msp430x261x_1.c - Software Toggle P1.0
msp430x261x_1_vlo.c - Software Toggle P1.0, MCLK = VLO/8
msp430x261x_adc12_01.c - ADC12, Sample A0, Set P1.0 if A0 > 0.5*AVcc
msp430x261x_adc12_02.c - ADC12, Using the Internal Reference
msp430x261x_adc12_03.c - ADC12, Sample A10 Temp, Set P1.0 if Temp ++ ~<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />2C
msp430x261x_adc12_04.c - ADC12, Extend Sampling Period with SHT Bits
msp430x261x_adc12_05.c - ADC12, Using an External Reference
msp430x261x_adc12_06.c - ADC12, Repeated Sequence of Conversions
msp430x261x_adc12_07.c - ADC12, Repeated Single Channel Conversions
msp430x261x_adc12_08.c - ADC12, Using 10 External Channels for Conversion
msp430x261x_adc12_09.c - ADC12, Sequence of Conversions (non-repeated)
msp430x261x_adc12_10.c - ADC12, Sample A10 Temp and Convert to oC and oF
msp430x261x_clks.c - Basic Clock, Output Buffered SMCLK, ACLK, and MCLK
msp430x261x_compA_01.c - Comparator A, Poll input CA0, result in P1.0
msp430x261x_compA_02.c - Comparator A, Poll input CA0, CA exchange, result in P1.0
msp430x261x_compA_04.c - Comparator A, Poll input CA0, result in P1.0
msp430x261x_compA_05.c - Comparator A, Input to CA0, interrupt triggered
msp430x261x_dac12_01.c - DAC12_0, Output 1.0V on DAC0
msp430x261x_dac12_02.c - DAC12_0, Output 2.0V on DAC1
msp430x261x_dac12_03.c- DAC12_0, Output Voltage Ramp on DAC0
msp430x261x_dc0_flashcal.c - DCO Calibration Constants Programmer
msp430x261x_dma_01_CCE.c - (Built with CCE) DMA0, Repeated Burst to-from RAM, Software Trigger
msp430x261x_dma_02_CCE.c - (Built with CCE) DMA0, Repeated Block to P1OUT, TACCR2 Trigger
msp430x261x_dma_03_CCE.c - (Built with CCE) DMA0, Repeated Block UCA1UART 9600, TACCR2, ACLK
msp430x261x_dma_04_CCE.c - (Built with CCE) DMA0, Block Mode UART1 9600, ACLK
msp430x261x_dma_05_CCE.c - (Built with CCE) DMA0, Repeated Blk to DAC0, Sine Output, TACCR1, DCO
msp430x261x_dma_06_CCE.c - (Built with CCE) DMA2, Rpt'd Blk to DAC1, 8-Bit Sine, TBCCR2, DCO
msp430x261x_dma_07_CCE.c - (Built with CCE) DMA0/1, Rpt'd Blk to DAC12_0/1, Sin/Cos, TACCR1, XT2
msp430x261x_dma_09_CCE.c - (Built with CCE) DMA0, ADC12 A10 Block Xfer to RAM, TBCCR1, DCO
msp430x261x_dma_10_CCE.c - (Built with CCE) DMA0, ADC12 A10 Block Xfer to Flash, TBCCR1, DCO
msp430x261x_dma_11_CCE.c - (Built with CCE) DMA0/1, ADC12 A10 Block Xfer to MPY/RAM, TBCCR1, DCO
msp430x261x_dma_12_CCE.c - (Built with CCE) DMA0/1, Block Mode UART1 9600 Auto RX/TX String, ACLK
msp430x261x_dma_01_IAR.c - (Built with IAR) DMA0, Repeated Burst to-from RAM, Software Trigger
msp430x261x_dma_02_IAR.c - (Built with IAR) DMA0, Repeated Block to P1OUT, TACCR2 Trigger
msp430x261x_dma_03_IAR.c - (Built with IAR) DMA0, Repeated Block UCA1UART 9600, TACCR2, ACLK
msp430x261x_dma_04_IAR.c - (Built with IAR) DMA0, Block Mode UART1 9600, ACLK
msp430x261x_dma_05_IAR.c - (Built with IAR) DMA0, Repeated Blk to DAC0, Sine Output, TACCR1, DCO
msp430x261x_dma_06_IAR.c - (Built with IAR) DMA2, Rpt'd Blk to DAC1, 8-Bit Sine, TBCCR2, DCO
msp430x261x_dma_07_IAR.c - (Built with IAR) DMA0/1, Rpt'd Blk to DAC12_0/1, Sin/Cos, TACCR1, XT2
msp430x261x_dma_09_IAR.c - (Built with IAR) DMA0, ADC12 A10 Block Xfer to RAM, TBCCR1, DCO
msp430x261x_dma_10_IAR.c - (Built with IAR) DMA0, ADC12 A10 Block Xfer to Flash, TBCCR1, DCO
msp430x261x_dma_11_IAR.c - (Built with IAR) DMA0/1, ADC12 A10 Block Xfer to MPY/RAM, TBCCR1, DCO
