原创 linux下I2C驱动[转]

2007-11-27 14:34 7117 5 5 分类: 汽车电子



Bus    -> Algorithm  算法
               Adapter   适配器
  Device -> Driver
            Client          从机设备




s3c2410处理内部含有I2C控制器,因此可以提供I2C BUS。




当在I2c bus上挂载24c02 eeprom后,可以通过eeprom的驱动提供的/dev/设备节点访问。








Algorithm drivers

i2c-algo-8xx:    An algorithm for CPM's I2C device in Motorola 8xx processors (NOT BUILT BY DEFAULT)
i2c-algo-bit:    A bit-banging algorithm
i2c-algo-pcf:    A PCF 8584 style algorithm
i2c-algo-ppc405: An algorithm for the I2C device in IBM 405xx processors (NOT BUILT BY DEFAULT)











3.1 i<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />2c_algorithm解析<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Algorithm代表了当前I2C adapter的行为特征,必须能够描述adapter的所有传输行为。

struct i2c_algorithm {

       char name[32];             //算法名称

       unsigned int id;        //算法ID


       //master_xfer提供的是i2c_transfer实现部分。更多的I2C adapter工作于I2C总线主机模式。

       int (*master_xfer)(struct i2c_adapter *adap,struct i2c_msg msgs[],

                          int num);

   // smbus_xfer提供i2c_smbus_xfer的实现部分。只有I2C adapter工作于SMBus模式,需要提供。也就是说,I2C adapter必须指定I2C还是SMBus其中的一个。

       int (*smbus_xfer) (struct i2c_adapter *adap, u16 addr,

                          unsigned short flags, char read_write,

                          u8 command, int size, union i2c_smbus_data * data);

       /* 从机模式,通常adapter不会做从机*/

       int (*slave_send)(struct i2c_adapter *,char*,int);

       int (*slave_recv)(struct i2c_adapter *,char*,int);


       /* 类似于ioctl,实现一些设定控制功能 */

       int (*algo_control)(struct i2c_adapter *, unsigned int, unsigned long);


       /* I2C adapter的功能函数,用户自己定义*/

       u32 (*functionality) (struct i2c_adapter *);


基于标准I2C busadapter采用的algorithm必须提供master_xfer以描述总线的行为。


3.2  struct i2c_adapter解析

struct i2c_adapter {

       char name[32];      /* 适配器的名字*/

       unsigned int id;/* == is algo->id | hwdep.struct->id,          */

                     /* for registered values see below         */

       struct i2c_algorithm *algo;/* adapter对应的算法*/

       void *algo_data;        /*使用标准算法时,提供算法需要的特殊函数入口*/


       /* --- These may be NULL, but should increase the module use count */

       void (*inc_use)(struct i2c_adapter *);

       void (*dec_use)(struct i2c_adapter *);


       /* --- administration stuff. */

       int (*client_register)(struct i2c_client *);

       int (*client_unregister)(struct i2c_client *);


       void *data;      /* private data for the adapter                     */

                     /* some data fields that are used by all types */

                     /* these data fields are readonly to the public       */

                     /* and can be set via the i2c_ioctl call   */


                     /* data fields that are valid for all devices     */

       struct semaphore lock; 

       unsigned int flags;/* flags specifying div. data             */


       struct i2c_client *clients[I2C_CLIENT_MAX]; //adapter对应的I2C bus上的client列表

       int client_count;


       int timeout;     //超时时间

       int retries;    //重试次数



       /* No need to set this when you initialize the adapter          */

       int inode;

#endif /* def CONFIG_PROC_FS */




3.3  i2c_driver解析

struct i2c_driver {

       char name[32];  //驱动的名称

       int id;          //驱动的ID

       unsigned int flags;         /* div., see below          */


       /* 寻找当前client对应的adapter是否存在。



       int (*attach_adapter)(struct i2c_adapter *);


       /* tells the driver that a client is about to be deleted & gives it

        * the chance to remove its private data. Also, if the client struct

        * has been dynamically allocated by the driver in the function above,

        * it must be freed here.


       int (*detach_client)(struct i2c_client *);


       /* a ioctl like command that can be used to perform specific functions

        * with the device.


       int (*command)(struct i2c_client *client,unsigned int cmd, void *arg);


       /* These two are mainly used for bookkeeping & dynamic unloading of

        * kernel modules. inc_use tells the driver that a client is being 

        * used by another module & that it should increase its ref. counter.

        * dec_use is the inverse operation.

        * NB: Make sure you have no circular dependencies, or else you get a

        * deadlock when trying to unload the modules.

       * You should use the i2c_{inc,dec}_use_client functions instead of

       * calling this function directly.


       void (*inc_use)(struct i2c_client *client);

       void (*dec_use)(struct i2c_client *client);



3.4  i2c_client解析


 * i2c_client identifies a single device (i.e. chip) that is connected to an

 * i2c bus. The behaviour is defined by the routines of the driver. This

 * function is mainly used for lookup & other admin. functions.


struct i2c_client {

       char name[32];    //client 名字

       int id;            //client ID

       unsigned int flags;         /* div., see below          */

       unsigned int addr;          /* client地址: 7bit        */

                                   /* addresses are stored in the */

                                   /* _LOWER_ 7 bits of this char    */

       /* addr: unsigned int to make lm_sensors i2c-isa adapter work

         more cleanly. It does not take any more memory space, due to

         alignment considerations */

       struct i2c_adapter *adapter;   /* client所在I2C bus对应的adapter   */

       struct i2c_driver *driver;     /* client 使用的驱动     */

       void *data;                    /* for the clients            */

       int usage_count;            /* How many accesses currently  */

                                   /* to the client        */



linux下I2C驱动(四)2007-1-28 9:55:00



2 ==========================

4 This is a summary of the sensor and non-sensor chips supported by this
5 package. It lists the features of each supported chip. For further
6 information on a particular driver, see the documentation in this
7 directory.

