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  • 热度 23
    2018-5-11 17:55
    1732 次阅读|
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    1. 开料: CutLamination/Material cutting    2. 钻孔: Drilling    3. 内钻: Inner LayerDrilling    4 一次孔 :Outer Layer Drilling    5. 二次孔 :2nd Drilling    6. 雷射钻孔 :Laser Drilling /Laser Ablation    7. 盲 ( 埋 ) 孔钻孔 :Blind & Buried Hole Drilling    8. 干膜制程: PhotoProcess(D/F)/Dry Film    9. 前处理 (Pretreatment)    10. 压膜 :Dry Film Lamination    11. 曝光 :Exposure    12. 显影 :Developing    13. 去膜 :Stripping    14. 压合: Lamination    15: 黑化 :Black OxideTreatment    16. 微蚀 :Microetching    17. 铆钉组合 :eyelet    18. 迭板 :Lay up    19. 压合 :Lamination    20. 后处理 :Post Treatment    21. 黑氧化 :Black Oxide Removal    22. 铣靶 :spot face    23. 去溢胶 :resin flush removal    24. 减铜: Copper Reduction    25. 水平电镀: HorizontalElectrolytic Plating    26. 电镀: Panel plating    27. 锡铅电镀 :Tin-Lead Plating /Pattern Plating    28. 低于 1 mil: Less than 1 mil Thickness    29. 高于 1 mil:More than 1 mil Thickness    30. 砂带研磨 :Belt Sanding    31: 剥锡铅 :Tin-Lead Stripping    32. 微切片 : Microsection    33. 蚀铜 :Etching    34. 初检 :Touch-up    35. 塞孔: Plug Hole    36. 防焊 ( 绿漆 / 绿油 ) : SolderMask    37.C 面印刷 :Printing Top Side    38.S 面印刷 :Printing Bottom Side    39. 静电喷涂 :Spray Coating    40. 前处理 :Pretreatment    41. 预烤 :Precure    42. 后烘烤 :Postcure    43. 印刷 :Ink Print    44. 表面刷磨 :Scrub    45. 后烘烤 :Postcure    46.UV 烘烤 :UV Cure    47. 文字印刷 :Printing of Legend    48. 喷砂 :Pumice/Wet Blasting    49. 印可剥离防焊 / 蓝胶 :Peelable Solder Mask)    50. 化学前处理 , 化学研磨: Chemical Milling    51. 选择性浸金压膜: Selective Gold Dry Film Lamination    52. 镀金: Gold plating    53. 喷锡: Hot Air SolderLeveling    54. 成型: Profile/Form    55. 开短路测试: Electrical Testing    56. 终检: Final VisualInspection    57. 金手指镀镍金: Gold Finger    58. 电镀软金: Soft Ni/Au Plating    59. 浸镍金: Immersion Ni/Au / Electroless Ni/Au    60. 喷锡 :Hot Air Solder Leveling    61. 水平喷锡 :HorizontalHot Air Solder Leveling    62. 垂直喷锡 : Vertical Hot Air Solder Leveling    63. 超级焊锡 :Super Solder    64. 印焊锡突点 :Solder Bump    65. 数控铣 / 锣板: N/C Routing/Milling    66. 模具冲 / 啤板: Punch    67. 板面清洗烘烤: Cleaning & Backing    68.V 型槽 /V-CUT : V-Cut/V-Scoring    69. 金手指斜边: Beveling of G/F    70. 短断路测试 Electrical Testing/Continuity & Insulation Testing    71.AOI 光学检查: AOI Inspection    72 : VRS 目检: Verified & Repaired    73. 泛用型治具测试: Universal Tester    74. 专用治具测试: Dedicated Tester    75. 飞针测试: Flying Probe    76. 终检: Final Visual Inspection    77. 压板翘: Warpage Remove    78.X-OUT 印刷: X-Out Marking    79. 包装及出货: Packing& shipping    80. 清洗及烘烤: Final Clean & Baking    81. 铜面保护剂: ENTEK Cu-106A/OSP    82. 离子残余量测试 :Ionic Contamination Test/ Cleanliness Test    83. 冷热冲击试验 :Thermal cycling Testing    84. 焊锡性试验 :Solderability Testing    85. 