原创 百佳泰正式取得USB Power Delivery EPR认证资格与USB PD重点更新

2023-6-15 18:17 605 4 4 分类: 测试测量

百佳泰于202369日获得USB-IF协会授权,正式取得USB Power Delivery EPR认证资格相关认证要求的测试项目以及测试设备如下:

目前可取证的USB Power Delivery EPR产品种类尚有限制,USB-IF要求认证产品只能够有一个USB Type-C® portEPR capable source port。以下两项目前无法取证的产品为例:

  1. 产品上除了有EPR capable source port也有EPR capable sink port
  2. 产品上除了有EPR capable source port也有SPR capable source port

除了上述限制外,另一点须留意的是:因为EPRAVS为必需要支持的功能所以不允许不支持AVSEPR capable source port取证

最新USB-IF compliance updates如下:

 Deprecation of EHCI Testing. USB2CV and EHCI IOP

 Decrease to One Test Equipment Solution for SPR Products

注意事项:EX-350只支持Protocol相关测项, 故需要另外用其他设备补测Physical & Power相关测项

 The USB-IF has recently confirmed that the RFI tests will not be applicable to hubs for the time being

注意事项:The temporary waiver can be granted by USB-IF until February, Y2024

 FRS & USB4 should be run in the latest USB Power Delivery CTS for informational purpose

 TEST.PD.PROT.ALL3.8 in the latest USB Power Delivery CTS

Respond with the correct revision: Pass
Respond with Not Supported: Temporary Waiver
Respond with nothing: Fail

 COMMON.CHECK.PD.9 in the latest USB Power Delivery CTS

PD CTS update 详细信息:

PD Spec. update详细信息:

注意事项:The CTS will always be testing against the most current version of the base CTS. Any failures relating to previous versions will go through the waiver process

 Define Vbus slew rate measurements in the latest USB Power Delivery CTS


 Affected Test item
➱ PD.PS.SRC.1 Multiple Request Load Test
➱ PD.PS.SRC.2 PDO Transitions
➱ PD.PS.SNK.3 Multiple Request Load Test Post PR Swap

 Vbus slew rate measurements (Appendix E)
➱ Turn all filtering and sample averaging off and work only with the raw signal samples
 Collect data samples with rate at least 20uS/Sample
➱ Start collecting signal samples after receiving Accept Message and before sending the last bit of GoodCRC Message. Record the Voltage Level as V1
➱ Stop collecting signal samples upon receiving PS_RDY Message. Record the Voltage Level as V2. –    Calculate the difference ΔV = |V2 – V1|
➱ If ΔV < 3.5V, the slew rate measurement could not be accurately calculated, and the measurement disregarded.
 Find the first sample that exceeds V1 + 0.1*ΔV for the Positive Transition (V2>V1) or getting below V2 + 0.9*ΔV + for the Negative Transitions (V2< V1) and corresponding sample number Sn_A from the last bit of GoodCRC– point A
 Find the first sample that exceeds V1 + 0.9* ΔV + for the Positive Transitions or getting below V2 + 0.1*ΔV + for the Negative Transitions and corresponding sample number Sn_B from the last bit of GoodCRC – point B

➱ Find SR = (Vpoint_B – Vpoint_A)/(Sn_B – Sn_A)*R

 Remove the monotonicity requirement


  • Affected Test item
    SPT.1 Load Test in USB Type-C and PD Source Power Requirements CTS
  • If USB-IF QuadraMax reports the monotonicity issue, the vendors can ignore it and no waiver is required

 Update to PPS Requirements


  • Affected Test item
    SPT.6 PPS Voltage Step Test in USB Type-C and PD Source Power Requirements CTS
  • If USB-IF QuadraMax reports the min voltage issue (3.3V), the vendors can request a wavier

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作者: 百佳泰测试实验室, 来源:面包板社区

链接: https://mbb.eet-china.com/blog/uid-me-400317.html




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