原创 CANoe与Vehicle spy详细功能对比3

2015-8-18 22:46 3184 14 14 分类: 汽车电子
总线测试分析         总线测试分析    
Test Setup none yes yes   Function Block Tests yes none
Test Feature set none yes yes   Function Block / Diagnostic Test Execution yes none
XML Test Report none yes yes   Test Report Save yes none
ECU诊断开发         ECU诊断开发    
Diagnostic observer yes yes yes   Diagnostic Jobs / Snapshot yes none
Diagnostic and fault memory console none yes yes   Diagnostic Jobs / Snapshot yes none
CAPL Diagnostics none yes yes   Function Block Diagnostics / C-Code Diag yes none
KWP2000 none yes yes   KWP2000, GMLAN yes none
UDS / ISO14229 none 需购买 需购买   UDS / ISO14229 yes none
J1939 Diagnostics 需购买 需购买 需购买   J1939 Diagnostics yes none
1 Click Diagnostics          1 Click Diagnostics    
Snapshot (vehicle diagnostics) none none none   Snapshot (vehicle diagnostics) yes none
Snapshot Automatic DAQ measurement none none none   Snapshot Automatic DAQ measurement yes none
Extensions         Extensions    
Measurement hardware (Portlink) none yes yes   Measurement hardware yes yes
COM Interface yes yes yes   Text API yes none
Matlab Interface none yes yes   Text API (Matlab) yes none
GPS support 需购买 需购买 需购买   GPS Support 需购买 需购买
ECU标定         ECU标定    
CCP none none yes   CCP yes none
XCP none none yes   XCP (future, upon request) request none
A2L (ASAP2) Editor / Creator none none yes   A2L (ASAP2) Editor / Creator yes none
A2L MEASUREMENT support none none yes   A2L MEASUREMENT support yes none
A2L VALUE support none none yes   A2L VALUE support yes none
A2L CURVE support none none yes   A2L CURVE support yes none
A2L MAP support none none yes   A2L MAP support yes none
Running point support none none yes   running point support (future, upon request) request none
Stand-alone datalogger support none none 需购买   Stand-alone datalogger support yes w neoVI none
Event DAQing none none yes   Event DAQing yes none
Polling DAQing none none yes   Polling DAQing yes none
Calibration Download / Upload none none yes   Calibration Download / Upload yes none
CAL / SW Flashing (upon request) none none yes   CAL / SW Flashing (upon request) request none
Scripting support of CCP none none yes   Scripting support of CCP yes none
Display Panel with CCP and CAN Tx obj none yes none   Graphical Panel with CCP and CAN Tx yes none
Simulink Model Browser (CCP) none none yes   Simulink Model Browser (CCP) request none
注: yes/r = 程序运行时支持, mult = 无限多个, none=不支持, 1 = 支持一个

如果大家想要了解有关于汽车开发的工具的话,请参考这个网站;http://www.vecll.com/training/vehiclespy_vs_canoe.html,真真来说对于不同的公司,两种不同的工具各有千秋,对自己公司相比较而言Vehicle spy是我们公司开发的工具,而对于我们用过这款工具来说,确实是简单,不过针对性很强,而不管如何,在你开发产品的过程之中要做的就是一款工具放在你的面前,你要有勇气征服它,而这就需要我们的学习能力与找资料的能力。


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