原创 Labwindows/cvi8.5学习日志(54)----word97demo

2010-9-8 09:33 7247 8 9 分类: 软件与OS


// Labwindows/cvi8.5  word打开,新建文件,添加数据,保存,关闭的功能演示
// 参照NI公司的官方例程 Word97demo
// szlihongtao
// 2010-09-07
// Example program to demostrate using ActiveX Automation instrument driver to
// control Microsoft Word 8.0.
#include <cvirte.h>    
#include <userint.h>
#include "word97.h"
#include "toolbox.h"
#include <utility.h>     
#include "worddemo.h"   
// Defines
// errChk - Macro in toolbox.h that will goto label "Error:"
//          if error returned is less than zero.
#define caErrChk errChk 
#define APP_AUTOMATION_ERR "Error:  Microsoft Word Automation"
#define APP_WARNING "Warning"

#define kReportTitle        "Widget Test Report"

#define kRepSummarySecTitle "Report Summary"
#define kDefReportSummaryTxt "A total of 2 tests were run.  The success rate "\
"was 100%.  The average high limit was 32.  The average low limit was "\
"25.  The average test value was 0\n"
#define kTableTitle         " - Test Results"
#define kNumTableCols       5
#define kTestResSecTitle    "Test Results"
#define kTestNoColTitle     "Test #"
#define kHighLimColTitle    "High Limit"
#define kLowLimColTitle     "Low Limit"
#define kValColTitle        "Value"
#define kResColTitle        "Result"
#define kTableCaptionLabel  "Table"    
// Variables
static int panelHandle = 0;      // CVI面板句柄
static CAObjHandle   appHandle     = 0;   // A handle to our Word application.,word句柄
static CAObjHandle   docHandle     = 0;   // A handle to our Word document.word 文档的句柄
static CAObjHandle   currSelHandle = 0;   // A handle to our cursor for the document.光标的句柄

static int f_appVisible = 1;     // 标志位,指示word软件是否可以看得见       

static VARIANT wdWordVt;
static VARIANT wdCharVt;
static VARIANT wdCellVt;
static VARIANT wdExtendVt;
static VARIANT gotoBkMrkVt;    
// Prototypes
static HRESULT LaunchWord (CAObjHandle *appHandlePtr, int visible, int *successPtr);
static HRESULT ShutdownWord (CAObjHandle *appHandlePtr, int *successPtr);
static HRESULT SaveDocument (CAObjHandle docHandle, char *fileName);

static HRESULT AddTitleToDoc (CAObjHandle docHandle, CAObjHandle currSelHandle);
static HRESULT AddParagraphToDoc (CAObjHandle docHandle, CAObjHandle currSelHandle);
static HRESULT AddTableToDoc (CAObjHandle docHandle, CAObjHandle currSelHandle);

static HRESULT SetCurrSelLeftMargin (CAObjHandle currSelHandle, float points);
static HRESULT SetSelectionStyle (CAObjHandle docHandle, CAObjHandle currSelHandle, int styleNdx);
static HRESULT FmtAllBorders (WordObj_Borders bordersHandle, long propertyId, long propertyValue);
static HRESULT ResultsTableFillRow (CAObjHandle selInCol1Handle, int numCols, ...);
static HRESULT AddRowToTable (CAObjHandle currSelHandle, WordObj_Table resultsTableHandle,
                                   char *testNo, char *highNo, char *lowNo,
                                   char *valueNo, char *result);

static void ReportAppAutomationError (HRESULT hr);
static void InitVariables(void);
static int  UpdateUIRDimming(int panel);   
// Main 主程序  
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    if (InitCVIRTE (0, argv, 0) == 0)
        return -1;
 // Sets the ActiveX threading style for a thread.
    // 设置 ActiveX 线程的风格  
    CA_InitActiveXThreadStyleForCurrentThread (0, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); /* Sets the ActiveX threading style for a thread. */

  When the User Interface Library checks for an event from the operating system,
  it can put your program in the background, to sleep, for a specified period of time.
  This action gives other applications more processor time, but your program might run more slowly.
    SetSleepPolicy (VAL_SLEEP_MORE); // 这句话可以不要
    if ((panelHandle = LoadPanel (0, "worddemo.uir", PANEL)) < 0)
        return -1;
    UpdateUIRDimming(panelHandle); // Setup,面板上的控件是否变为灰      
    InitVariables();    // InitVariables 变量初始化