9 To determine what chips you have in your system, run 'sensors-detect'.
11 If your sensor chip is not detected by sensors-detect, please contact us
12 (see http://www.lm-sensors.org/wiki/AuthorsAndContributors). Only contact us
13 if you know for sure that your system includes a sensor chip (for
14 example if you have technical documentation mentioning it, or if the
15 BIOS setup screen presents monitoring values, or if you can get
16 hardware monitoring to work using a different OS). Do *not* contact us
17 if you have no proof that your system includes sensors. Such systems
18 tend to be rare these days, but do still exist. This is especially true
19 of laptops. If there are no sensors, there's nothing we can do.
21 If you contact us, please include the following in your mail:
22  - The output of (as root) 'sensors-detect'. Make sure you unloaded
23    every chip driver beforehand (check that the sensors-detect script
24    does not complain that it couldn't probe some I2C addresses on any
25    given bus).
26  - Dumps of the chips that might be hardware monitoring chips. To get
27    these, follow the following steps:
28    1* Run 'i2cdetect -l'. This will list all available I2C (or SMBus)
29       busses on your system.
30    2* For each bus listed, run (as root) 'i2cdetect N' where N is the
31       bus number.
32    3* For each bus, if there is anything in the ranges 0x20-0x2f or
33       0x48-0x4f, dump the contents of that chip with (as root)
34       'i2cdump N 0xXX', where N is the bus number and XX is the
35       responsive address. Chips in other address ranges are way less
36       likely to be hardware monitoring chips. In particular, do not
37       send dumps of addresses 0x08, 0x0c, 0x10, 0x30-0x37, 0x42, 0x44,
38       0x50-0x5f, 0x61 and 0x69. These are *not* hadware monitoring
39       chips.
40  - The part numbers of the chips on your motherboard you think are the
41    sensor chips.
43 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 ----------------------
48                         Included Sensors        Controls Busses
49                         ----------------------  -------  -----------
50 Driver  Chips           #temp   #vin    #fanin  pwm/dac I2C     ISA
51 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
52 adm1021
53         adm1021         2       -       -       -       yes     no
54         adm1021a        2       -       -       -       yes     no
55         adm1023         2       -       -       -       yes     no
56         gl523sm         2       -       -       -       yes     no
57         lm84            2       -       -       -       yes     no
58         max1617         2       -       -       -       yes     no
59         max1617a        2       -       -       -       yes     no
60         tc1068          2       -       -       -       yes     no
61         tcm1617         2       -       -       -       yes     no
62         thmc10          2       -       -       -       yes     no
63         mc1066          2       -       -       -       yes     no
64           (xeon - no detection - requires force_adm1021 parameter)
65         xeon            1       -       -       -       yes     no
66           (the following chips are detected as a max1617)
67         ne1617          2       -       -       -       yes     no
68         ne1617a         2       -       -       -       yes     no
70 adm1024
71         adm1024         3       6       -       1 dac   yes     no
73 adm1025
74         adm1025         2       6       -       -       yes     no
75         ne1619          2       6       -       -       yes     no
77 adm1026
78         adm1026         3       17      8       2 pwm+dac yes   no
80 adm1031
81         adm1030         2       -       1       1 pwm   yes     no
82         adm1031         3       -       2       2 pwm   yes     no
84 adm9240
85         adm9240         1       6       2       1 dac   yes     no
86         ds1780          1       6       2       1 dac   yes     no
87         lm81            1       6       2       1 dac   yes     no
89 asb100
90         asb100          4       7       3       1       yes     no
92 bmcsensors
93         bmcsensors      ?       ?       ?       -       no      no
95 ds1621
96         ds1621          1       -       -       -       yes     no
97           (the following chip is detected as a ds1621)
98         ds1625          1       -       -       -       yes     no
100 f71805f
101         f71805f         9       3       3       -       no      yes
103 fscher
104         fscher          3       3       3       -       yes     no
106 fscpos
107         fscpos          3       3       3       -       yes     no
109 fscscy
110         fscscy          4       3       6       -       yes     no
112 gl518sm
113         gl518sm (r00)   1       1-4     2       -       yes     no
114         gl518sm (r80)   1       4       2       -       yes     no
116 gl520sm
117         gl520sm         1-2     4-5     2       -       yes     no
119 it87
120         it8712          3       8       3       3 pwm   yes     yes
121         (the following are reported as an "it87")
122         it8705          3       8       3       3 pwm   yes     yes
123         sis950          3       8       3       3 pwm   yes     yes
125 lm63
126         lm63            2       -       1       1 pwm   yes     no
128 lm75
129         lm75            1       -       -       -       yes     no
130           (the following chips are detected as an lm75)
131         ds75            1       -       -       -       yes     no
132         ds1775          1       -       -       -       yes     no
133         max6625         1       -       -       -       yes     no
134         max6626         1       -       -       -       yes     no
135         tcn75           1       -       -       -       yes     no
137 lm78
138         lm78            1       7       3       -       yes     yes
139         lm78-j          1       7       3       -       yes     yes
140         lm79            1       7       3       -       yes     yes
142 lm80
143         lm80            1       7       2       -       yes     no
145 lm83
146         lm83            4       -       -       -       yes     no
147         lm82            2       -       -       -       yes     no
149 lm85
150         lm85            3       5       4       3 pwm   yes     no
151         adm1027         3       5       4       3 pwm   yes     no
152         adt7463         3       5       4       3 pwm   yes     no
153         emc6d100        3       8       4       3 pwm   yes     no
154         (emc6d101 is reported as emc6d100)
