First, read the "How FreeRTOS works" section - a link to which can be found on the left menu frame - then ...
Create a path to your new port under Source/portable. To be consistent, this should take the form ofSource/portable/[compiler_name]/[architecture].
Create a new file called port.c and place it in the new directory.
Source/include/portable.h contains prototypes for all the C functions your new port.c file must implement. Each existing port contains a port.c file that can be used as an example. I generally place the code to setup the RTOS tick ISR within sPortStartScheduler().
Copy Source/portable/GCC/ATMega323/portmacro.h into the new directory - it is easier to start with an existing file than to create it from scratch. Examine the portmacro.h file and edit where necessary - in particular the portENTER_CRITICAL(), portEXIT_CRITICAL(), portENABLE_INTERRUPTS() and portDISABLE_INTERRUPT() definitions will require some consideration.
Edit Source/include/portable.h so your new portmacro.h file gets included when the new port gets built. You will see how this is done for the existing ports.
Use the RTOS tasks defined in the demo application files to test your new port - as easy as that ...