雷射钻孔 :Laser Ablation    86. 雷射钻 Tooling 孔 :Laser ablationTooling Hole    87. 雷射曝光对位孔 :Laser Ablation Registration Hole    88. 雷射 Mask 制作 :Laser Mask    89. 雷射钻孔 :Laser Ablation    90.AOI 检查及 VRS:AOI Inspection & Verified & Repaired    91. 除胶渣 :Desmear    92. 专用治具测试 :Dedicated Tester    93. 飞针测试 :Flying Probe    94. 压板翘 : Warpage Remove    95. 底片: Ablation    96. 烧溶: laser)    97. 切 / 磨: abrade    98. 粗化: abrasion    99. 耐磨性: absorption resistance    100. 允收 :ACC /accept    101. 加速腐蚀 :accelerated corrosion test    102 加速试验 :accelerated test    103. 速化反应 :acceleration    104. 加速剂 :accelerator    105. 允许: acceptable    106. 活化液: activator    107. 实际在制品: active work inprocess    108. 附着力: adhesion    109. 黏着法: adhesive method    110. 气泡 :air inclusion    111. 风刀: air knife    112. 不定形的改变: amorphous change    113. 总量: amount    114. 硝基戊烷: amylnitrite    115. 分析仪: analyzer    116 环状垫圈 ; 孔环 annular ring    117. 阳极泥: anodeslime (sludge)    118. 阳极清洗: anodizing    119. 自动光学检测: AOI/automatic optical inspection    120. 引用之文件: applicabledocuments    121. 允收水平抽样: AQL sampling    122. 液态光阻: aqueous photoresist    123. 纵横比 ( 厚宽比 ) : aspect ratioAs received    124. 背光: back lighting    125. 垫板: back-up    126. 预留在制品: banked work in process    127. 基材: base material    128. 基准绩效: baseline performance    129. 批: batch    130. 贝他射线照射法: beta backscattering    131. 切斜边 ; 斜边: beveling    132. 二方向之变形 :biaxial deformation    133. 黑化: black-oxide    134. 空板: blank panel    135. 挖空 :blanking    136. 弹开 :blip    137. 气泡 :blister blistering    138. 吹孔 :blow hole    139. 板厚错误 :board-thickness error    140. 黏结层 :bonding plies    141. 板弯 :bow ; bowing    142. 破空 :break out    143. 搭桥 ; 桥接: bridging    144. 接单生产: BTO (Build ToOrder)    145,. 烧焦: burning    146. 毛边 ( 毛头 ) : burr    147. 碳化物: carbide    148. 定位梢: carlson pin    149. 载运剂: carrier    150. 催化: catalyzing    151. 阴极溅射法: catholicsputtering    152. 隔板 ; 钢板: caul plate    153. 校验系统之各种要求: calibration systemrequirements    154. 中心光束法: center beam method    155. 集中式投射线: central projection    156. 认证: certification    157. 倒角 ( 金手指 ) : chamferchamfer    158. 切斜边 ; 倒角: chamfering    159. 特性阻抗: characteristic impedance    160. 电量传递过电压: charge transfer overpotential    161. 网框: chase    162. 棋盘: checkboard    163. 蟹和剂: chelator    164. 化学键: chemical bond    165. 化学蒸着镀: chemical vapor deposition    166. 圆周性之孔破: circumferential void    167. 包夹金属: clad metal    168. 无尘室: clean room    169. 间隙: clearance 170. 表面处理: Coating/Surface Finish
  • 热度 15
    2018-5-8 09:32
    1599 次阅读|
