原创 PCI声卡在DOS下的发声研究(一)、OPL、波表、DOS下捕获IO端口、V86

2011-4-9 13:37 8756 9 9 分类: 工程师职场





DOS下,ISA 声卡的基地址是2XXH端口,比如220H等。而声卡的ADLIB FM合成端口是388H、389H口。声卡的UART端口一般是330H。

ISA声卡一般用中断IRQ5,DMA 1。





AC97 PCI声卡一般由声卡控制器芯片、AC97 CODEC 芯片组成。声卡控制器芯片同时管理PCI总线。比如下面的PCI声卡,ES1373就是控制器芯片,CS4297就是CODEC芯片。这个声卡是板载的,即做到了主板上,它不是集成声卡!







声卡的ADLIB FM合成端口是388H,ISA时,FM合成由FM合成芯片OPL来完成。

OPL有OPL2、OPL3,OPL3更高级。OP指 FM运算器(OPERATOR),L2指型号2,L3指型号3!!












DOS下播放MIDI,是MIDI播放器模拟出某种乐器的音色,模拟的方法是控制388H口来产生各种音色,比如钢琴声等,但肯定是一种乐器的,不会任意发声,不会只发声一个正弦波,那样没什么意义。  MIDI播放器本身是不知道有软波表存在的,最终是通过388H口来完成音乐模拟。






到了WINDOWS XP,PCI声卡就没有模拟出388H口了,不能随意发声了。软波表中就可以是存放乐器的声音了,播放MIDI可以直接用软波表中的乐器声音了。所以可能又不一样了。我的理解。



另外,ISA的硬波表(如AWE32),存放的肯定是乐器的声音!  The EMU8000 comes integrated with 1MB of General MIDI samples and 512kB of DRAM for additional sample downloading. 这时,要有专门针对硬波表编制的软件来让硬波表发声!基地址也不一样了,不是388H口了! EMU8000 地址是 6xxH, AxxH and ExxH。  硬波表AWE32与OPL是不同的设备了!  另外,EMU8000不认识MIDI指令,可以用一个AWEUTIL程序来进行MIDI指令解析,再通过EMU8000发出硬波表的声音。To support existing games that use MPU-401, AWEUTIL works by trapping data going out to the MPU-401 port and program the EMU8000 using the data.  可以参考http://www.gamedev.net/page/resources/_/reference/programming/legacy-articles/audio/faq-on-soundblaster-awe-32-r445  《EMU8000-Programming the Soundblaster AWE-32》。





板载声卡CREATIVE ES1373的研究


正好MS6199主板,AWARD BIOS,有ISA、PCI插槽,SLOT1的CELERON,300MHZ。发现板载的声卡是CREATIVE ES1373,(CODEC编解码器是CS4297),只要对ES1373驱动就行。所以实际这个声卡是一个独立的PCI声卡,不是集成在南桥内的。

电脑启动,开机时显示PCI设备,BUS号0,设备号12,功能号0,VENDOR ID=1274,DEVICE ID=1371,DEVICE CLASS是“MULTIMEDIA DEVICE”,IRQ=12。  用我编的FINDPCI1.exe看,CLASS值为0401H,INITPIN=1。


这时,WIN98里已经安装了驱动,在WIN98设备里,声卡是“SB PCI128”,同时有模拟出一个“SB PCI128 LEGACY DEVICE”,这个就是DOS可用的。

在WIN98 DOS BOX下,运行我编的FINDSB.exe,可以找到声卡220H口!MIDI 388H口也能发声!



驱动程序只提供了WIN98里的驱动,安装后,就会有DOS的驱动出来,这时,可以在WIN98 DOS BOX里运行,或者要先进入WIN98,再退出来MSDOS状态,这样DOS就能用。



微星的驱动没有说明文件,不知道原理。ENSONIQ ESS1373的驱动,好像是1373的原版驱动,有说明文件manual.doc,知道驱动文件要怎么用。微星的驱动应该是根据它修改来的。




SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H7 P330 T6





SB PCI @ PORT e400, IRQ 12



运行我编的FINDSB.exe,可以找到声卡220H口!MIDI 388H口也能发声!