155         emc6d101        3       8       4       3 pwm   yes     no
156         emc6d102        3       8       4       3 pwm   yes     no
158 lm87
159         lm87            2-3     6-8     0-2     1 pwm   yes     no
161 lm90
162         lm90            2       -       -       -       yes     no
163         lm99            2       -       -       -       yes     no
164         lm86            2       -       -       -       yes     no
165         adm1032         2       -       -       -       yes     no
166         max6657         2       -       -       -       yes     no
167         (lm89 is detected as an lm99)
168         lm89            2       -       -       -       yes     no
169         (max6658 and max6659 are detected as a max6657)
170         max6658         2       -       -       -       yes     no
171         max6659         2       -       -       -       yes     no
172         (adt7461 only works in ADM1032 compatibility mode)
173         adt7461         2       -       -       -       yes     no
175 lm92
176         (all are reported as an "lm92")
177         lm92            1       -       -       -       yes     no
178         max6633         1       -       -       -       yes     no
179         max6634         1       -       -       -       yes     no
180         max6635         1       -       -       -       yes     no
181         (lm76 needs force parameter)
182         lm76            1       -       -       -       yes     no
184 max1619
185         max1619         2       -       -       -       yes     no
187 max6650
188         (all are reported as a "max6650")
189         max6650         -       -       1       1 pwm   yes     no
190         max6651         -       -       4       1 pwm   yes     no
192 maxilife
193         maxilife-as     5       4       3       -       yes     no
194         maxilife-co     5       4       3       -       yes     no
195         maxilife-cg     5       4       3       -       yes     no
197 mtp008
198         mtp008          3       7       3       3 pwm   yes     no
200 pc87360
201         pc87360         -       -       2       2 pwm   no      yes (LPC)
202         pc87363         -       -       2       2 pwm   no      yes (LPC)
203         pc87364         -       -       3       3 pwm   no      yes (LPC)
204         pc87365         2       11      3       3 pwm   no      yes (LPC)
205         pc87366         3-4     11      3       3 pwm   no      yes (LPC)
207 sis5595
208         sis5595         0-1     4-5     2       -       no      yes
210 smartbatt
211         smartbatt       1       1       -       -       yes     no
213 smsc47m1
214         (all are reported as a "smsc47m1")
215         smsc47b27x      -       -       2       2       no      yes (LPC)
216         smsc47m10x      -       -       2       2       no      yes (LPC)
217         smsc47m112      -       -       2       2       no      yes (LPC)
218         smsc47m13x      -       -       2       2       no      yes (LPC)
219         smsc47m14x      -       -       2       2       no      yes (LPC)
220         smsc47m15x      -       -       2       2       no      yes (LPC)
221         smsc47m192      -       -       2       2       no      yes (LPC)
222         smsc47m997      -       -       2       2       no      yes (LPC)
224 thmc50
225         adm1022         3       2       -       1 dac   yes     no
226         thmc50          3       2       -       1 dac   yes     no
228 via686a
229         via686a         3       5       2       -       no      yes
230         vt8231          3       5       2       -       no      yes
232 vt1211
233         vt1211          2-7     1-6     2       2       no      yes (LPC)
235 vt8231
236         vt8231          2-7     2-7     2       2       no      yes
238 w83627hf
239         w83627hf        3       9       3       2 pwm   no      yes (LPC)
240         w83627thf       3       7       3       3 dac   no      yes (LPC)
241         w83637hf        3       7       2       3 pwm   no      yes (LPC)
242         w83687thf       3       7       3       3 pw/da no      yes (LPC)
243         w83697hf        2       8       2       2 pwm   no      yes (LPC)
245 w83781d
246         as99127f        3       7       3       -       yes     no
247         w83781d         3       7       3       -       yes     yes
248         w83782d         3       9       3       2-4 pwm yes     yes
249         w83783s         1-2     5-6     3       2 pwm   yes     no
250         w83791d         3       10      5       5 pwm   yes     no
251         w83627hf        3       9       3       2 pwm   yes     yes (LPC)
253 w83l785ts
254         w83l785ts       1       -       -       -       yes     no
256 w83792d
257         w83792d         3       9       7       3 pwm   yes     no
259 xeontemp
260         xeontemp        1       -       -       -       yes     no
265 --------------------------
267 Driver  Chips
268 ------  -----
270 bmcsensors
271         An interface to an IPMI BMC (Baseboard management controller)
273 bt869
274         bt869 video modulator chip
276 ddcmon
277         DDC-compliant monitor integrated eeproms - reads locations only
279 ds1307
280         real-time clock
282 eeprom
283         Memory SPD (serial presence detect) eeproms - reads locations only
284         Xeon scratch eeproms - reads locations only
286 ltc1710
287         ltc1710 two switches only
289 matorb
290         Matrix Orbital LCD displays
292 pca9540
293         2-channel I2C multiplexer
295 pcf8574 & pcf8574a
296         Simple eight-bit parallel I/O
298 pcf8591
299         Quad A/D + one D/A
301 saa1064
302         4-digit LED-driver
304 smbus-arp
305         An SMBus 2.0 ARP client
308 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
311 ---------------
313 Many SMBus chips have a company ID at location 0x3E or 0xFE.
315 Here is a partial list.
316 This may help identify a chip after doing a 'i2cdump [bus] [address]'.
318 0x00    National (on LM84)
319 0x01    National
320 0x12C3  Asus (at 0x4F)
321 0x1934  Fintek (at 0x5D-0x5E)
322 0x23    Analog Devices
323 0x41    Analog Devices (also at 0x16)
324 0x49    TI
325 0x4D    Maxim
326 0x54    On Semi
327 0x54    Microchip (at 0x7)
328 0x5C    SMSC
329 0x5D    SMSC
330 0x55    SMSC
331 0x5CA3  Winbond (at 0x4F)
332 0x61    Andigilog
333 0x90    ITE (at 0x58)
334 0xA1    Philips (at 0x05 too)
335 0xA3    Winbond (at 0x4F)
336 0xAC    Myson (at 0x58)
337 0xC3    Asus (at 0x4F)
338 0xDA    Dallas
340 [A-Z]{3} at 0x00-0x02: Fujitsu-Siemens
343 ------------------
344 Copyright (c) 2001-2005 The lm_sensors group



