原创 探访应用材料梅坦技术中心,揭秘芯片制造(下)

2010-10-27 11:31 1990 5 5 分类: 工程师职场

美国《WIRED》杂志2010年10月19日题为 《A Chip Is Born: Inside a State-of-the-Art
Clean Room》的文章。杂志记者去到全球最大的半导体设备制造商应用材料公司(Applied
Materials)的梅坦技术中心(Maydan Technology



front-opening unified pods/FOUP前置式晶圆传送盒

Over the past several decades, the wafers upon which chips are made
have steadily increased in size, enabling manufacturers to cram
more chips on each disk. Since 2000, the industry standard has been
300 mm [about a foot in diameter].
To simplify transportation and minimize the risk of contamination,
fabs make use of "front-opening unified pods," or FOUPs. Each one
holds 25 wafers in a sterile, clean environment.
FOUPs can be docked onto the front of most of Applied's machines.
The machines then suck the wafers inside and automatically process
them one-by-one in quick

Automation and Storage高度自动化

Because a front-opening unified pod full of silicon wafers can be
heavy (around 20 pounds), automation is a key aspect of clean-room
design. 因为放满硅晶片的前置式晶圆传送盒很重,大约为20磅(约合9公斤),自动化就成了无尘室设计的重要部分。
Applied's clean room has an overhead robotic monorail that
transports FOUPs from place to place. In the sealed room shown
here, up to 700 FOUPs (containing 17,500 wafers) can be stored
until they're needed. Robot arms move the pods in and out of the
racks on either side and onto an overhead monorail (not shown in
this photo) that runs around the entire cleanroom.
Another 2,800 FOUPs can be stored in the level below the main clean
Every machine in a modern clean room is built around 300-mm wafers.
The next generation of chips will be made on 450-mm wafers,
enabling even larger economies of scale. But because companies will
have to replace every single piece of equipment in order to work
with 450-mm wafers, many are understandably reluctant to make the
When the transition does happen, it will be the end result of many,
many long negotiations among companies like Applied Materials,
Intel, AMD and others. 一旦实现了这种过渡,这会是应用材料公司、英特尔、AMD等企业之间长期谈判的最终结果。

Precision Manufacturing零部件精确制造

Computer chips are only about the size of a fingernail, yet contain
hundreds of millions of transistors, not to mention all the wiring
needed to connect those transistors into a working machine and
connect it to a motherboard and the rest of the world.
They're made on circular silicon wafers about a foot in diameter,
each of which can contain 200 separate but identical processors.
And because contamination does happen occasionally, despite the
purity of the clean room, manufacturers have to test every single
one of those processors to make sure that its half-billion
components, each of which is only about 30 to 45 nanometers wide,
contain no manufacturing defects. 由于偶尔会发生污染事件,虽然无尘室
It's no wonder that these types of machines can cost up to tens of
millions of dollars (though most are single-digit millions). A
full-blown fab, which might contain hundreds of such machines, can
cost billions of dollars to build.
And yet the factories pay for themselves. Worldwide semiconductor
sales totaled $226.3 billion in 2009, and companies like Intel are
among the most profitable corporations in the

Mail Break技术人员休息时间

The bunny-suited engineers and technicians who work in the clean
room are responsible for setting up and monitoring the processes
that go on inside the machines. But once a process is running, it's
largely automated, which leaves downtime.
It took us about 10 minutes to get into or out of our multilayered
bunny suits. And though experienced workers can do it in just a few
minutes, it's enough of a hassle that once you're in the clean
room, you generally want to stay in for awhile.
As a result, workers use laptops inside the clean room to take care
of other business while the machines are running. They analyze
data, write reports and even check Gmail.
When they do, they're using chips that started out in a room much
like this one.当他们做这些事情的时候,其实正用到在这样的无尘室内制造的芯片。




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