这时用MEM命令会发现, XMS内存已经用掉了近3MB!这之前只用掉0.6MB。EMS内存仍是32MB,没有用掉。说明应是加载了波表文件,只加载到XMS,没有加载到EMS中,EMM386的功能可能是用来进入保护模式用的,这样才能访问到声卡的基地址。



PCIPort=0000 变成了 e400

PCIIRQ=00 变成了 12

SynthFile=c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\eapci2m.ecw  这是波表文件的位置























SBTEST.EXE 播放声音和MIDI,看是否正常

SBLEGACY.EXE 检测传统的I/O是否有冲突(只能在sbinit.com加载之前运行)

SBCFG.EXE 显示当前配置值(可以在sbinit.com加载之前或之后运行,显示的值不受SBPCI.INI影响)

SBMIXER.EXE 设置混音器的音量

MT32.EXE 在MIDI模式和Roland的MT32模式间切换






How MS-DOS Mode works

When the system enters DOS Mode the DOSSTART.BAT file is run.  DOSSTART.BAT contains any MS-DOS Mode drivers that must be loaded, including the SBAPCI64V MS-DOS Mode driver APINIT.Com.

Windows 98 will add the necessary lines for the SBAPCI64V to initialize the AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, and DOSSTART.BAT each time it loads, even creating these files if those files are missing.




The Install Wizard adds a few lines to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to initialize SBAPCI64V.  If the AUTOEXEC.BAT file is missing it will be created.  The lines added are described below.

Note: In Windows 3.x the only line added to the AUTOEXEC.BAT is “CALL C:\<path>\INITAP.BAT”, where <path> refers to the SBAPCI64V destination folder (i.e., C:\SBAP64V) indicated during installation.  This batch file contains the lines described below as well as “<SBAPCI64V Path>\APINIT.COM”, which are necessary for the SBAPCI64V to function.


The SNDSCAPE environment variable points to the location of the SNDSCAPE.INI file.  This file is installed when the Windows 98 driver is installed.  The driver typically resides in the Windows 98 directory.


The SNDSCAPE.INI file is used for backward compatibility with ENSONIQ Soundscape cards and should not be removed.

2.    SET BLASTER=Axxx Ixx Dx T2

This is included for SoundBlaster Pro compatibility.  The A (SoundBlaster Port Address), I (Digital Audio Interrupt), and D (DMA Channel) values can be changed in the Device Manager of Windows 98.  See the section entitled SBAPCI64V Legacy Device Properties Tabs on page 13 for more details.  T2 indicates stereo SoundBlaster Pro I digital audio.




The Install Wizard adds a few lines to the CONFIG.SYS file to initialize SBAPCI64V.  If the CONFIG.SYS file is missing it will be created.  The lines added are listed below.





The Install Wizard adds a line to the DOSSTART.BAT file to initialize SBAPCI64V.  If the DOSSTART.BAT file is missing it will be created.  The line added is listed below.


APINIT.COM is the SBAPCI64V MS-DOS driver.  It is required for the SBAPCI64V card to function properly under MS-DOS Mode.

APINIT.COM requires that EMM386.EXE or another memory manager, such as QEMM.SYS, is loaded.  If needed the Install Wizard adds the necessary EMM386.EXE and HIMEM.SYS lines to your CONFIG.SYS file, creating CONFIG.SYS if it isn’t present. 

This driver may be loaded into high memory in the AUTOEXEC.BAT, though by default it is not.


Do not remove the memory manager all together.  Do not attempt to load APINIT.COM into high memory when using the NOEMS option if APINIT.COM fails to run APLOAD.EXE or APCONFIG.EXE. 

In the rare case that a program will not work with a memory manager the SBAPCI64V will not function with that game.




I need Pure DOS drivers for my SBAPCI64V.  Where can I get them?

The SBAPCI64V soundcard supports MSDOS through Win98 and Win3.1x, by first booting to Windows and then shutting down to an MSDOS prompt.  These DOS utilities are installed automatically with the Windows drivers.