    DisplayPanel (panelHandle);  // 显示面板
    RunUserInterface ();
    // Cleanup 
    if (appHandle)         // Word软件打开了吗吗?
        SetWaitCursor (1);    // 设置光标状态  
        if (currSelHandle)    // 关闭光标
            CA_DiscardObjHandle (currSelHandle);
            currSelHandle = 0;
        if (docHandle)    // 关闭文档
            CA_DiscardObjHandle (docHandle);
            docHandle = 0;
        ShutdownWord(&appHandle, NULL);  // 关闭word软件,This will NULL out appHandle
        SetWaitCursor (0);   // 设置光标状态
    return 0;
// InitVariables 变量初始化
static void InitVariables(void)
    // Demo path and filename
    GetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_VISIBILITY, &f_appVisible);   // doc文件是否可视
 /* Stores a long integer value in a variant and sets the type field of the variant accordingly. */
    CA_VariantSetLong (&wdCharVt,    WordConst_wdCharacter);
    CA_VariantSetLong (&wdWordVt,    WordConst_wdWord);   
    CA_VariantSetLong (&wdExtendVt,  WordConst_wdExtend);
    CA_VariantSetLong (&gotoBkMrkVt, WordConst_wdGoToBookmark);
    CA_VariantSetLong (&wdCellVt,    WordConst_wdCell);
// UIR Callbacks
// LaunchApp  打开word软件
int CVICALLBACK LaunchApp (int panel, int control, int event,
        void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
    int f_success;

    switch (event)
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
            SetWaitCursor (1);    // 设置光标等待状态
            LaunchWord (&appHandle, f_appVisible, &f_success); // 打开word
            SetWaitCursor (0);    // 设置光标为正常状态      
            UpdateUIRDimming(panel);  // 更新控件的显示
   /*  Activates your application and brings its topmost panel to the front.
    MakeApplicationActive has no effect if you have not displayed any panels.  
    Linux This function is not supported. 
            MakeApplicationActive (); // 激活应用
            DisplayPanel(panel);  // 不知道为什么又执行一次这语句
    return 0;
// ShutdownApp  关闭word软件
int CVICALLBACK ShutdownApp (int panel, int control, int event,
        void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
    int success = 0;
    switch (event)
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
   if (currSelHandle)   // 光标句柄
                CA_DiscardObjHandle (currSelHandle);
                currSelHandle = 0;
            if (docHandle)        // word文档的句柄  
                CA_DiscardObjHandle (docHandle);
                docHandle = 0;
            if (appHandle)    // word句柄  
                SetWaitCursor (1);   // 设定光标状态
                ShutdownWord(&appHandle, &success);  // This will NULL out appHandle
                SetWaitCursor (0);  
    return 0;
// ChangeVisibility 是否可以看见
int CVICALLBACK ChangeVisibility (int panel, int control, int event,
        void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
    HRESULT error = 0;

    switch (event)
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
            GetCtrlVal(panel, control, &f_appVisible);
            if (appHandle)
                error = Word_SetProperty (appHandle, NULL, Word_ApplicationVisible,
                                        CAVT_BOOL, (f_appVisible)?VTRUE:VFALSE);
                if (error < 0)
                    ReportAppAutomationError (error);
    return 0;
// OpenAppFile 新建空白文件
int CVICALLBACK OpenAppFile (int panel, int control, int event,
        void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
    HRESULT error = 0;
    CAObjHandle docsHandle = 0;
    switch (event)
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
            if (!docHandle)
               // Get handle to open documents
                caErrChk( Word_GetProperty (appHandle, NULL,
                                            Word_ApplicationDocuments,  // Word_ApplicationDocuments 是一个预定义的常量
                                            CAVT_OBJHANDLE, &docsHandle)); // 属性ID
                caErrChk( Word_DocumentsAdd (docsHandle, NULL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                                CA_DEFAULT_VAL, &docHandle));   // 文件的句柄
                caErrChk( Word_GetProperty (appHandle, NULL,
                                Word_ApplicationSelection,   // Word_ApplicationSelection 是一个预定义的常量
                                CAVT_OBJHANDLE, &currSelHandle));   // 光标的句柄   
                // Update UIR   
                MessagePopup(APP_WARNING, "Document already open");

