About ACE Controls Inc. (0592-5327657,陈亦成,盈鑫国际发展有限公司为中国代理)
Business Type: JELLY-亦成
ACE Controls Inc., located in Farmington Hills, Michigan, is the world leader in deceleration technology. Its global customer service network includes offices in England, Germany and Japan with distributors in over 110 cities in 35 countries. For nearly 40 years, ACE Controls has provided superior deceleration products to meet the needs of the automotive, robotics, material handling, packaging, steel, machine tool, lumber, amusement, medical and other industries.
In addition to the products mentioned above, ACE has brought numerous new products to the marketplace in recent years, including the MC 10, MA 150, MA 35, the durable 2" and 3" self-compensating and adjustable shock absorbers, as well as safety shocks for heavy industrial applications. ACE's aggressive product planning team focuses on continuous improvement and new product development. The goal is to provide customers with cost-effective, world-class products to meet their current and future requirements in a competitive global marketplace In order to assure that this goal is achieved ACE utilizes the latest computer technology and CAD system software. Solid Edge enables the ACE engineering team to virtually assemble 3D designs with speed and accuracy. The Adina software system of finite element analysis allows ACE engineers to address issues in structural, thermal and fluid flow analysis. Rigorous lab testing assures that all new ACE products are capable of meeting the most demanding deceleration challenges. Products are evaluated for endurance, cycle life and material strength. ACE Controls Inc., providing industry leadership with cost-effective world class products to decelerate loads, prevent impact damage, dampen noise, increase cycle speeds and improve product performance. 盈鑫國際發展有限公司是一家專業代理及經銷世界一流的優質氣動、液壓元件及其它工業設備的專業公司。憑借著優質的産品質量及專業技術,深得客戶的信賴和認可。我們將以更好的服務,以合理的價格以及最快的供貨期來滿足廣大客戶的不同需求. 代理及經銷的主要品牌: 公司:盈鑫国际发展有限公司 |
用户377235 2014-5-28 09:49