The FM Synthesis does not sound correct. Why?

Some older computer games with Sound Blaster support are actually written for sound cards with an OPL or FM (frequency modulation) chip on the board.   Sound Blaster cards has these chips.   Creative’s Sound Blaster emulation is done through software, not hardware, and there is no FM chip on the board.   Creative uses wavetable synthesis to generate sounds.    Therefore, when certain sounds play through the Soundscape card, what is being heard is the wavetable representation or "closest match" of the original FM sounds.   Therefore, instead of a crash, you may hear a drum roll.   This is a hardware issue and the only way to hear the correct sounds would be to use a sound card with an FM chip.










YMF724 PCI声卡,它有自带了FM合成芯片!不过手上没有,无法试。













后来想到,由于SBINIT.COM一定要用到EMM386,肯定与EMM386有关联。于是用GOOGLE搜索EMM386,果然发现它有TRAP I/O端口的功能!!这是非常重要的信息!








Virtualize I/O In DOS Posted by Bret on 25 Sept 2008 at 8:16 AM

This may be an unreasonably tall order, but here goes.

I'm trying to figure out a way to virtualize (trap) I/O requests in "real" DOS.  It seems the only way to do it may be using INT 2Fh, Function 4A15h with MS's EMM386.EXE (excerpt from Ralf Brown's Interrupt List below).

Has anybody ever tried to trap I/O requests, either this way or any other way, and have some sample code to go along with it? Any other ideas on approaches that might work?




        AX = 4A15h

        BX = 0000h (function number)

        DX = starting I/O address

        EDX high word = ending I/O address

        CX = number of ports to trap

        DS:SI -> I/O dispatch table (see #02815)

        DI = size of client's code and data (size of DS segment which must be

              made available to I/O dispatch function in protected mode)

Return: CF clear if successful

        CF set on error

Notes:              this interface is only available in virtual-86 mode;   the I/O handlers

          will be called in protected mode

        only ports 0100h-FFFFh may be trapped; EMM386 reserved ports 0000h-



Format of EMM386 I/O dispatch table [array]:

Offset            Size         Description             (Table 02815)

 00h               WORD    I/O port number

 02h               WORD    offset of I/O handler for port (see #02816)


(Table 02816)

Values EMM386 I/O dispatch function is called with:

        CX = Ring0 code selector for I/O handler's segment

        DS = Ring0 data selector for I/O handler's segment (alias of CS)

        EDX = faulting I/O address

        ECX = direction (00000008h for byte output, 00000000h for byte input)

                        (reportedly 00h for byte/word input, 04h for byte/word output

                          under DOS 6.22 EMM386)

        EAX = data in/out

Return: (via FAR RET)

        CF clear if I/O access successfully virtualized

        CF set if access not virtualized (default handler will be called to

              perform the I/O)

BUG:               32-bit I/O on trapped ports hangs the DOS 6.22 EMM386




Re: Virtualize I/O In DOS Posted by jeffleyda on 26 Sept 2008 at 12:15 PM

I'm pretty dumb with this stuff, but it's always been something I've wanted to play with too. Do IRC, the I/O access map is essentially just a large bitfield inside the CPU, and this emm386 function is merely providing access to it? That's actually kinda cool-I didn't even know this function existed.

Obviously it's possible to do it w/o emm386, since soft-ice is able to trap I/O and it's incompatible with emm386. It does put the cpu into it's own protected mode though.

So, sorry that I don't have any help for you, but just wanted to tell you that there's at least someone else who is interested in the subject at hand.

Re: Virtualize I/O In DOS Posted by Bret on 27 Sept 2008 at 10:09 AM

: I'm pretty dumb with this stuff, but it's always been something I've

: wanted to play with too. Do IRC, the I/O access map is essentially

: just a large bitfield inside the CPU, and this emm386 function is

: merely providing access to it? That's actually kinda cool-I didn't

: even know this function existed.


: Obviously it's possible to do it w/o emm386, since soft-ice is able

: to trap I/O and it's incompatible with emm386. It does put the cpu

: into it's own protected mode though.


