第一、 没有激情也是一天,有激情也是一天, 为什么要没有激情呢?与其没有激情混日子,不如充满激情!To be or not to be passionate, each costs one day, so what don’t we ? instead of hanging around, live with passion.
第二、 激情只是一个决定!要不断地告诉自己:我要有激情!Passion is simply a decision, remind yourself : I am decided to have passion!
第三、 多读一些让你充满激情的书!听充满激情的演讲!Reading inspiring books and attending excellent lectures.
第四、 多和有激情的人交朋友。Make friends with those who has passion.
第五、 多回忆曾有过的激情!Recall those passionate times!
第六、 多参加运动,多锻炼!Do exercise regularly!
第七、 经常想象自己充满激情的画面。Frequently imagine those great moments when you are full of passion.
第八、 一旦想好,马上行动,行动创造激情! Once you’ve decided, do it immediately! Action produces passion!
第九、 换换口味,改善睡眠,让你激情澎湃。Have sth new for a change improves your sleep and make you energetic!