msp430x261x_dma_12_IAR.c - (Built with IAR) DMA0/1, Block Mode UART1 9600 Auto RX/TX String, ACLK
msp430x261x_flashwrite_01.c - Flash In-System Programming, Copy SegC to SegD
msp430x261x_flashwrite_03.c - Flash In-System Programming w/ EEI, Copy SegC to SegD
msp430x261x_flashwrite_04.c - Flash In-System Programming w/ EEI, Copy SegD to B&C
msp430x261x_fll_01.c - Basic Clock, Implement Auto RSEL SW FLL
msp430x261x_fll_02.c - Basic Clock, Implement Cont. SW FLL with Auto RSEL
msp430x261x_hfxt2.c - Basic Clock, MCLK Configured to Operate from XT2 HF XTAL
msp430x261x_hfxt2_nmi.c - Basic Clock, MCLK Sourced from HF XTAL XT2, NMI
msp430x261x_lpm3.c - Basic Clock, LPM3 Using WDT ISR, 32kHz ACLK
msp430x261x_lpm3_vlo.c - Basic Clock, LPM3 Using WDT ISR, VLO ACLK
msp430x261x_MPY_01.c - 16x16 Unsigned Multiply
msp430x261x_MPY_02.c - 8x8 Unsigned Multiply
msp430x261x_MPY_03.c - 16x16 Signed Multiply
msp430x261x_MPY_04.c - 8x8 Signed Multiply
msp430x261x_MPY_05.c - 16x16 Unsigned Multiply Accumulate
msp430x261x_MPY_06.c - 8x8 Unsigned Multiply Accumulate
msp430x261x_MPY_07.c - 16x16 Signed Multiply Accumulate
msp430x261x_MPY_08.c - 8x8 Signed Multiply Accumulate
msp430x261x_nmi.c - Configure RST/NMI as NMI
msp430x261x_OF_XT2.c - XT2 Oscillator Fault Detection
msp430x261x_P1_01.c - Software Poll P1.3, Set P1.0 if P1.3 = 1
msp430x261x_P1_02.c - Software Port Interrupt Service on P1.3 from LPM4
msp430x261x_P1_05.c - Write a byte to Port 1
msp430x261x_P7_05.c - Write a byte to Port 7
msp430x261x_P8_08.c - Write a byte to Port 8
msp430x261x_PA_05.c - Write a word to Port A
msp430x261x_rosc.c - DCOCLK Biased with External Resistor Rosc
msp430x261x_svs_01.c - SVS, POR @ 2.5V Vcc
msp430x261x_ta_01.c - Timer_A, Toggle P1.0, CCR0 Cont. Mode ISR, DCO SMCLK
msp430x261x_ta_02.c - Timer_A, Toggle P1.0, CCR0 Up Mode ISR, DCO SMCLK
msp430x261x_ta_03.c - Timer_A, Toggle P1.0, Overflow ISR, DCO SMCLK
msp430x261x_ta_04.c - Timer_A, Toggle P1.0, Overflow ISR, 32kHz ACLK
msp430x261x_ta_05.c - Timer_A, Toggle P1.0, CCR0 Up Mode ISR, 32kHz ACLK
msp430x261x_ta_08.c - Timer_A, Toggle P1.0,P1.2 & P2.0 Cont. Mode ISR, 32kHz ACLK
msp430x261x_ta_11.c - Timer_A, Toggle P1.1/TA0, Up Mode, 32kHz ACLK
msp430x261x_ta_13.c - Timer_A, Toggle P1.1/TA0, Up/Down Mode, DCO SMCLK
msp430x261x_ta_14.c - Timer_A, Toggle P1.1/TA0, Up/Down Mode, 32kHz ACLK
msp430x261x_ta_16.c - Timer_A, PWM TA1-2 Up Mode, DCO SMCLK
msp430x261x_ta_17.c - Timer_A, PWM TA1-2, Up Mode, 32kHz ACLK
msp430x261x_ta_19.c - Timer_A, PWM TA1-2, Up/Down Mode, DCO SMCLK
msp430x261x_ta_20.c - Timer_A, PWM TA1-2, Up/Down Mode, 32kHz ACLK
msp430x261x_tb_01.c - Timer_B, Toggle P1.0, CCR0 Cont. Mode ISR, DCO SMCLK
msp430x261x_tb_02.c - Timer_B, Toggle P1.0, CCR0 Up Mode ISR, DCO SMCLK
msp430x261x_tb_03.c - Timer_B, Toggle P1.0, Overflow ISR, DCO SMCLK
msp430x261x_tb_04.c - Timer_B, Toggle P1.0, Overflow ISR, 32kHz ACLK
msp430x261x_tb_05.c - Timer_B, Toggle P1.0, CCR0 Up Mode ISR, 32kHz ACLK
msp430x261x_tb_07.c - Timer_B, PWM TB1-6, Up Mode, 32kHz ACLK
msp430x261x_uscia0_irda_01.c - USCI_A0 IrDA External Loopback Test, 8MHz SMCLK
msp430x261x_uscia0_spi_09.c - USCI_A0, SPI 3-Wire Master Incremented Data
msp430x261x_uscia0_spi_10.c - USCI_A0, SPI 3-Wire Slave Data Echo
msp430x261x_uscia0_uart_01.c - UUSCI_A0, 115200 UART Echo ISR, DCO SMCLK
msp430x261x_uscia0_uart_03.c - USCI_A0, Ultra-Low Pwr UART 9600 Echo ISR, 32kHz ACLK
