原创 Fake Security Cameras - A Cost Effective Deterrent

2010-7-26 11:05 1175 1 1 分类: EDA/ IP/ 设计与制造

One such way to protect ourselves and our homes is installing fake security cameras. These cameras act as a deterrent to would be home invaders or people wishing to cause malicious damage to our property.

Fake Security Cameras include the dome shaped, the bullet style and the CCTV imitation camera. The one that is considered the best, is a real camera without the internal workings, it has a glass lens, some of the cheaper quality ones have plastic lens which are easy to detect, there is a battery operated light, so the camera looks like it is recording, and some, actually have battery operated movement senor which causes the camera to pan as if following the cause of the movement.

The fake security camera also has the cables so it looks like it is hard wired. Fake security cameras can be used alongside other security measures, for example, if you have a monitored alarm system, it adds to the overall security of your property. Some people already have a wired security camera, so a cheap alternative would be to buy a fake security camera to complement your existing cameras, this works well in shops or place of business.

The need for fake security cameras has come about by demand for a cheap alternative to hard wired cameras. If your renting or simply cannot afford a real camera then this provides some deterrent to people who look for a soft target, the theory is that they will move on to a property that will give them the less chance of being caught.


As for fake camera, we do have a few that are highly recommended as following:

pl0384_1_smart_camera_model__27514_zoom.jpg(SKU: PL0384) Realistic Intelligent Fake CCTV Security Camera with Motion Sensor


  1. Activation Light
  2. Motion Sensor
  3. Motorized Pan Movement Feature
  4. Realistic Appearance
  5. No Wiring Need


 Need any help? Please feel free to contact us via info@securitycamera2000.com, we always reply email within one business day.




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