原创 My guy has recently aion power leveling

2010-1-9 14:19 1181 2 2 分类: 工程师职场
My guy has recently aion power leveling

I’m a prot paladin and I think that my girlfriend is cheating on me. Lately she’s been healing an offtank (a feral druid!) on Patchwerk more than me and I’m the MT! She’s not responsive to my tells and she just doesn’t seem interested in healing me anymore. Should I be worried? What should I do? Thanks, Worried in the Construct Wing Dear Worried in the Wing, wow gold wow power leveling aion gold aion power leveling I’m a Nightelf priest and my best friend forever is a dwarf hunter. She tames all these different animals, sends them aion power levelingoff to fight and some of them even die! If they don’t die, she’ll just abandon them when she has no use for them wow power levelingOh yeah...forgot about that. Trial accounts can't buy, sell or trade with other players. They can't use the AH or mail system. I believe the level cap is 20. I might be wrong there though.The difference between a regular trial account and a RAF trial is that the RAF player maintains his/her character while the regular trial acount does not.She does the same thing to all those poor cats and small pets she picks up everywhere, just abandoning aion power levelingthem whenever she gets bored. How can I show her what she’s doing is cruel and unusual punishment to these poor creatures? wow power levelingYour situation is not the first I’ve heard of this. Unfortunately hunters have been brought up this way, and as a result this learned aion power leveling The relationship between a healer and their tank is a very delicate one, but one that has been around for as long as we can remember. It is one of those natural couplings. Because this is so natural to us, we tend to see our healers with other tanks as a threat. Are you sure her healing lead just didn’t assign her to the offtank? Are you trying to send her tells while she’s healing? I would say that if you are truly concerned you should catch her after a raid, sit her down and talk to her calmly and rationally. Maybe even bring her a dozen Roses . I’m certain you’ll find she is, at heart, a one tank woman and you have nothing to worry about. wow gold wow power leveling aion gold aion power leveling I’m a Nightelf priest and my best friend forever is a dwarf hunter. She tames all these different animals, sends them aion power levelingoff to fight and some of them even die! If they don’t die, she’ll just abandon them when she has no use for them wow power levelingOh yeah...forgot about that. Trial accounts can‘t buy, sell or trade with other p0e1p0p9eroni players. They can‘t use the AH or mail system. I believe the level cap is 20. I might be wrong there though.The difference between a regular trial account and a RAF trial is that the RAF player maintains his/her character while the regular trial acount does not.She does the same thing to all those poor cats and small pets she picks up everywhere, just abandoning aion power levelingthem whenever she gets bored. How can I show her what she’s doing is cruel and unusual punishment to these poor creatures? wow power levelingYour situation is not the first I’ve heard of this. Unfortunately hunters have been brought up this way, and as a result this learned aion power leveling Dear Lodur, My guy has recently started up Alchemy, and now every time he has extra Pygmy Oil around he downs it and turns himself into a Gnome! Lately I see him with a lot of Gnomes in the Eventide bank as well. I asked him to stop but I still find the empty vials laying around the sewers after his arena matches. I’m concerned this is going to turn into an unhealthy obsession and addiction. What can I do? Thanks, Distressed in Dalaran Dear Distressed, Get help for your loved one right away! Gnome morphing can become a serious addiction very quickly. Get your mutual friends together as well for it may be time for an intervention. Tell him how it is affecting you and how concerned you are for him. And if all else fails, wait till he Gnomifies himself, then hire a couple Tauren to drag him to Darnassus to get the Priestesses of Elune involved. I hear they did wonders for King Wrynn’s Pickled Zevhra hoof problem. Good luck and make sure you guard your ankles!
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