There are several quite good PA desgin resource ,Anyone who have interesting about them could just have a look , you probably could get some idea or hint form those articals. Thanks. Wish you Happy New Year!!
Power Amplifier Design Lectures
Impedance Matching and the Smith Chart The Fundamentals
(This artical is very important for PA application during the circuit design , it's useful for LOAD PULL design so as to optimize the PA current, Efficiency and ACPR. but general speaking, reduce current and improve ACPR could not match at same time, it's need find the tradd off point to balance the performance both of them ,I will updata the one of my research reprot later whcich based on my personal experience using 450MHz PA )
如果感觉这篇文章还不错,就给我投上您宝贵的一票,也算对我打字的支持,多谢啊, 呵呵.
用户1274407 2007-7-21 04:16
Thank you very much!
用户375255 2007-4-20 11:37
用户45461 2007-4-2 00:48