From this we can see that the primary condition for establishing an industrial ecosystem is the completeness of the industrial chain. Producers, consumers, and decomposers are indispensable. For example, The OEMs and its suppliers are producers. The 4S stores are consumers (representatives). Garbage collection and disposal are the decomposers of all industries.
其次,产业生态系统必须要有完备的规则支撑,保证系统的有序运转。举个字简单的例子,苹果的APP STORE,苹果自己做的平台,制定了APP接入、运营、升级、退出一系列完整的规定,这就是该生态所要遵循的规则。
Second, the industrial ecosystem must have complete rules to ensure the orderly operation of the system. Apple's APP STORE, is its own platform, has developed a series of complete regulations for APP access, operation, upgrade, and exit. This is the rule of the ecosystem.
Then, closed loop. At present, there is too much cloud system so called. The closed loop includes a closed loop of the business model, a closed loop of the rules, and a closed loop of the virtual and physical processes. The closed loop is everywhere. Every node,organization and the entire industrial chain has formed a closed loop. It own strong self-regulation ability, that is the true ecological system.