用户3809340 2012-5-18 21:26
用户950663 2012-5-18 10:29
用户1633698 2012-5-18 09:27
用户1284259 2010-5-11 17:05
用户781189 2010-5-11 04:25
I've nothing to against Mr. 林百里, I don't know this person but just curious why he wants to broadcast BLACK is WHITE ?
After searched Yam.com ......
--林百里傳奇~從難民營到三六○億富豪 (one who's richer, has some money .. which you don't bring in and you can't bring over.. whenthe day has comes...).
"早年他設計的計算機產品被客戶摔在地上,他可以很客氣地把產品撿回來,還笑著說,「你看,我們設計的東西品質這麼好,摔都摔不壞。」" (計算機產品 is for 計算, ROCK is for 摔不壞.. so 他設計的計算機 has ROCK purpose but no
計算 function.. the mentality is a kind of weird... very weird.
一心想超越其他同業,因此,即使在.......,面臨跳票危機,當時擔任總經理的林百里還是毅然帶著梁次震等主管出去創立廣達..... (use others as his steping stones)
To超越其他同業, Mr. 林willing to do something and eveythings.
我的new结论:我&李易,至少是 wasting time. So to mention this kind of person...... NO NEED period
用户781189 2010-5-11 03:15
林百里发言盛赞苹果iPad, 赞美之词令人发指 is try to get苹果的代工.
广达没有做iPad,but tryto get苹果的代工........林百里 can say BLACK is WHITE....
To deal All these kind of Taiwanese merchants; simple and easy - "they willing to sell their soul for a price, and you still can make a bargain."
我的结论:至少,我 and 李易不同意 BLACK is WHITE or is there a grey(iPad is a good product-- for this moment only. For next year.. who knows......
用户781189 2010-5-11 03:08
赞美之词令人发指! agree.
- Bill Gates also has said something about iPad - in a neutral position. And Microsoft has owned 5% of Apple Co.?
- "代工厂广达"xxx林百里, so the "代工厂" 3 words said why 林百里 said so "FLATTERINGLY" 赞美之词令人发指 --林百里 just a merchant. For the money, he can sell his soul for any price!
To this kind of no credit person - "抗议/侮辱" isan over deluxe.