msp430x261x_uscia0_uart_04.c - UUSCI_A0, 9600 UART, SMCLK, LPM0, Echo with over-sampling
msp430x261x_uscia1_uart_02.c - USCI_A1, Ultra-Low Pwr UART 2400 Echo ISR, 32kHz ACLK
msp430x261x_uscib0_i2c_04.c - USCI_B0 I2C Master RX single bytes from MSP430 Slave
msp430x261x_uscib0_i2c_05.c - USCI_B0 I2C Slave TX single bytes to MSP430 Master
msp430x261x_uscib0_i2c_06.c - USCI_B0 I2C Master TX single bytes to MSP430 Slave
msp430x261x_uscib0_i2c_07.c - USCI_B0 I2C Slave RX single bytes from MSP430 Master
msp430x261x_uscib0_i2c_08.c - USCI_B0 I2C Master TX multiple bytes to MSP430 Slave
msp430x261x_uscib0_i2c_09.c - USCI_B0 I2C Slave RX multiple bytes from MSP430 Master
msp430x261x_uscib0_i2c_10.c - USCI_B0 I2C Master RX multiple bytes from MSP430 Slave
msp430x261x_uscib0_i2c_11.c - USCI_B0 I2C Slave TX multiple bytes to MSP430 Master
msp430x261x_uscib0_spi_09.c - USCI_B0, SPI 3-Wire Master Incremented Data
msp430x261x_uscib0_spi_10.c - USCI_B0, SPI 3-Wire Slave Data Echo
msp430x261x_vlo_capture.c - Basic Clock, VLO-Driven Timer with VLO Compensation
msp430x261x_wdt_01.c - WDT, Toggle P1.0, Interval Overflow ISR, DCO SMCLK
msp430x261x_wdt_02.c - WDT, Toggle P1.0, Interval Overflow ISR, 32kHz ACLK
msp430x261x_wdt_04.c - WDT+ Failsafe Clock, WDT mode, DCO SMCLK
msp430x261x_wdt_05.c - Reset on Invalid Address fetch, Toggle P1.0
msp430x261x_wdt_06.c - WDT+ Failsafe Clock, 32kHz ACLK
“hello” “Hello world” example. This application writes the CC2520 Chip ID and
version number to the serial port.
“reg_read” This application reads the value of all registers in CC2520 and writes their
values to the serial port.
“light_switch” Wireless light/switch application. One node is configured as a light controller,
and the other node as a wireless light switch.
“PER_test” Packet Error Rate test application.
“rf_modem” This application functions as an example of a RF modem for secure wireless
file transfer. The file transfer is protected by CCM* authentication and
“ccm_security” This example application shows how to use the CCM* functionality in
CC2520 to generate an authenticated and encrypted packet. The same test
vectors as in the IEEE Std. 802.15.4-2006 specification section 2.3 are used
in this example.
TIMAC - IEEE802.15.4 Medium Access Control (MAC) Software Stack
· Support for IEEE 802.15.4-2003
· Multiple Platforms
· Easy Application Development
· Easy Porting
· GenericApp: A simple proprietary application example to get you started
· SampleApp: A simple proprietary application example to get you started
· TransmitApp: A packet throughput test application
· SETestApp: A demonstration of the ZigBee Smart Energy Profile
· SampleLight / SampleSwitch: A demonstration of Home Automation devices
Support for ZigBee-2007 (ZigBee PRO):
· ZigBee-2007 certified stack including both ZigBee and ZigBee PRO feature sets
· Easy Application Development and Tool Support
· Support for ZigBee Smart Energy and Home Automation profiles
· Simple API to make development easy
· Standard profile and proprietary sample application code
· Over the Air Download (OAD) support
Zigbee 2007基础实验:
了解Zigbee 2007的使用方法,学习在Zigbee2007中利用OSAL建立和使用任务,通过任务的方式调用网络层API,完成数据在网络中的通讯,在整个实验中会设计到组通讯、广播通讯和接收数据处理等Zigbee关键技术。
Zigbee Pro基础实验:
了解Zigbee Pro的使用方法,学习在Zigbee Pro中利用串口和Zigbee实现两台计算机之间的远程数据传输。
Zigbee Pro进阶实验1:
Zigbee Pro进阶实验2:
通过ZigBee联盟推出的AMI 应用剖面进行的节能应用实验,让我们更加深入的认识ZigBeePro的独特优势。