    if (docsHandle)
        CA_DiscardObjHandle (docsHandle);
    if (error < 0)
        ReportAppAutomationError (error);
    return 0;
// SaveAppFile   保存文件
int CVICALLBACK SaveAppFile (int panel, int control, int event,
        void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
    char demoFileName[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN];
    switch (event)
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
            if (docHandle)
                GetProjectDir (demoFileName);
                if (FileSelectPopup (demoFileName, "*.doc", "*.doc",
                                          "Save file as...", VAL_SAVE_BUTTON,
                                          0, 1, 1, 1, demoFileName)>0)
                    SetWaitCursor (1);        // 设置光标
                    SaveDocument (docHandle, demoFileName);   // 保存文件
                    SetWaitCursor (0);
    return 0;
// PrintAppFile 打印文件
int CVICALLBACK PrintAppFile (int panel, int control, int event,
        void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
    HRESULT error = 0;
    switch (event)
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
            caErrChk(Word_DocumentPrintOut (docHandle, NULL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                               CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                               CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                               CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                               CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                               CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                               CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
            MessagePopup("Print", "Document printed...");   // 提示文件打印完毕
    if (error < 0)
        ReportAppAutomationError (error);
    return 0;
// CloseAppFile 关闭文件
int CVICALLBACK CloseAppFile (int panel, int control, int event,
        void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
    HRESULT error = 0;
    VARIANT wdSaveChangesVt;
    switch (event)
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
           if (currSelHandle)
              CA_DiscardObjHandle (currSelHandle); // 关闭光标
             currSelHandle = 0;
          if (docHandle)
             CA_VariantSetLong (&wdSaveChangesVt, WordConst_wdDoNotSaveChanges); // WordConst_wdDoNotSaveChanges为预定义的常量
               error = Word_DocumentClose (docHandle, NULL, wdSaveChangesVt,
                                                CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL);
               CA_DiscardObjHandle (docHandle);
               docHandle = 0;       // 句柄复位,表示文件关闭了
    return 0;
// AddTitle
int CVICALLBACK AddTitle (int panel, int control, int event,
        void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
    switch (event)
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
            SetWaitCursor (1);
            AddTitleToDoc(docHandle, currSelHandle);
            SetWaitCursor (0);
    return 0;
// AddParagraph
int CVICALLBACK AddParagraph (int panel, int control, int event,
        void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
    switch (event)
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
            SetWaitCursor (1);     // 设置光标状态   
            AddParagraphToDoc(docHandle, currSelHandle);
            SetWaitCursor (0);
    return 0;
// AddTable 加入表格内容
int CVICALLBACK AddTable (int panel, int control, int event,
        void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
    switch (event)
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
            SetWaitCursor (1);    // 设置光标状态
            AddTableToDoc(docHandle, currSelHandle);
            SetWaitCursor (0);
    return 0;
// Quit
int CVICALLBACK Quit (int panel, int control, int event,
        void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
    switch (event) {
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
            QuitUserInterface (0);
    return 0;
// UpdateUIRDimming 更新面板上的按钮,是否变为灰
static int UpdateUIRDimming(int panel)
    SetCtrlAttribute (panel, PANEL_LAUNCHAPP,    ATTR_DIMMED,  (int)appHandle);
    SetCtrlAttribute (panel, PANEL_SHUTDOWNAPP,  ATTR_DIMMED, !(int)appHandle);
    SetCtrlAttribute (panel, PANEL_OPENFILE,     ATTR_DIMMED,  ((int)docHandle || !(int)appHandle));
    SetCtrlAttribute (panel, PANEL_PRINTFILE,    ATTR_DIMMED, !(int)docHandle);
    SetCtrlAttribute (panel, PANEL_SAVEFILE,     ATTR_DIMMED, !(int)docHandle);
    SetCtrlAttribute (panel, PANEL_CLOSEFILE,    ATTR_DIMMED, !(int)docHandle);
    SetCtrlAttribute (panel, PANEL_ADDTITLE,     ATTR_DIMMED, !(int)docHandle);
    SetCtrlAttribute (panel, PANEL_ADDPARAGRAPH, ATTR_DIMMED, !(int)docHandle);
    SetCtrlAttribute (panel, PANEL_ADDTABLE,     ATTR_DIMMED, !(int)docHandle);
    return 0;
// LaunchWord   打开word
// NOTE: We've encountered a problem with launching Word 8.0 from our Dell machines.
//       The registry entries indicating the server application for Word objects
//       were incorrect.   This function is provided as a way of working around this
//       rather than re-installing Word or editing the registry.
#define APP_LAUNCH_ERROR -2146959355
#define kManuallyLaunchWordMsg "An error was encountered launching Word 8.0.  Launch it manually and try again."

static HRESULT LaunchWord (CAObjHandle *appHandlePtr, int visible, int *successPtr)
    int success = 0;
    HRESULT error = 0;
    error = Word_NewApplication (NULL, 1, LOCALE_NEUTRAL, 0, appHandlePtr);
    if (error == APP_LAUNCH_ERROR)
        // Try getting the active word application.
        error = Word_ActiveApplication (NULL, 1, LOCALE_NEUTRAL, 0, appHandlePtr);
        if (error != 0)
            MessagePopup (APP_AUTOMATION_ERR, kManuallyLaunchWordMsg);
            error = 0;
            goto Error;
    if (error < 0)
        goto Error;
    // Make visible
    caErrChk (Word_SetProperty (appHandle, NULL, Word_ApplicationVisible,
                                CAVT_BOOL, (visible)?VTRUE:VFALSE));
    success = (error == 0);
    if (successPtr)
        *successPtr = success;
    if (error < 0)
        ReportAppAutomationError (error);
    return error;
// ShutdownWord 关闭word软件
static HRESULT ShutdownWord (CAObjHandle *appHandlePtr, int *successPtr)
    HRESULT error = 0;
    VARIANT wdSaveChangesVt;
    CA_VariantSetLong (&wdSaveChangesVt, WordConst_wdDoNotSaveChanges);
    Word_ApplicationQuit (*appHandlePtr, NULL, wdSaveChangesVt,
                          CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL);
    CA_DiscardObjHandle (*appHandlePtr);
    *appHandlePtr = 0;