: So, sorry that I don't have any help for you, but just wanted to

: tell you that there's at least someone else who is interested in the

: subject at hand.


I'll follow this up with some posts as I get things figured out. Scouring some VERY old usenet posts I managed to find some resources that look promising.


Re: Virtualize I/O In DOS Posted by Bret on 1 Oct 2008 at 5:36 PM

: : I'm pretty dumb with this stuff, but it's always been something I've

: : wanted to play with too. Do IRC, the I/O access map is essentially

: : just a large bitfield inside the CPU, and this emm386 function is

: : merely providing access to it? That's actually kinda cool-I didn't

: : even know this function existed.

: :

: : Obviously it's possible to do it w/o emm386, since soft-ice is able

: : to trap I/O and it's incompatible with emm386. It does put the cpu

: : into it's own protected mode though.

: :

: : So, sorry that I don't have any help for you, but just wanted to

: : tell you that there's at least someone else who is interested in the

: : subject at hand.


: I'll follow this up with some posts as I get things figured out.

: Scouring some VERY old usenet posts I managed to find some resources

: that look promising.


I've found a good resource, and possibly the only valid resource that may exist for this. He is Bob Smith, one of the founders of Qualitas (the makers of 386MAX). His current e-mail address is bsmith@sudleyplace.com. He sent the the attached Zip file with some source code and comments. In the Zip file, I renamed the executable file IOTrap.Com to IOTrap.Co_ so that I could upload it here.


The main thing of interest is the IOTrap.Txt file, which explains some problems with the interface, its implementation in EMM386, and the documentation. Microsoft provided a specification on MSDN many years ago (I haven't been able to find it), which is the basis for what's in the RBIL excerpt above (which is both incomplete and incorrect). Apparently, Qualitas tried to get Microsoft to update and correct the spec and EMM386, to no avail. I think 386MAX implemented an improved version of the spec (based on what I see in the Zip file), but don't have a copy of 386MAX to verify any of it. I believe that EMM386 and 386MAX are the only memory managers to implement the function at all.


I can tell you that it does in fact work. I've been doing some experimentation with a joystick emulator, and it seems to work fine so far (I'm testing with EMM386 version 4.48, which comes with DOS 6.20). At first, I couldn't get it to work at all. As it turns out, I was testing the function by single-stepping through with a debugger, which doesn't seem to work. I think it has something to do with the INT 03's that the debugger sticks in memory to do the single-stepping. After I stopped single-stepping and just let the program run, it started working like it was supposed to (this isn't the first time I've had a program react differently in a debugger than it does in real life). Also, FYI, the IOTRAP.COM program in the Zip file crashes on my computer, and I think it might be for the same reason (it contains INT 03's in it).


A few very interesting things to note (I found them very interesting, anyway). The EMM386 implementation only works correctly with byte-level I/O (IN AL,DX and OUT DX,AL). If you try to virtualize a word access (IN AX,DX), EMM386 just does a CBW on the value in AL. It doesn't return the AH that you told it to. Dword accesses (IN EAX,DX) crash the computer. Also, the I/O virtualization code is called in 16-bit protected mode, not 32-bit protected mode as you might expect on a 32-bit processor. And, the virtualization does not get "passed though" to Windows if you run Windows after setting up Virtual I/O (though it would seem logical that it should).


I'll need to experiment some more, but if it keeps working like it has so far, I think I'll be using this function a lot.

Attachment: IOTrap.zip (16274 Bytes | downloaded 173 times)



Re: Virtualize I/O In DOS Posted by Bret on 2 Oct 2008 at 7:37 AM

: I'm pretty dumb with this stuff, but it's always been something I've

: wanted to play with too. Do IRC, the I/O access map is essentially

: just a large bitfield inside the CPU, and this emm386 function is

: merely providing access to it? That's actually kinda cool-I didn't

: even know this function existed.


: Obviously it's possible to do it w/o emm386, since soft-ice is able

: to trap I/O and it's incompatible with emm386. It does put the cpu

: into it's own protected mode though.


