Temperature changes in the measurement system cause thermal expansions and, therefore, changing capacitances, introducing additional noise in the current. If measurements are performed atambient temperature without additional heating or cooling, thesystem temperature is usually sufficiently stable during measure-ment. However, if temperature-dependent measurements are nec-essary, the temperature stability should be better than 0.1K.
To measure photoconductivity, it’s essential to minimizeheating of the sample and measurement system due to lightabsorption. This requires using materials with good heat conduc-tivity. For this application, the best choice is to use a sapphiresubstrate and copper electrodes to mount the sample, as shown inFigure 2. In addition to its excellent volume resistivity and asurface with good resistance to water absorption, sapphire hasgood thermal conductivity and doesn’t absorb light over a widespectral range. To minimize the amount of heat the systemabsorbs, exercise care to illuminate only the sample (e.g., byfocusing the light or using a laser beam), not the surroundingelectrodes and shields. System heating can cause a rise in cur-rent, much as it does in photoconductivity measurements.
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[1] 电容http://www.keithley.com.cn/news/prod110121
[2] 半导体器件实验室http://www.keithley.com.cn/re/sdl
[3] 屏蔽层http://www.keithley.com.cn/llm/a/17.html
[4] 6517A型静电计/高阻表http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/highresistance/6517a