    if (successPtr)
        *successPtr = (error == 0);
    if (error < 0)
        ReportAppAutomationError (error);
    return error;
// SaveDocument
static HRESULT SaveDocument (CAObjHandle docHandle, char *fileName)
    HRESULT error = 0;
    VARIANT fileNameVt;
    CA_VariantSetEmpty (&fileNameVt);
    caErrChk (CA_VariantSetCString (&fileNameVt, fileName));
    caErrChk (Word_DocumentSaveAs (docHandle, NULL, fileNameVt,
                                   CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                   CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                   CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                   CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                   CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL));
    CA_VariantClear (&fileNameVt);
    if (error < 0)
        ReportAppAutomationError (error);

    return error;
// AddTitleToDoc 文件新增加标题
static HRESULT AddTitleToDoc (CAObjHandle docHandle, CAObjHandle currSelHandle)
    CAObjHandle pgrphFmtHandle = 0;
    HRESULT error = 0;
 int i;
 struct STR1
  int wdAlign;
  char string[64];
 const  struct STR1 arr_wdAlign[5]=
  WordConst_wdAlignParagraphLeft,     "WordConst_wdAlignParagraphLeft ",  // 设定文本从左边对齐显示 
     WordConst_wdAlignParagraphCenter,   "WordConst_wdAlignParagraphCenter ", // 设定文本显示居中    
     WordConst_wdAlignParagraphRight,    "WordConst_wdAlignParagraphRight ",  // 设定文本从右边对齐显示 
     WordConst_wdAlignParagraphJustify,  "WordConst_wdAlignParagraphJustify ", // 实际显示效果为 “从左边对齐”
     WordConst_wdAlignParagraphCenter,   "WordConst_wdAlignParagraphCenter ", // 设定文本显示居中    
    caErrChk (SetSelectionStyle (docHandle, currSelHandle,
                                 WordConst_wdStyleTitle));     // WordConst_wdStyleTitle  是预定义的常数
    caErrChk (Word_GetProperty (currSelHandle, NULL,
                                Word_SelectionParagraphFormat,  // Word_SelectionParagraphFormat 是预定义的常数
                                CAVT_OBJHANDLE, &pgrphFmtHandle));
     caErrChk (Word_SetProperty (pgrphFmtHandle, NULL,  Word_ParagraphFmtAlignment, CAVT_LONG, arr_wdAlign.wdAlign));
     caErrChk (Word_SelectionTypeText (currSelHandle, NULL, kReportTitle));   // 正式的加入 字符串 进入 word
     caErrChk (Word_SelectionTypeParagraph (currSelHandle, NULL));       // 换行   
    caErrChk (Word_SelectionTypeText (currSelHandle, NULL, kReportTitle));   // 正式的加入 字符串 进入 word  
    caErrChk (Word_SelectionTypeParagraph (currSelHandle, NULL));            
    if (pgrphFmtHandle)      // 正常情况下 pgrphFmtHandle > 0     
        CA_DiscardObjHandle (pgrphFmtHandle);
    if (error < 0)      // 正常情况下 error>=0
        ReportAppAutomationError (error);
    return error;