1 These are the steps you should follow to write a new driver and
2 submit it to us so that it will be applied cleanly to our package.
3 See at the bottom for adding new chip support to an existing driver.

5 Don't be intimidated by the list, it's just here so we don't
6 forget anything.
7 We are more than happy to help you with any part of the process.

9 There are two types of drivers, chip and bus.
10 Steps which apply to only one type of driver are noted.
12 These instructions are for 2.4-kernel-compatible drivers.
13 If you wish to write a driver for 2.6 only, not all of the following
14 steps apply.
16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
18 * Check our "New Drivers" page for status!!
20 * Contact us.
21   You are of course free to write your own drivers, but it is smart to
22   check first nobody else is already working on it, in case the
23   New Drivers page is out of date.
24   Tell us it's OK to put your name on the "New Drivers" page.
26 * Consider subscribing to the mailing list.
28 * Check out our latest code from SVN.
29   You should use this as a base for your development.
30   See instructions on our download page.
32 * Write the new driver.
33   If you write a driver for a device that is similar to one we already
34   support, use the other device driver as a template. If you don't know
35   which one to use, either ask us or use the following defaults.
36   For a chip driver, use lm78.c as template. For an SMBus-only adapter, 
37   use i2c-piix4.c. Use i2c-via.c for an I2C-level adapter ('bit banger').
38   Usually, we make all prefixes start with the driver name. This is not
39   really necessary, as these symbols will not be exported anyway. But by
40   doing this, you are sure you do not shadow any global kernel names.
42 * A quick note about conversions. The conversions which are specified
43   in the sensor chip datasheet and which *cannot* vary from one board to
44   the next are performed by the driver. If other conversions are
45   necessary, they are performed in user-space.
47 * Meet Kernel coding standards.  良好的内核编码规则
48   See Documentation/CodingStyle in the kernel source.
49   Be sure and use 8 column tabs.
50   Also, please do not use // comments.
51   Also, please do not go past column 80.
52   Also, please use C99 struct initializers {.foo = blat}
53   Please do this _before_ you check in your driver.
55 * Meet /proc naming standards in the ctl_table (for chip drivers only).
56   See doc/developers/proc for information. Please do not deviate from
57   this without discussion.
59 * Add the driver to the Module.mk (the makefile).
60   Usually, you can just add it to KERNEL{CHIPS,DRIVERS}TARGETS in the
61   Module.mk file in the directory itself. Put it at the beginning,
62   where the comment says to put drivers NOT included in mkpatch.
64 * Make sure it compiles cleanly.
65   Check compilation with 'make DEBUG="1"' if you use debugging
66   information. Remember, things put between #ifdef DEBUG #endif may never
67   stop the driver from functioning; they should just output additional
68   information.
70 * Check for external symbols.
71   'nm --extern --defined' should only output symbols starting with __module,
72   cleanup_module, init_module and some kernel versioning symbols. Mark all
73   other symbols as static in your source file.
75 * Test the module.
76   Test with a recent 2.4 kernel.
77   For bus drivers, use i2cdetect and i2cdump. For i2cdump, test all supported
78   bus access modes (see i2cdump man page).
79   For chip drivers, cat all files in applicable /proc or /sys directory
80   and check for problems. Write all supported settings.
81   Check ALARM indications.
83 * Add detection information to prog/detect/sensors-detect.
84   This is a perl script that automatically detects what chips and adapters
85   are present. Contact us if you need help.
87 * Add chip information to lib/chips.{c,h} (for chip drivers only).
88   Until you have done this, the chip will be invisible for user-level
89   programs which use libsensors. Use standard names in lib/chips.c;
90   see also the comments in etc/sensors.conf.eg for help.
91   Contact us if you need more assistance.
93 * Be sure that SYSCTL and ALARM definitions in the driver are bracketed
94   by the special comments so that the kernel/include/sensors.h
95   file, which is generated automatically, contains your definitions.
96   (for chip drivers only)
98 * Add a procedure to prog/sensors/chips.[ch] (for chip drivers only).
99   This is a function specific for your driver that
100   makes the included 'sensors' program pretty-print your chip information.
102 * Add an line for the procedure in the matches[] table in
103   prog/sensors/main.c (for chip drivers only).
104   This tells sensors to call your new procedure when the chip name matches.
106 * Add entries to etc/sensors.conf.eg (for chip drivers only).
107   If needed, you can set defaults here.
109 * Test the userspace apps (sensors-detect and sensors).
110   Test setting limits with sensors -s.
112 * Add the name of the device to the README file.
114 * Add your name to the CONTRIBUTORS file.
116 * Add entries to the CHANGES file. Please keep in alphabetical order.
118 * Write a doc/chips/xxx or doc/busses/xxx file.
120 * Add entry to doc/chips/SUMMARY (for chip drivers only).
122 * Clearly specify licensing and copyright.
123   Make sure the GPL boilerplate and your name
124   (or if applicable your company's name) is at the top of the
125   new driver so we know you are giving it to us under the GPL.
127 * Submit the changes to us.
128   Do a 'svn update' to get in sync (things will have changed since
129   you started), then submit the changes to us as a patch against SVN.
131 * If you want to have your driver integrated to Linux 2.6, you have to
132   port your driver to the new sysfs interface. Once done and preferably
133   after testing, submit a patch to our mailing list: see
134   http://www.lm-sensors.org/wiki/AuthorsAndContributors
135   Make sure to check the current status for your driver first:
136   http://www.lm-sensors.org/wiki/Kernel2.6
137   http://www.lm-sensors.org/wiki/Devices
139 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
140 Checklist for us to do on the webpage:
142 * Add entry to 'supported drivers' page
144 * Update entry on 'new drivers' page
146 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
147 Checklist for mkpatch support, after the driver is tested and stable:
149 * Add .c file to mkpatch/FILES.
151 * Add makefile entry in mkpatch/mkpatch.pl (2 places - old and new formats).
152   (don't bother with old format, obsolete)
154 * Add config help to mkpatch/mkpatch.pl.
156 * Add config entry to mkpatch/Config.in (chip drivers only)
158 * Add config entry in mkpatch/mkpatch.pl (bus drivers only)
160 * Move .o reference in kernel/[chips,busses]/Module.mk
161   from first to second section.
164 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
165 Checklist for _adding_ support for a chip to an _existing_ driver:
167 * Make the changes to the driver itself.
169 * Add detection information to prog/detect/sensors-detect.
171 * Add a strncmp() call for the new prefix in prog/sensors/main.c
172   (chip drivers only).
174 * Add entries for the new prefix to etc/sensors.conf.eg (chip drivers only).
176 * Update config help in mkpatch/mkpatch.pl.
178 * Update config entry in mkpatch/Config.in (chip drivers only)
180 * Update config entry in mkpatch/mkpatch.pl (bus drivers only)
182 * Update doc/[chips,busses]/xxx file
184 * Update doc/chips/SUMMARY file (chip drivers only)
186 * Update list in README
188 * Submit the changes as a patch or check them in
190 * Update entry on 'new drivers' page


