原创 Writing Testbench

2014-4-14 19:44 1020 12 12 分类: FPGA/CPLD 文集: testbench

写测试文本,最经典的书,莫过于《Writing Testbench》,大师之作,国内不可能有人写出这样的书。书中有些话真可谓一语中的,有的甚至颇具哲学意味,写的非常精彩:


1、The purpose of verification is to ensure that the result of some transformation is as intended or a* expected.

2、Reuse is about Trust.You won't use what you do not trust.

3、Verification is a necessary evil.It always takes too long and costs too much.Verification does not generate a profit or make money.Yet it is indispensable.

4、The objective of verification is to ensure that a design is error-free,yet one cannot prove that a design is error-free.The number of errors left to be found decreases,the time to identify them increases.

5、A simulation is never the final goal of a project.The goal of all hardware design projects is to create real physical designs that can be sold and generate profits.Simulators are only approximately of reality.

6、Simulators are at the mercy of the description being simulated.

7、Inject errors to make sure they are detected.




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