// AddParagraphToDoc   文件新增加段落内容
static HRESULT AddParagraphToDoc (CAObjHandle docHandle, CAObjHandle currSelHandle)
    CAObjHandle fontHandle = 0;     // 设置字体的句柄
    HRESULT error = 0;
 int i;
 struct STR1
  int wdStyle;
  char string[64];
 const  struct STR1 arr_styleNdx[92]=
  WordConst_wdStyleNormal,            "WordConst_wdStyleNormal ",
     WordConst_wdStyleEnvelopeAddress,   "WordConst_wdStyleEnvelopeAddress ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleEnvelopeReturn,    "WordConst_wdStyleEnvelopeReturn ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleBodyText,  "WordConst_wdStyleBodyText ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleHeading1,  "WordConst_wdStyleHeading1 ",    // 左边对齐,黑体,Times New Roman,2号
     WordConst_wdStyleHeading2,  "WordConst_wdStyleHeading2 ",    // 左边对齐,黑体,Arial,3号   
     WordConst_wdStyleHeading3,  "WordConst_wdStyleHeading3 ",    // 左边对齐,黑体,Times New Roman,3号   
     WordConst_wdStyleHeading4,  "WordConst_wdStyleHeading4 ",    // 左边对齐,黑体,Arial,4号       
     WordConst_wdStyleHeading5,  "WordConst_wdStyleHeading5 ",    // 左边对齐,黑体,Times New Roman,4号   
     WordConst_wdStyleHeading6,  "WordConst_wdStyleHeading6 ",    // 左边对齐,黑体,Arial,小4号     
     WordConst_wdStyleHeading7,  "WordConst_wdStyleHeading7 ",    // 左边对齐,黑体,Times New Roman,小4号    
     WordConst_wdStyleHeading8,  "WordConst_wdStyleHeading8 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleHeading9,  "WordConst_wdStyleHeading9 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleIndex1,   "WordConst_wdStyleIndex1 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleIndex2,   "WordConst_wdStyleIndex2 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleIndex3,   "WordConst_wdStyleIndex3 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleIndex4,   "WordConst_wdStyleIndex4 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleIndex5,   "WordConst_wdStyleIndex5 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleIndex6,   "WordConst_wdStyleIndex6 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleIndex7,   "WordConst_wdStyleIndex7 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleIndex8,   "WordConst_wdStyleIndex8 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleIndex9,   "WordConst_wdStyleIndex9 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleTOC1,   "WordConst_wdStyleTOC1 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleTOC2,   "WordConst_wdStyleTOC2 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleTOC3,   "WordConst_wdStyleTOC3 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleTOC4,   "WordConst_wdStyleTOC4 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleTOC5,   "WordConst_wdStyleTOC5 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleTOC6,   "WordConst_wdStyleTOC6 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleTOC7,   "WordConst_wdStyleTOC7 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleTOC8,   "WordConst_wdStyleTOC8 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleTOC9,   "WordConst_wdStyleTOC9 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleNormalIndent,  "WordConst_wdStyleNormalIndent ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleFootnoteText,  "WordConst_wdStyleFootnoteText ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleCommentText,    "WordConst_wdStyleCommentText ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleHeader,         "WordConst_wdStyleHeader",  
     WordConst_wdStyleFooter,         "WordConst_wdStyleFooter ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleIndexHeading,   "WordConst_wdStyleIndexHeading ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleCaption,        "WordConst_wdStyleCaption ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleTableOfFigures,     "WordConst_wdStyleTableOfFigures ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleFootnoteReference,  "WordConst_wdStyleFootnoteReference ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleCommentReference,   "WordConst_wdStyleCommentReference ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleLineNumber,    "WordConst_wdStyleLineNumber ",  
     WordConst_wdStylePageNumber,    "WordConst_wdStylePageNumber ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleEndnoteReference,   "WordConst_wdStyleEndnoteReference ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleEndnoteText,   "WordConst_wdStyleEndnoteText ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleTableOfAuthorities,   "WordConst_wdStyleTableOfAuthorities ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleMacroText ,    "WordConst_wdStyleMacroText",  