linux下I2C驱动(六)2007-1-28 10:12:00

I2C驱动的一个典型应用,读取DDR RAM上的EEPROM。

Memory Serial Presence Detect Decoder

   By Philip Edelbrock, Christian Zuckschwerdt, Burkart Lingner,
   Jean Delvare and others
   Version 2.10.1
   Decoding EEPROM: /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/eeprom/1-0050

   Guessing DIMM is in                bank 1
                SPD EEPROM Information
   EEPROM Checksum of bytes 0-62      OK (0x98)
   # of bytes written to SDRAM EEPROM 128
   Total number of bytes in EEPROM    256
   Fundamental Memory type            DDR SDRAM
   SPD Revision                       0.0
                Memory Characteristics
   Maximum module speed               400MHz (PC3200)
   Size                               512 MB
   tCL-tRCD-tRP-tRAS                  2.5-3-3-8
   Supported CAS Latencies            2.5, 2
   Supported CS Latencies             0
   Supported WE Latencies             1
   Minimum Cycle Time (CAS 2.5)       5 ns
   Maximum Access Time (CAS 2.5)      0.6 ns
   Minimum Cycle Time (CAS 2)         6 ns
   Maximum Access Time (CAS 2)        0.7 ns
               Manufacturing Information
   Manufacturer                       Kingston
   Manufacturing Location Code        0x01
   Part Number                        K
   Manufacturing Date                 0x050A
   Assembly Serial Number             0x1A197C54

   Decoding EEPROM: /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/eeprom/1-0051

   Guessing DIMM is in                bank 2
                  SPD EEPROM Information
   EEPROM Checksum of bytes 0-62      OK (0x26)
   # of bytes written to SDRAM EEPROM 128
   Total number of bytes in EEPROM    256
   Fundamental Memory type            DDR SDRAM
   SPD Revision                       1.0
                  Memory Characteristics
   Maximum module speed               333MHz (PC2700)
   Size                               256 MB
   tCL-tRCD-tRP-tRAS                  2.5-3-3-7
   Supported CAS Latencies            2.5, 2
   Supported CS Latencies             0
   Supported WE Latencies             1
   Minimum Cycle Time (CAS 2.5)       6 ns
   Maximum Access Time (CAS 2.5)      0.7 ns
   Minimum Cycle Time (CAS 2)         7.5 ns
   Maximum Access Time (CAS 2)        0.7 ns
                Manufacturing Information
   Manufacturer                       Samsung
   Manufacturing Location Code        0x02
   Part Number                        M3 68L3223ETN-CB3
   Revision Code                      0x4E45
   Manufacturing Date                 2005-W30
   Assembly Serial Number             0xF4040DCD

   Number of SDRAM DIMMs detected and decoded: 2

linux下I2C驱动(七)2007-1-28 10:15:00


This is a design for version 2 of our smbus and lm_sensors module. This
2 document is Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 by Frodo Looijaard. You may freely copy and
3 distribute it, as long as you recognize me as the author, and mark any
4 changes you make as being your own, and distribute this notice with it.

