原创 硅谷数模CEO致全体员工的信

2008-7-23 16:02 4658 8 8 分类: 消费电子

China’s semiconductor industry is still at its early stage. The market is large and growth is fast.  The huge demand for chips has provided Analogix a great opportunity to become a new world leader in semiconductor industry. You may or may not realize that we are changing the history of semiconductor industry. The industry is moving from more of US and Europe centric to China and Asia centric. The opportunity has never been better. I want to encourage everyone to focus on your work, help others around you. We should always remember that customer is the real king. Our success is measured by the team’s accomplishment not individual’s. Customers are the only ones to award our success, not yourselves and not even your boss. We are in a very competitive environment. Our competitors are not only smart, but also aggressive. We will be punished heavily for every mistake we make.

Analogix has grown over the past 5 years from a small group of people with ideas and ambitions to change the world of semiconductor to a well recognized international company with more then 100 people worldwide. Our Beijing office has grown from a small and crowed apartment to a large and nice office building. Today, we have customers and sales channels all over the world. We are world class technology leaders in HDMI, DisplayPort and LRE. Many of our employees have been with Analogix for the last 4 and 5 years, and have contributed and witnessed the growth of our company. More of you, although relative new to the team, have also experienced the excitement of our continued success. Through out the years, we have focused our culture on “Customers First, Strong Work Ethic, Open/Honest, Accountability, Innovation/Reward, Teamwork”. As founder and CEO, I am very proud of you who really made Analogix special.

中国的半导体产业目前尚处在早期的发展阶段,不仅市场空间广阔,增长速度也极为迅猛。国内对于集成电路的巨大需求,也为Analogix提供了一个绝佳的机遇,一个成为全球半导体产业新兴领导者的大好机遇。你们也许还没有意识到,我们正改变着整个半导体产业的历史。整个行业的中心越来越从美国和欧洲,转移向亚洲与中国,再也没有比这更令人激动的了!因此,我希望大家都能够专注于自己所从事的工作,帮助周围的人共同进步。我们的每一分成果,不是单凭一个人或几个人可以取得的,而是依靠整个团队的共同努力。大家应该谨记,客户才是“Real King”!客户才是唯一可以付给你回报的人,这个人不是你的老板,也不是你自己。不仅如此,我们也该时刻警惕,在这个充满竞争的环境里,我们的对手不但聪明狡猾,而且难以应付,一旦我们出现一点疏忽或错误,便将付出极大的代价。



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