     WordConst_wdStyleTOAHeading,   "WordConst_wdStyleTOAHeading ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleList ,         "WordConst_wdStyleList ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleListBullet ,  "WordConst_wdStyleListBullet ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleListNumber ,  "WordConst_wdStyleListNumber ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleList2 ,   "WordConst_wdStyleList2 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleList3,    "WordConst_wdStyleList3 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleList4 ,   "WordConst_wdStyleList4 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleList5 ,   "WordConst_wdStyleList5 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleListBullet2 ,   "WordConst_wdStyleListBullet2 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleListBullet3 ,   "WordConst_wdStyleListBullet3 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleListBullet4 ,  "WordConst_wdStyleListBullet4 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleListBullet5 ,   "WordConst_wdStyleListBullet5 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleListNumber2 ,   "WordConst_wdStyleListNumber2 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleListNumber3 ,  "WordConst_wdStyleListNumber3 ",   
     WordConst_wdStyleListNumber4 ,  "WordConst_wdStyleListNumber4 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleListNumber5 ,  "WordConst_wdStyleListNumber5 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleTitle ,        "WordConst_wdStyleTitle ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleClosing ,      "WordConst_wdStyleClosing ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleSignature ,      "WordConst_wdStyleSignature ", 
     WordConst_wdStyleDefaultParagraphFont ,  "WordConst_wdStyleDefaultParagraphFont ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleBodyTextIndent ,    "WordConst_wdStyleBodyTextIndent ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleListContinue ,     "WordConst_wdStyleListContinue ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleListContinue2,    "WordConst_wdStyleListContinue2 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleListContinue3 ,     "WordConst_wdStyleListContinue3 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleListContinue4 ,    "WordConst_wdStyleListContinue4 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleListContinue5 ,    "WordConst_wdStyleListContinue5 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleMessageHeader,     "WordConst_wdStyleMessageHeader ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleSubtitle ,    "WordConst_wdStyleSubtitle ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleSalutation ,    "WordConst_wdStyleSalutation ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleDate ,     "WordConst_wdStyleDate ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleBodyTextFirstIndent ,   "WordConst_wdStyleBodyTextFirstIndent ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleBodyTextFirstIndent2 ,    "WordConst_wdStyleBodyTextFirstIndent2 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleNoteHeading ,    "WordConst_wdStyleNoteHeading ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleBodyText2 ,    "WordConst_wdStyleBodyText2 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleBodyText3 ,    "WordConst_wdStyleBodyText3 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleBodyTextIndent2 ,   "WordConst_wdStyleBodyTextIndent2 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleBodyTextIndent3 ,    "WordConst_wdStyleBodyTextIndent3 ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleBlockQuotation ,     "WordConst_wdStyleBlockQuotation ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleHyperlink ,      " WordConst_wdStyleHyperlink",  
     WordConst_wdStyleHyperlinkFollowed ,   "WordConst_wdStyleHyperlinkFollowed ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleStrong ,      "WordConst_wdStyleStrong ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleEmphasis ,     "WordConst_wdStyleEmphasis ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleNavPane ,    "WordConst_wdStyleNavPane ",  
     WordConst_wdStylePlainText ,   "WordConst_wdStylePlainText ",  
     WordConst_wdStyleHeading1,  "WordConst_wdStyleHeading1 ",    // 左边对齐,黑体,Times New Roman,2号
    /* Create the section heading. */
     caErrChk (Word_SelectionTypeText (currSelHandle, NULL, arr_styleNdx.string)); 
     caErrChk (SetSelectionStyle (docHandle, currSelHandle, arr_styleNdx.wdStyle)); 
     caErrChk (Word_SelectionTypeParagraph (currSelHandle, NULL));  // word光标移到下面一行
    /* Write the default paragraph text. */
    caErrChk (SetCurrSelLeftMargin (currSelHandle, (float) 36));  // 设置左边距为36
    caErrChk (Word_SelectionTypeText (currSelHandle, NULL, kDefReportSummaryTxt)); // 写入真正的段落内容 
 // 因为 kDefReportSummaryTxt 字符串已经包含了换行符 \n  ,所以就不需要再设置一次光标了
    // caErrChk (Word_SelectionTypeParagraph (currSelHandle, NULL));  // word光标移到下面一行
    caErrChk (Word_SelectionTypeText (currSelHandle, NULL, kDefReportSummaryTxt)); // 写入真正的段落内容  
    caErrChk (SetCurrSelLeftMargin (currSelHandle, 0.0));    // 设置左边距为0
    caErrChk (Word_SelectionTypeText (currSelHandle, NULL, kDefReportSummaryTxt)); // 写入真正的段落内容