6 Document version 1.0, 19981101.
7                  1.1, 19981111.
8                  1.2, 19981118.
9                  1.3, 19981126.
14 Object oriented approach
15 ========================
17 The i2c module structs contain callback functions and data fields. In the
18 i2c module, these structures are only referenced by pointers. This makes
19 it easy to extend these structs to contain additional information or
20 callback functions. For those familiar with object oriented languages,
21 you can see the smbus and isa structures as an object extension of the i2c
22 structures.
24 To make this clearer, I will show in an example how this is done. Note
25 that I have simplified some things here, so this example does not 
26 correspond to an actual struct found in one of the modules.
28 In the i2c module, you can find a struct somewhat like this:
30 struct i2c_adapter {
31   char name[32];
32   int (*detach_client) (struct i2c_client *);
33   struct i2c_adapter *next;
34 }
36 We have a plain data field (name), a call-back function which needs one
37 parameter (a pointer to a i2c_client struct), and a data field which is
38 a pointer to the next adapter.
40 Now we want to extend this structure. We need another data field,
41 containing a number of flags. We will call this new structure smbus_adapter.
42 A few other things change too:
44 struct smbus_adapter {
45   char name[32];
46   int (*detach_client) (struct smbus_client *);
47   struct smbus_adapter *next;
48   unsigned int flags;
49 }
51 So we copy all existing fields. The next field still points to the next
52 adapter - but it is now of type smbus_adapter, not i2c_adapter. And the
53 call-back function takes now a parameter of type pointer to smbus_client.
54 And there is a new data field, called flags.
56 Now examine this function definition:
58 int fully_detach_i2c_client (struct i2c_client * client)
59 {
60   res = 0;
61   struct i2c_adapter *current_adapter = first_adapter; /* a global var. */
62   while (current_adapter) {
63     res |= (current_adapter -> detach_client) (client);
64     current_adapter = current_adapter -> next;
65   }
66   return res;
67 }
69 This function detaches a client from all adapters. Nice. But now comes the
70 Big Trick(tm): we can still use this function for smbus_adapters!
72 int fully_detach_smbus_client (struct smbus_client * client)
73 {
74   return fully_detach_i2c_client( (struct i2c_client *) client);
75 }
77 All we needed here was a simple typecast. Datapointers remain datapointers,
78 so this can safely be done. And because we use call-back functions, the
79 actual function called to detach a client from a single adapter might
80 be the same, or different, depending on what function was put in 
81 client->detach_client!
83 It gets even better. The i2c module stores internally all registered
84 adapters. But it stores pointers to the i2c_adapter struct, not the
85 structs themselves! So there is an array:
87 #define I2C_ADAPTER_MAX 32
88 struct i2c_adapter *adapters[I2C_ADAPTER_MAX];
89 /* this is an array of pointers to structs, not vice versa! */
91 So, an element of this array might in fact point to a smbus_adapter, instead
92 of an i2c_adapter! If you know this for sure, you might use a typecast and
93 access the additional fields. In the meantime, the i2c internal 
94 administration remains valid.
96 We have to thank Simon Vogl and Gerd Knorr for the way they implemented
97 their i2c module. Any other way would have made this approach impossible,
98 and basing anything upon their module much more difficult.
100 Limitations
101 -----------
103 Extending the adapter and algorithm structures in this way is quite safe.
104 They are only allocated on places where the code knows that they are
105 'special'. Extending the driver or client structures depending on a
106 specific adapter/algorithm type is *very* *dangerous*. A driver/client
107 module would need to be aware of every special adapter/algorithm in
108 order to allocate itself! For the ISA bus, it has to be aware of this
109 anyway, so it is safe to do; on other places, think twice first!
112 Module overview
113 ===============
115 All in all, lots of modules will be stacked on each other. Too bad, but
116 that is the only way to cleanly implement everything. Note that in a
117 specific situation, only a few modules may need to be loaded. isa.o,
118 for example, does not depend on smbus.o (in the sense that you can load
119 sensor.o without loading smbus.o). A specific bus driver, though, will
120 depend on many of them.
122 Generally:
123   isa.o depends on nothing (actually, on i2c.o, to keep the code small)
124   smbus.o depends on nothing (actually, on i2c.o, to keep the code small)
125   i2c.o depends on nothing.
127   A non-i2c SMBus bus driver depends only on smbus.o
128   A i2c bus driver depends only on i2c.o
130   A sensor chip driver depends either on isa.o or smbus.o, or both.
131   A SMBus chip driver depends only on smbus.o
132   A I2C chip driver depends only on i2c.o
134 We may need a sensor.o module, to act as a central point for sensor
135 modules. At this moment, it seems not really necessary, but this may
136 change.
138 We will need an enhanced i2c-dev.o module, to add SMBus access to I2C
139 /dev entries.
142 isa.o
143 ISA bus handling.
144 Encapsulates ISA bus access within the i2c structures.
145 Unites I2C adapters and the ISA bus.
146 Defines variables isa_algorithm and isa_adapter.
148 smbus.o
149 Main SMBus handling.
150 Encapsulates SMBus access within the smbus structures.
151 Unites I2C adapters and SMBus hosts (like the PIIX4).
152 Emulates SMBus access on pure I2C adapters.
153 Defines variable smbus_algorithm.
155   piix4.o
156   SMBus adapter driver for the PIIX4 SMBus host.
157   Defines variable piix4_adapter (based on smbus_algorithm).
159   FOO.o
160   Adapter driver for FOO SMBus host
161   Defines variable FOO_adapter (based on smbus_algorithm).
163 i2c-core.o (From Simon Vogl)
164 Main i2c handling.
166   ????.o
167   I2C adapter driver
168   Implementing a class of I2C busses
171 A chip driver (typically defined in its own module) can be hooked on all
172 these levels:
173   * If it is a sensor chip, it should be hooked to isa.o or smbus.o
174   * A pure ISA chip should be hooked to isa.o
175   * A pure SMBus chip should be hooked to smbus.o
176   * An I2C chip should be hooked to i2c.o
177 It can be difficult to decide whether a specific chip should be hooked to
178 smbus.o or i2c.o. A good deciding question is, 'could it be connected to
179 a PIIX4?'
182 Module i2c.o
183 ============
