本文介绍ZigBee IP的很好特性与IPv6之间的联系,并简述这些特性是如何体现的。本文先以中文介绍和描述,之后再补上英文原文,以方便对照阅读和勘误。
ZigBee IP简介
ZigBee IP是首个基于IPv6的开放网络标准,是完整的无线网状网络解决方案,可与因特网无缝连接并控制低功耗和低成本的传感设备。它可以将许多不同的设备连接在一个简单的控制网络里。ZigBee IP协议支持即将到来的ZigBee智慧能源第二版(SE 2.0),并对ZigBee联盟成员和外界开放。
ZigBee IP is the first open standard for an IPv6-based full wireless mesh networking solution and provides seamless Internet connections to control low-power, low-cost devices. It connects dozens of the different devices into a single control network. ZigBee IP was designed to specifically support the forthcoming ZigBee Smart Energy version 2 standard and was made available to members and the public in 2013.