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    1 . 原理图: shematic diagram    2 . 逻辑图: logic diagram    3 . 印制线路布设: printed wire layout    4 . 布设总图: master drawing    5 . 可制造性设计: design-for-manufacturability    6 . 计算机辅助设计: computer-aided design.(CAD)    7 . 计算机辅助制造: computer-aided manufacturing.(CAM)    8 . 计算机集成制造: computer integrat manufacturing.(CIM)    9 . 计算机辅助工程: computer-aided engineering.(CAE)    10 . 计算机辅助测试: computer-aided test.(CAT)    11 . 电子设计自动化: electric design automation .(EDA)    12 . 工程设计自动化: engineering design automaton .(EDA2)    13 . 组装设计自动化: assembly aided architectural design. (AAAD)    14 . 计算机辅助制图: computer aided drawing    15 . 计算机控制显示: computer controlled display .(CCD)    16 . 布局: placement    17 . 布线: routing    18 . 布图设计: layout    19 . 重布: rerouting    20 . 模拟: simulation    21 . 逻辑模拟: logic simulation    22 . 电路模拟: circit simulation    23 . 时序模拟: timing simulation    24 . 模块化: modularization    25 . 布线完成率: layout effeciency    26 . 机器描述格式: machine descriptionm format .(MDF)    27 . 机器描述格式数据库: MDF databse    28 . 设计数据库: design database    29 . 设计原点: design origin    30 . 优化(设计): optimization (design)    31 . 供设计优化坐标轴: predominant axis    32 . 表格原点: table origin    33 . 镜像: mirroring    34 . 驱动文件: drive file    35 . 中间文件: intermediate file    36 . 制造文件: manufacturing documentation    37 . 队列支撑数据库: queue support database    38 . 组件安置: component positioning    39 . 图形显示: graphics dispaly    40 . 比例因子: scaling factor    41 . 扫描填充: scan filling    42 . 矩形填充: rectangle filling    43 . 填充域: region filling    44 . 实体设计: physical design    45 . 逻辑设计: logic design    46 . 逻辑电路: logic circuit    47 . 层次设计: hierarchical design    48 . 自顶向下设计: top-down design    49 . 自底向上设计: bottom-up design    50 . 线网: net    51 . 数字化: digitzing    52 . 设计规则检查: design rule checking    53 . 走(布)线器: router (CAD)    54 . 网络表: net list    55 . 计算机辅助电路分析: computer-aided circuit analysis    56 . 子线网: subnet    57 . 目标函数: objective function    58 . 设计后处理: post design processing (PDP)    59 . 交互式制图设计: interactive drawing design    60 . 费用矩阵: cost metrix    61 . 工程图: engineering drawing    62 . 方块框图: block diagram    63 . 迷宫: moze    64 . 组件密度: component density    65 . 巡回售货员问题: traveling salesman problem    66 . 自由度: degrees freedom    67 . 入度: out going degree    68 . 出度: incoming degree    69 . 曼哈顿距离: manhatton distance    70 . 欧几里德距离: euclidean distance    71 . 网络: network    72 . 阵列: array    73 . 段: segment    74 . 逻辑: logic    75 . 逻辑设计自动化: logic design automation    76 . 分线: separated time    77 . 分层: separated layer 78 . 定顺序: definite sequenc
  • 热度 23
    2018-5-7 14:20
    1429 次阅读|