185 This is Simon Vogl's i2c module (this one is different from the i2c module
186 included in kernels around 2.1.120!). 
188 A driver
189 --------
191 struct i2c_driver {
192   char name[32];
193   int id;
194   unsigned int flags;
195   int (* attach_adapter) (struct i2c_adapter *);
196   int (* detach_client) (struct i2c_client *);
197   int (* command) (struct i2c_client *, unsigned int cmd, void *arg);
198   void (* inc_use) (struct i2c_client *);
199   void (* dec_use) (struct i2c_client *);
200 }
202 A driver tells us how we should handle a specific type of i2c chip. An
203 instance of such a chip is called a 'client'. An example would be the LM75
204 module: it would contain only one driver, which tells us how to handle the
205 LM75; but each detected LM75 would be a separate client (which would be
206 dynamically allocated).
209 A description of the above struct:
210   name: The name of this driver
211   id: A unique driver identifier
212   flags: Flags to set certain kinds of behaviour. Most notably, DF_NOTIFY
213     will notify the driver when a new i2c bus is detected, so it can
214     try to detect chips on it.
215   attach_adapter: A call-back function which is called if a new adapter (bus)
216     is found. This allows us to do our detection stuff on the new adapter,
217     and register new clients.
218   detach_client: A call-back function which is called if a specific client
219     which uses this driver should be disallocated. If a specific sensor module
220     is removed, for instance, this function would be called for each registered
221     client.
222   command: A generic call-back function to communicate in a driver-dependent
223     way with a specific client. This should only be seldom needed.
224   inc_use: Can be called to add one to an internal 'use' counter. This can be
225     used to control when it is safe to remove this module, for example.
228 A client
229 --------
231 struct i2c_client {
232   char name[32];
233   int id;
234   unsigned int flags;
235   unsigned char addr;
236   struct i2c_adapter *adapter;
237   struct i2c_driver *driver;
238   void *data;
239 }
241 A client is a specific sensor chip. Its operation is controlled by a driver
242 (which describes a type of sensor chip), and it is connected to an adapter
243 (a bus).
245 A description of the above struct:
246   name: The name of this client
247   id: A unique client id
248   flags: Flags to set certain kinds of behaviour (not very important)
249   addr: The client address. 10-bit addresses are a bit of a kludge right now.
250   adapter: A pointer to the adapter this client is on.
251   driver: A pointer to the driver this client uses.
252   data: Additional, client-dependent data
255 An algorithm
256 ------------
258 struct i2c_algorithm {
259   char name[32];
260   unsigned int id;
261   int (* master_xfer) (struct i2c_adapter *adap, struct i2c_msg msgs[],
262                        int num);
263   int (* slave_send) (struct i2c_adapter *,char *, int);
264   int (* slave_recv) (struct i2c_adapter *,char *, int);
265   int (* algo_control) (struct i2c_adapter *, unsigned int, unsigned long);
266   int (* client_register) (struct i2c_client *);
267   int (* client_unregister) (struct i2c_client *);
268 }
270 An algorithm describes how a certain class of i2c busses can be accessed.
272 A description of the above struct:
273   name: The name of this algorithm
274   id: A unique algorithm id
275   master_xfer: Transfer a bunch of messages through a specific i2c bus.
276   slave_send: Send a message as if we are a slave device
277   slave_recv: Receive a message as if we are a slave device
278   client_register: Register a new client
279   client_unregister: Unregister a client
282 An adapter
283 ----------
285 struct i2c_adapter {
286   char name[32];
287   unsigned int id;
288   struct i2c_algorithm *algo;
289   void *data;
290 #ifdef SPINLOCK
291   spinlock_t lock;
292   unsigned long lockflags;
293 #else
294   struct semaphore lock;
295 #endif
296   unsigned int flags;
297   struct i2c_client *clients[I2C_CLIENT_MAX];
298   int client_count;
299   int timeout;
300   int retries;
301 }
303 An adapter is a specific i2c bus. How to access it is defined in the
304 algorithm associated with it.
306 A description of the above struct:
307   name: The name of this adapter
308   id: A unique adapter id
309   algo: The algorithm through which this bus must be accessed
310   data: Adapter specific data
311   lock, lockflags: To lock out simultaneous adapter access
312   flags: Modifiers for adapter operation
313   clients: All currently connected clients
314   client_count: The number of currently connected clients
315   timeout, retries: Internal variables (unimportant here).
318 Access functions
319 ----------------
321 All these functions are defined extern.
323 int i2c_master_send(struct i2c_client *,const char *, int);
324 int i2c_master_recv(struct i2c_client *,char *, int);
325 int i2c_transfer(struct i2c_adapter *,struct i2c_msg [], int num);
327 These function respectively send one message to a client, receive one message
328 from a client, or transmit a bunch of messages. struct i2c_msg contains
329 an i2c address to communicate with, and can both read from and write to this
330 address.
333 int i2c_slave_send(struct i2c_client *, char *, int);
334 int i2c_slave_recv(struct i2c_client *, char *, int);
336 Communicate with another master as if the normal master is a common slave 
337 device.
340 Administration functions
341 ------------------------
343 int i2c_add_algorithm(struct i2c_algorithm *);
344 int i2c_del_algorithm(struct i2c_algorithm *);
346 The i2c_{add,del}_algorithm functions must be called whenever a new module
347 is inserted with this driver in it, by the module initialization function.
350 int i2c_add_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *);
351 int i2c_del_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *);
353 The i2c_{add,del}_adapter functions must be called if you have detected
354 a specific bus. It triggers driver->attach_adapter (add, for each driver
355 present) or driver->detach_client (del, for each registered client on
356 this adapter).
359 int i2c_add_driver(struct i2c_driver *);
360 int i2c_del_driver(struct i2c_driver *);
362 The i2c_{add,del}_driver functions must be called whenever a new module is
363 inserted with a chip driver in it, by the module initialization function.
366 int i2c_attach_client(struct i2c_client *);
367 int i2c_detach_client(struct i2c_client *);
369 The i2c_{attach,detach}_client functions must be called if you have detected
370 a single chip.
373 Module smbus.o
374 ==============
