原创 How to tackle anxiety

2009-12-22 15:40 1103 4 4 分类: FPGA/CPLD
How to tackle anxiety
In my life it's not so much the big-ticket items like the current influenza or the economic meltdown that make me anxious, it's the fact that I tend to over-commit myself. The result is thatCheap ed hardy designer handbags cheap nike shoes gucci sneakers prada shoes I'm always a bit behind schedule. Anyone else feel like that?
One way to deal with overload is to pare down commitments, as Oakley sunglasses true religion jeans gucci bags Ugg Boots Cheap new adidasLeo Babauta describes in his beautiful post, How to be less busy in a busy, busy world. Another way is to change our ingrained thought patterns and emotional responses.
Luckily there are some wonderful techniques that can help us to stay relaxed, focused, grounded, and cheerful – even under pressure. After all, anxiety is not produced by something external. It's an internal response to stress.air flow meter fuel pump electric fuel pump oxygen sensor lambda sensor We can train the mind to respond in a more skillful way.
I want to share with you how I stay reasonably sane, grounded, and creative in the midst of a full life. But first let's take a closer look at anxiety. Fight-flight-freeze: three responses to anxietywater temperature sensor replica louis vuitton womens boots Ugg On Sale Lcd screen protector Anxiety is a low-grade fear. It's difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of one's anxiety. That's because anxiety is pervasive, whereas fear has a clear target.
We are hardwired to respond in three different ways when faced with danger: fight, flight, or freeze. Imagine that you are hiking in a National Park. Suddenly you spot a bear. Faced with immediate danger, you instinctively choose one of three options: you either try to scare off the bear by making yourself look big, or by shouting TAPE EDGE MACHINE solar toy mini pda pneumatic actuator electric actuator(that's the 'fight' response). Or you immediately turn and run to safety (that's the flight response). Or you stand very still in the hope that the bear won't notice you (that's the 'freeze' response).
Let's look at how these responses play out in everyday life: 1. Fight: When we're anxious, we tend to be irritable. This is the 'fight' response. Because anxiety is pervasive and doesn't have a clear target, we tend to snap at those around us.interlining mannequin laptop desk Jordan retro laptop stand 2. Flight: Sometimes we try to avoid what makes us anxious. People who suffer from severe anxiety even avoid stepping outside their home.
3. Freeze: The freeze response produces procrastination and stage fright. I certainly know about these two. You too? Note that I'm talking about ordinary anxiety, and not about anxiety disorders. If you suffer from panic attacks or phobias, read this useful article, or get professional help.puma store coogi jeanscoogi jeans diesel jeans true religion jeans true religion clothing Anxiety is an emotion that sends our mind into the future. After all, nobody is anxious about the past, right? As human beings we tend to think in stories that are like mind-movies. Anxious mind-movies usually have a 'what if?' scenario.
There is an amazing short video with Brother David Steindle-Rast – a Christian monk. As a boy, he experienced the last years of World War II in Germany. He tells of great hardships: never knowing where the next meal would come from, having to queue for hours for a small pitcher of water, and seeing bombs fall all around him. Would you be anxious in a situation like this? Surprisingly, Brother David wasn't anxious – his experience was completely the opposite: it was one of the happiest times in his life! How could that be? His explanation is quite simple. Because there seemed no possibilitychristian audigier jeans christian audigier clothing buy nike gucci replica keyboard cover of survival and no hope for the future, all he could do was to be in the present moment. This created a deep sense of happiness – in the midst of all that suffering.
Moments of inspiration – like watching the video of Brother David – remind us of our life purpose. We feel uplifted, excited, and yet grounded. I think the reason why moments of inspiration touch us so keenly, is because they remind proximity reader wholesale wedding dresses bridesmaid dresses Flower Girl Dresses prom dressesus of our deepest aspirations.
Sometimes we confuse aspirations with personal goals, but they are completely different. Aspirations are the answer to the question: "What do I want to give the world?" evening dresses formal dresses optical turnstiles chanel handbags retractable bollardWhereas personal goals are the answer to the question, "What do I want the world to give me?" Four ways to transform anxiety into inspiration
If there's one thing you take away from this post, I hope it's that ease and inspiration come from experiencing the present moment.


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