSO4000 Series can acquire up to 10 million points on each of the 2 or 4 analog channels as well as each of the 16 digital channels. While this long record length is extremely valuable for capturing long time windows with high resolution, The MMSO4000s hsve many useful tools for working with all the data.

(1). Zoom/Pan  A dedicated, two-tier front-panel knob provides intuitive control of both zooming and panning.

(2).Play/Pause  A dedicated play/pause button on the front panel makes the MSO automatically scroll the waveform by while you look for anomalies or the event of interest.

(3).User Marks  You can set Mark button on the front panel to leave one or more “bookmarks” on the waveform you are interested in.

(4).Search Marks  The MSO4000 Series features a robust waveform search feature that allows you to search through your long acquisition based on user-defined criteria such as pulse width, logic state, or even parallel and serial bus content.


3、    Parallel bus triggering and analysis.


4、    Serial bus triggering and analysis.


Serial buses such as I2C, SPI, RS-232 and CAN are virtually everywhere in modern embedded systems. These buses are used to communicate between devices, monitor temperature, control fan speed, and initialize

The state of various devices. Debugging system level issues involving one or more serial buses typically takes a long time due to the difficulties in isolating the particular traffic of interest going across the bus and the tedious process of manually decoding messages one bit at a time.

With the MSO4000 Series, you can define the oscilloscope’s inputs to be an I2C, SPI, RS-232, or CAN bus.


5、    View decoded date in an event table.


6、    Display a combination of up to four serial or parallel buses.


7、    Magnivu(TM) provides ultra-fine 60.6 ps timing resolution.


8、    Multi-Channel set-up Hold Triggering .


9、    P6516 Mixed signal oscilloscope probe.


10、              Per channel thresholds enables true mixed signal design.






daiqiumiao_806246054 2008-6-6 21:14


用户124183 2008-6-5 15:37

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daiqiumiao_806246054 2008-6-3 19:24

偶希望大家帮我顶一下英文博客啊! 英语好重要。。。
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