: So, sorry that I don't have any help for you, but just wanted to

: tell you that there's at least someone else who is interested in the

: subject at hand.


Just a side note regarding Soft-ICE. I can't speak to it for sure, but based on the literature I've seen so far (not directly from Soft-ICE, since I've never used it), I think they use the Pentium Debug registers to trap I/O. Intel introduced the Debug Registers with Pentium-class CPU's, and one of the things you can do with them is Trap I/O. From my understanding (not verified in any way), there are 4 available Debug Registers, and each one can be associated with a single I/O port. Ergo, you can trap a maximum of 4 ports at the same time. The EMM386 virtualization spec allows many more than 4 ports to be trapped at the same time. In addition, I think the code associated with the Debug Registers must be called in 32-bit protected mode, which isn't possible to do from "real" DOS (it requires a virtualized DOS environment).


Again, that's my understanding based on some literature I've seen, with no actual experience. I could be completely wrong. Anybody who knows better is welcome to either disagree or confirm this.


Re: Virtualize I/O In DOS Posted by jeffleyda on 6 Oct 2008 at 2:27 PM

Amazing stuff bret, thank you for sharing all this info. Having the ability to trap I/O in DOS could lead me to converting my ancient AC97 audio player into something that could do soundblaster emulation. Things could get really interesting from there. If only I had another lifetime of hours to spend working on such a thing.


I've used s-ice on a 486 and could have sworn that it can trap on I/O instructions, but it's been long enough that I don't recall the results. I've still got the 486 beasty set up in my basement, so I'll give that a shot in the near future and report back here just to clarify the thread.


Re: Virtualize I/O In DOS Posted by Bret on 6 Oct 2008 at 4:17 PM

: Amazing stuff bret, thank you for sharing all this info. Having the

: ability to trap I/O in DOS could lead me to converting my ancient

: AC97 audio player into something that could do soundblaster

: emulation. Things could get really interesting from there. If only

: I had another lifetime of hours to spend working on such a thing.


: ---


: I've used s-ice on a 486 and could have sworn that it can trap on

: I/O instructions, but it's been long enough that I don't recall the

: results. I've still got the 486 beasty set up in my basement, so

: I'll give that a shot in the near future and report back here just

: to clarify the thread.


Being able to virtualize I/O in DOS opens up all kinds of possibilities with Joysticks, Sound/MIDI, Serial, Parallel, Ethernet, etc., that is normally only possible with something like Windoze.  Too bad EMM386 doesn't allow ports below 100h to be trapped, or you could also do things with Keyboards and PS/2 Mice.   Like you said, it would be nice to have another lifetime's worth of hours to spend on this stuff.







I/O trap with EMM386 API

-I/O port access receives special handling in a virtual 8086 mode, as

with EMM386 and other memory managers.  This is likely affecting your

program's behavior. Without the source, it is difficult to suggest an

appropriate modification.



-get it with sources here: http://hw.fdd5-25.net/temp/files/Gamma2.zip

). The other version is for EMM386 and it is not working. I can trap

I/O with EMM386 API 0x4A15 of INT 0x2F, but i need to do phisical

output to same port from within my I/O handler. According to

documentation from MSDN setting carry flag befor exiting from i/o

handler will make phisical i/o to port with same values that was

trapped, but i need output other values.


P.S. Sorry for my terrible english.



-Three possibilities, four if you consider the possibility of a bug in

your code.  First, your version of EMM386 or other memory manager may

not support that advanced API function -- the FreeDOS version does not,

for example.   Second, your version of EMM386 may have buggy support for

that API function -- at least one version of EMM386 is documented as

having problems with it under certain conditions, and other

less-documented problems with the API function are eminently plausible

given its inherent complexity.    Third, your modern machine may have

moved past the processor state assumptions made in the original memory

manager to the point of failure.   This situation occurs on occasion

when new machines meet old drivers and memory managers.


Frankly, if possible I would strongly consider discarding a

version-based approach and instead writing the code to go to protected

mode, thereby gaining control over its own I/O permission bitmap, etc.