    if (fontHandle)    // 本子程序没有使用这个句柄
        CA_DiscardObjHandle (fontHandle);

    if (error < 0)
        ReportAppAutomationError (error);
    return error;
// AddTableToDoc      文件新增加表格 
static HRESULT AddTableToDoc (CAObjHandle docHandle, CAObjHandle currSelHandle)
    long cnt;
    VARIANT cntVt, wdCapBelowVt, tableCapVt;
    WordObj_Table resultsTableHandle;
    WordObj_Range rangeHandle = 0;
    WordObj_Tables tablesHandle = 0;
    WordObj_Columns columnsHandle = 0;
    WordObj_Borders bordersHandle = 0;
    WordObj_Border borderHandle = 0;
    CAObjHandle pgrphFmtHandle = 0;
    HRESULT error = 0;
    CA_VariantSetEmpty (&tableCapVt);
    /* Create the section heading. */
    caErrChk (Word_SelectionTypeText (currSelHandle, NULL,kTestResSecTitle));  // 写入段落的标题
    caErrChk (SetSelectionStyle (docHandle, currSelHandle, WordConst_wdStyleHeading1));  // 黑体显示,左边对齐
    caErrChk (Word_SelectionTypeParagraph (currSelHandle, NULL));  //换行
    /* Create the table.  Store the handle for future use. */
    caErrChk (Word_GetProperty (currSelHandle, NULL,
                                Word_SelectionRange, CAVT_OBJHANDLE,
    caErrChk (Word_GetProperty (docHandle, NULL, Word_DocumentTables,
                                CAVT_OBJHANDLE, &tablesHandle));   // 表格句柄
#if 0  // 设定表格的内容居中显示
 caErrChk (Word_GetProperty (currSelHandle, NULL,
                                CAVT_OBJHANDLE, &pgrphFmtHandle));
    caErrChk (Word_SetProperty (pgrphFmtHandle, NULL,
                                Word_ParagraphFmtAlignment, CAVT_LONG,
                                WordConst_wdAlignParagraphCenter));   // 表格居中显示
  // 默认情况下,左对齐
    caErrChk (Word_TablesAdd (tablesHandle, NULL, rangeHandle, 1, kNumTableCols,   //  表格有5列
    caErrChk (Word_GetProperty (resultsTableHandle, NULL, Word_TableColumns, // Word_TableColumns 是预定义的常量
                                CAVT_OBJHANDLE, &columnsHandle));
    caErrChk (Word_GetProperty (columnsHandle, NULL, Word_ColumnsCount,    // Word_ColumnsCount 是预定义的常量
                                CAVT_LONG, &cnt));    // 仿真,cnt=5
    CA_VariantSetLong (&cntVt, cnt);
    caErrChk (Word_SelectionMoveRight (currSelHandle, NULL, wdWordVt,   // 整行显示均变黑
                                       cntVt, wdExtendVt, NULL));
    /* Fill in the column titles. */
    caErrChk (Word_SelectionHomeKey (currSelHandle, NULL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                     CA_DEFAULT_VAL, NULL));
    caErrChk (ResultsTableFillRow (currSelHandle, kNumTableCols,
                                   kTestNoColTitle, kHighLimColTitle,
                                   kLowLimColTitle, kValColTitle,
    /* Fill in the column data */                                  
    caErrChk(AddRowToTable (currSelHandle, resultsTableHandle,
                        "000001", "100.000", "32.0", "39.123", "0"));
    caErrChk(AddRowToTable (currSelHandle, resultsTableHandle,
                        "000002", " 99.999", "31.0", "41.321", "0"));
    caErrChk(AddRowToTable (currSelHandle, resultsTableHandle,
                        "000003", " 98.345", "33.0", "40.456", "0"));
    /* Add the table caption. */
    CA_VariantSetLong (&wdCapBelowVt, WordConst_wdCaptionPositionBelow);  // WordConst_wdCaptionPositionBelow是预定义的常量
    CA_VariantSetCString (&tableCapVt, kTableCaptionLabel);  // 变量赋值,#define kTableCaptionLabel  "Table" 
#if 0    
    caErrChk (Word_SelectionInsertCaption (currSelHandle, NULL,
                                           CA_DEFAULT_VAL, wdCapBelowVt));
 // 不知道是什么原因,这句话总是执行出错
    caErrChk (Word_GetProperty (currSelHandle, NULL,
                                CAVT_OBJHANDLE, &pgrphFmtHandle));
    caErrChk (Word_SetProperty (pgrphFmtHandle, NULL,
                                Word_ParagraphFmtAlignment, CAVT_LONG,
                                WordConst_wdAlignParagraphCenter));   // 表格居中显示
    caErrChk (Word_SelectionTypeText (currSelHandle, NULL,
    caErrChk (Word_SelectionTypeParagraph (currSelHandle, NULL));  // 换行
    caErrChk (Word_GetProperty (columnsHandle, NULL, Word_SelectionBorders,
                                CAVT_OBJHANDLE, &bordersHandle));

    caErrChk (FmtAllBorders (bordersHandle, Word_BorderLineStyle,
    caErrChk (FmtAllBorders (bordersHandle, Word_BorderLineWidth,  // Word_BorderLineWidth 是预定义的常量
                             WordConst_wdLineWidth050pt));        // 设置边界线条的线宽
    if (error < 0)
        ReportAppAutomationError (error);
    if (rangeHandle)
        CA_DiscardObjHandle (rangeHandle);
    if (tablesHandle)
        CA_DiscardObjHandle (tablesHandle);
    if (columnsHandle)
        CA_DiscardObjHandle (columnsHandle);
    if (bordersHandle)
        CA_DiscardObjHandle (bordersHandle);
    if (borderHandle)
        CA_DiscardObjHandle (borderHandle);
    if (pgrphFmtHandle)
        CA_DiscardObjHandle (pgrphFmtHandle);
    if (resultsTableHandle)
        CA_DiscardObjHandle (resultsTableHandle);

    CA_VariantClear (&tableCapVt); 
    return error;
// AddRowToTable
static HRESULT AddRowToTable (CAObjHandle currSelHandle, WordObj_Table resultsTableHandle,
                                   char *testNo, char *highNo, char *lowNo,
                                   char *valueNo, char *result)
    int numRows;
    WordObj_Rows rowsHandle = 0;
    WordObj_Row rowHandle = 0, newRowHandle = 0;
    HRESULT error = 0;