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       1 . A 阶树脂: A-stage resin    2 . B 阶树脂: B-stage resin    3 . C 阶树脂: C-stage resin    4 . 环氧树脂: epoxy resin    5 . 酚醛树脂: phenolic resin    6 . 聚酯树脂: polyester resin    7 . 聚酰亚胺树脂: polyimide resin    8 . 双马来酰亚胺三嗪树脂: bismaleimide-triazine resin    9 . 丙烯酸树脂: acrylic resin    10 . 三聚氰胺甲醛树脂: melamine formaldehyde resin    11 . 多官能环氧树脂: polyfunctional epoxy resin    12 . 溴化环氧树脂: brominated epoxy resin    13 . 环氧酚醛: epoxy novolac    14 . 氟树脂: fluroresin    15 . 硅树脂: silicone resin    16 . 硅烷: silane    17 . 聚合物: polymer    18 . 无定形聚合物: amorphous polymer    19 . 结晶现象: crystalline polamer    20 . 双晶现象: dimorphism    21 . 共聚物: copolymer    22 . 合成树脂: synthetic    23 . 热固性树脂: thermosetting resin    24 . 热塑性树脂: thermoplastic resin    25 . 感旋光性树脂: photosensitive resin    26 . 环氧当量: weight per epoxy equivalent (WPE)    27 . 环氧值: epoxy value    28 . 双氰胺: dicyandiamide    29 . 粘结剂: binder    30 . 胶粘剂: adesive    31 . 固化剂: curing agent    32 . 阻燃剂: flame retardant    33 . 遮光剂: opaquer    34 . 增塑剂: plasticizers    35 . 不饱和聚酯: unsatuiated polyester    36 . 聚酯薄膜: polyester    37 . 聚酰亚胺薄膜: polyimide film (PI)    38 . 聚四氟乙烯: polytetrafluoetylene (PTFE)    39 . 聚全氟乙烯丙烯薄膜: perfluorinated ethylene-propylene copolymer film (FEP)    40 . 增强材料: reinforcing material    41 . 玻璃纤维: glass fiber    42 . E 玻璃纤维: E-glass fibre    43 . D 玻璃纤维: D-glass fibre    44 . S 玻璃纤维: S-glass fibre    45 . 玻璃布: glass fabric    46 . 非织布: non-woven fabric    47 . 玻璃纤维垫: glass mats    48 . 纱线: yarn    49 . 单丝: filament    50 . 绞股: strand    51 . 纬纱: weft yarn    52 . 经纱: warp yarn    53 . 但尼尔: denier    54 . 经向: warp-wise    55 . 纬向: weft-wise, filling-wise    56 . 织物经纬密度: thread count    57 . 织物组织: weave structure    58 . 平纹组织: plain structure    59 . 坏布: grey fabric    60 . 稀松织物: woven scrim    61 . 弓纬: bow of weave    62 . 断经: end missing    63 . 缺纬: mis-picks    64 . 纬斜: bias    65 . 折痕: crease    66 . 云织: waviness    67 . 鱼眼: fish eye    68 . 毛圈长: feather length    69 . 厚薄段: mark    70 . 裂缝: split    71 . 捻度: twist of yarn    72 . 浸润剂含量: size content    73 . 浸润剂残留量: size residue    74 . 处理剂含量: finish level    75 . 浸润剂: size    76 . 偶联剂: couplint agent    77 . 处理织物: finished fabric    78 . 聚酰胺纤维: polyarmide fiber    79 . 聚酯纤维非织布: non-woven polyester fabric    80 . 浸渍绝缘纵纸: impregnating insulation paper    81 . 聚芳酰胺纤维纸: aromatic polyamide paper    82 . 断裂长: breaking length    83 . 吸水高度: height of capillary rise    84 . 湿强度保留率: wet strength retention    85 . 白度: whitenness    86 . 陶瓷: ceramics    87 . 导电箔: conductive foil    88 . 铜箔: copper foil    89 . 电解铜箔: electrodeposited copper foil (ED copper foil)    90 . 压延铜箔: rolled copper foil    91 . 退火铜箔: annealed copper foil    92 . 压延退火铜箔: rolled annealed copper foil (RA copper foil)    93 . 薄铜箔: thin copper foil    94 . 涂胶铜箔: adhesive coated foil    95 . 涂胶脂铜箔: resin coated copper foil (RCC)    96 . 复合金属箔: composite metallic material    97 . 载体箔: carrier foil    98 . 殷瓦: invar    99 . 箔(剖面)轮廓: foil profile    100 . 光面: shiny side    101 . 粗糙面: matte side    102 . 处理面: treated side    103 . 防锈处理: stain proofing 104 . 双面处理铜箔: double treated foil