This bypasses the undersupported and potentially faulty API call you

are using. A more complicated approach than a simple API call,

certainly, but given the situation, it may well be the best solution.



-Yes, but then my programm can't work with memory managers that switch

cpu in protected mode.



-It could. You can write a native VCPI application, which is supported

by probably all the older major memory managers, or detect V86 mode

and/or VCPI presence and switch or not as needed. Easiest might to

choose one of the many pre-existing free DOS extenders or one of the

couple of free DPMI hosts, which will handle most of the heavy lifting.

It's not absolutely trivial, since doing that would require learning

how to work with a extender/host version which allowed you the

low-level access you needed for port control. But it should be pretty













运行了 emm386.exe 后,DOS处于V86模式,在这个模式RDMSR 和 WRMSR等特殊指令是禁止使用的。 没运行emm386.exe。DOS处于实模式,这两条指令就没问题!


Also, EMM386 will provide VCPI memory and switch DOS into the protected and V86 mode automatically.








.继推出80386之后,Intel又推出了80386、Pentium和Pentium PRO。这些处理器都具有实模式保护模式两种工作方式。实模式与8086兼容,可以运行DOS及以其为平台的几乎所有软件;但在实模式下,处理器不能发挥自身的优越性能,不能支持多用户、多任务操作系统的运行。为了充分发挥处理器的功能,同时使DOS及以其为平台的软件继续有效地运行,从80386开始增加了虚拟8086模式



















       AH = 3Fh

       CX = 5145h ("QE")

       DX = 4D4Dh ("MM")

Return: AH = 00h if installed

           ES:DI -> QEMM API entry point


Call QEMM entry point with:

       AX = 1009h switch to protected mode

              ESI = linear address in first megabyte of system reg values

                     (see INT 67/AX=DE0Ch)

              interrupts disabled

              Return: interrupts disabled

                     GDTR, IDTR, LDTR, TR loaded

                     SS:ESP must have at least 16 bytes space, and the

                            entry point is required to set up a new stack

                            before enabling interrupts

                     EAX, ESI, DS, ES, FS, GS destroyed

       AX = 100Ah switch back to virtual-86 mode

              DS = selector for data segment from function 1000h

              SS:ESP in first megabyte of linear memory

              interrupts disabled

              STACK: QWORD  return address from FAR call to 32-bit segment

                     DWORD  EIP

                     DWORD  CS

                     DWORD  reserved for EFLAGS

                     DWORD  ESP

                     DWORD  SS

                     DWORD  ES

                     DWORD  DS

                     DWORD  FS

                     DWORD  GS

              will switch to virtual86 mode with interrupts disabled, all

                segment registers loaded, and EAX destroyed.











Int 67/AX=5DEAh


AX = 5DEAh
BX = function
00h globally disable V86-mode trapping
01h globally enable V86-mode trapping
CL = interrupt to use for trapping
02h get I/O trapping state


AH = status

00h successful

BX = current trapping state (function 02h)

0000h disabled, 0001h enabled

CX = interrupt used as trap interrupt (functions 00h and 02h)

Notes: RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt. When I/O trapping is enabled and I/O port access occurs, RM386 simulates an INT instruction for the specified interrupt; the interrupt handler is responsible for decoding the trapped instruction and performing the appropriate action. INT 2C/AX=002Dh provides a similar but more-easily used interface.

See Also: AX=5DEBh - AH=EFh"RM386" - INT 2C/AX=002Dh

Category: Memory Management - Int 67h - R

Int 67/AX=5DEBh


AX = 5DEBh
BX = function
00h disable V86-mode trapping for specified port
01h enable V86-mode trapping for specified port
02h get V86-mode trapping state for specified port
DX = port for which to enable/disable/query trapping


AH = status

00h successful

BX = current trapping state (00h off, 01h on) (function 02)

A7h invalid port ID

A8h reserved port--cannot trap/untrap (DMA/INT/KBD controllers)

Notes: RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt

See Also: AX=5DEAh

Category: Memory Management - Int 67h - R









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