    caErrChk (Word_GetProperty (resultsTableHandle, NULL, Word_TableRows,
                                CAVT_OBJHANDLE, &rowsHandle));
    caErrChk (Word_GetProperty (rowsHandle, NULL, Word_RowsCount, CAVT_LONG,
    caErrChk (Word_RowsItem (rowsHandle, NULL, numRows, &rowHandle));
    caErrChk (Word_RowSelect (rowHandle, NULL));
    caErrChk (Word_SelectionMoveRight (currSelHandle, NULL, wdCharVt,
                                       CA_DEFAULT_VAL, NULL));
    caErrChk (Word_SelectionMoveLeft (currSelHandle, NULL, wdCharVt,
                                      CA_DEFAULT_VAL, NULL));
    caErrChk (Word_RowsAdd (rowsHandle, NULL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
    caErrChk (Word_RowSelect (newRowHandle, NULL));

    caErrChk (Word_SelectionHomeKey (currSelHandle, NULL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                     CA_DEFAULT_VAL, NULL));
    caErrChk (ResultsTableFillRow (currSelHandle, kNumTableCols, testNo, highNo,
                                   lowNo, valueNo, result));

    if (rowsHandle)
        CA_DiscardObjHandle (rowsHandle);
    if (rowHandle)
        CA_DiscardObjHandle (rowHandle);
    if (newRowHandle)
        CA_DiscardObjHandle (newRowHandle);
    return error;
// ResultsTableFillRow
static HRESULT ResultsTableFillRow (CAObjHandle selInCol1Handle,
                                    int numCols, ...)
    char *currText;
    va_list parmInfo;
    int ndx;
    HRESULT error = 0;
    va_start (parmInfo, numCols);

    for (ndx = 0; ndx < numCols - 1; ++ndx) {
        currText = va_arg(parmInfo, char *);
        caErrChk (Word_SelectionTypeText (selInCol1Handle, NULL, currText));
        caErrChk (Word_SelectionMoveRight (selInCol1Handle, NULL, wdCellVt,
                                           CA_DEFAULT_VAL, NULL));
    currText = va_arg(parmInfo, char *);
    caErrChk (Word_SelectionTypeText (selInCol1Handle, NULL, currText));

    va_end (parmInfo);
    return error;
// SetCurrSelLeftMargin
static HRESULT SetCurrSelLeftMargin (CAObjHandle currSelHandle, float points)
    CAObjHandle pgrphFmtHandle = 0;
    HRESULT error = 0;
    caErrChk (Word_GetProperty (currSelHandle, NULL,
                                CAVT_OBJHANDLE, &pgrphFmtHandle)); 
    caErrChk (Word_SetProperty (pgrphFmtHandle, NULL,
                                Word_ParagraphFmtLeftIndent, CAVT_FLOAT,
    if (pgrphFmtHandle)
        CA_DiscardObjHandle (pgrphFmtHandle);
    return error;
// SetSelectionStyle
static HRESULT SetSelectionStyle (CAObjHandle docHandle,CAObjHandle currSelHandle,int styleNdx)
    VARIANT styleNdxVt;
    HRESULT error = 0;

    CA_VariantSetLong (&styleNdxVt, styleNdx);

    caErrChk (Word_SetProperty (currSelHandle, NULL, Word_SelectionStyle,    // Word_SelectionStyle是预先定义的常量
                                CAVT_VARIANT, styleNdxVt));
    return error;
// FmtAllBorders
static HRESULT FmtAllBorders (WordObj_Borders bordersHandle, long propertyId,
                              long propertyValue)
    WordObj_Border borderHandle = 0;
    HRESULT error = 0;

    caErrChk (Word_BordersItem (bordersHandle, NULL, -1, &borderHandle));
    caErrChk (Word_SetProperty (borderHandle, NULL, propertyId, CAVT_LONG,
    CA_DiscardObjHandle (borderHandle);
    borderHandle = 0;
    caErrChk (Word_BordersItem (bordersHandle, NULL, -2, &borderHandle));
    caErrChk (Word_SetProperty (borderHandle, NULL, propertyId, CAVT_LONG,
    CA_DiscardObjHandle (borderHandle);
    borderHandle = 0;
    caErrChk (Word_BordersItem (bordersHandle, NULL, -3, &borderHandle));
    caErrChk (Word_SetProperty (borderHandle, NULL, propertyId, CAVT_LONG,
    CA_DiscardObjHandle (borderHandle);
    borderHandle = 0;
    caErrChk (Word_BordersItem (bordersHandle, NULL, -4, &borderHandle));
    caErrChk (Word_SetProperty (borderHandle, NULL, propertyId, CAVT_LONG,
    CA_DiscardObjHandle (borderHandle);                            
    borderHandle = 0;

    if (borderHandle)
        CA_DiscardObjHandle (borderHandle);
    return error;

// ReportWordAutomationError
static void ReportAppAutomationError (HRESULT hr)
    char errorBuf[256];
    if (hr < 0)
        CA_GetAutomationErrorString (hr, errorBuf, sizeof (errorBuf));
        MessagePopup (APP_AUTOMATION_ERR, errorBuf);




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