376 This module offers support for SMBus operation. An SMBus adapter can either
377 accept SMBus commands (like the PIIX4), or be in fact an I2C driver. In
378 the last case, all SMBus commands will be expressed through I2C primitives.
379 This means that any I2C adapter driver will automatically be a SMBus
380 driver.
382 At this point, it should be noted that there can only be one System
383 Management Bus in a given system (is this really true, by the way?). This
384 means there must be some way of selecting which of the many possible adapters
385 is in fact *the* SMBus. For now, I will ignore this problem. Later on,
386 we can add a hook somewhere in the i2c module to help us decide this.
388 This module consists in fact of three separate parts: first of all, it extends
389 all i2c structs to accomodate the new smbus fields. Second, it defines a
390 new algorithm (smbus_algorithm), that will be used by all non-i2c adapters.
391 Finally, it implements a new access function that sends or receives SMBus
392 commands; these are either translated into I2C commands or sent to the
393 SMBus driver.
396 A driver, client and algorithm
397 ------------------------------
399 We will not need to extend i2c_driver, i2c_client or i2c_adapter. This means
400 that struct smbus_driver is exactly the same as struct i2c_driver, and 
401 struct smbus_client is the same as struct i2c_client, and smbus_adapter is
402 the same as struct i2c_adapter. We *will* define the smbus_* variants, and
403 use them within this module, so it should be easy to extend them after all.
405 Note that at this moment, 10 bit SMBus addresses seem to be only
406 partially supported by the i2c module. We will ignore this issue for
407 now.
410 An adapter
411 ------------
413 struct smbus_adapter {
414   char name[32];
415   unsigned int id;
416   struct smbus_algorithm *algo;
417   void *data;
418 #ifdef SPINLOCK
419   spinlock_t lock;
420   unsigned long lockflags;
421 #else
422   struct semaphore lock;
423 #endif
424   unsigned int flags;
425   struct smbus_client *clients[I2C_CLIENT_MAX];
426   int client_count;
427   int timeout;
428   int retries;
430   /* Here ended i2c_adapter */
431   s32 (* smbus_access) (__u8 addr, char read_write,
432                         __u8 command, int size, union smbus_data * data);
433 }
435 A description of the above struct:
436   smbus_access: A function to access the SMBus. It is only used for non-i2c
437       smbus adapters.
440 Access functions
441 ----------------
443 All these functions are defined extern.
445 The i2c access function should not be used within SMBus chip drivers, as 
446 they might not be defined (for the PIIX4, for example). Instead, use the
447 following general access function, or one of the easier functions based
448 on it:
450 int smbus_access (struct i2c_adapter *, __u8 addr, char read_write,
451                   __u8 command, int size, union smbus_data * data);
453 There are specific SMBus registration functions too, like the i2c ones. 
454 They are fully compatiable with each other; just substitute 'smbus' for
455 'i2c' everywhere in the i2c description.
457 int i2c_is_smbus_client(struct i2c_client *);
458 int i2c_is_smbus_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *);
460 Decide whether this client, or adapter, is (on) a non-I2C SMBus. Usually
461 not needed, but it is nice anyway to be able to decide this.
464 Module isa.o
465 ============
467 This module implements a new algorithm and a specific adapter for the
468 (single) ISA bus in your computer. This makes writing drivers for chips
469 that can be both on ISA and SMBus much easier.
471 Note that this module does *not* in any way depend on smbus.o (previous
472 versions of this document still assumed it would be build upon it; this
473 is no longer true).
476 A driver, adapter or algorithm
477 ------------------------------
479 We will not need to extend i2c_driver, i2c_adapter or i2c_algorithm. This
480 means that struct isa_driver is exactly the same as struct i2c_driver,
481 struct isa_adapter is the same as struct i2c_adapter and struct isa_algorithm
482 is the same as struct isa_driver. We *will* define the isa_* variants, and
483 use them within this module, so it should be easy to extend them after all.
486 A client
487 --------
489 struct isa_client {
490   char name[32];
491   int id;
492   unsigned int flags;
493   unsigned char addr;
494   struct isa_adapter *adapter;
495   struct isa_driver *driver;
496   void *data;
498   unsigned int isa_addr;
499 }
501 A client is a specific sensor chip. Its operation is controlled by a driver
502 (which describes a type of sensor chip), and it is connected to an adapter
503 (a bus, the (single) ISA bus here).
505 A description of the above struct:
506   isa_addr: ISA addresses do not fit in the i2c-compatible addr field, so
507     we needed a new field.
510 Access functions
511 ----------------
513 All these functions are defined extern.
515 In case of the ISA bus, the master_xfer, slave_send and slave_recv hooks
516 will be NULL, because these functions make no sense. It is regrettably
517 not easy to create an access abstraction in which both ISA bus access
518 and SMBus access are united. See below for examples how you can solve
519 this problem.
521 The most imporant additional access function:
523 int i2c_is_isa_client(struct i2c_client *);
524 int i2c_is_isa_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *);
526 Decide whether this client, or adapter, is (on) the ISA bus. This is
527 important, because it determines whether we can use the SMBus access
528 routines.
530 As an example, I will here implement our old LM78 access function:
532 /* The SMBus locks itself, but ISA access must be locked explicitly!
533    We ignore the LM78 BUSY flag at this moment - it could lead to deadlocks,
534    would slow down the LM78 access and should not be necessary.
535    There are some ugly typecasts here, but the good new is - they should
536    nowhere else be necessary! */
537 int lm78_read_value(struct i2c_client *client, u8 reg)
538 {
539   int res;
540   if (i2c_is_isa_client(client)) {
541     down((struct semaphore *) (client->data));
542     outb_p(reg,(((struct isa_client *) client)->isa_addr) +
543                LM78_ADDR_REG_OFFSET);
544     res = inb_p((((struct isa_client *) client)->isa_addr) +
545                 LM78_DATA_REG_OFFSET);
546     up((struct semaphore *) (client->data));
547     return res;
548   } else
549     return smbus_read_byte_data(client->adapter,client->addr, reg);
550 }


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