在Aldec的AVM Seminar中,我最感兴趣的是AVMS VI-04 - Automating Testbench Tasks with Tcl。这个Seminar讨论的内容和我当前的工作重点是重合的。
研讨会定于Thursday 8/07/2008, 11:00 AM (Pacific Daylight Time)开始。我虽然提前进行了注册,第二天又是休息日,怎奈北京时间凌晨2点还是太晚了些,到底没坚持到开始。好在9号晚上看完比赛回到家,录好的研讨会回放已经上网了, riple 赶紧把它down了下来。
Abstract: Many EDA tools (including Riviera-PRO) incorporate a Tcl shell that enables their actions to be automated by a suitable script. This is particularly useful for repetitive tasks such as running regression tests or a series of related simulations. This presentation introduces the Tcl language and shows how powerful scripts can be quickly put together by someone knowing only a handful of language constructs. It shows how common tasks such as running simulations and extracting results may be automated by a script and how to make such scripts reusable.
Very simple Tcl scripting can make your life easier:
consistent compilation flow
making lists of related files
Just a little more understanding of Tcl can yield big benefits:
sophisticated management of testbench vector and log files
automated interaction with other tools (revision control, ...)
Easy access to Tcl scripting in the Aldec simulators
All simulator commands and variables accessible from Tcl
Breakpoint, force, examine commands are well suited to scripting-automate repetitive actions
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ash_riple_768180695 2008-8-13 12:39
用户1373959 2008-8-12 10:06
用户1373959 2008-8-12 10:06
zhanghaokm_428385128 2008-8-12 08:48
jizzll_617398179 2008-5-21 22:32