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用户3519980 2013-8-22 19:29
Concerns on cloud storage
The changes in the way we do computing and where our data gets stored seem inevitable. With what we read these days about cloud computing, the chan ...
用户3519980 2013-8-22 19:27
Cloud storage makes no sense
Whether we like it or not, changes in the way we do computing, and where our data gets stored, seem inevitable given everything we read these days ...
用户3519980 2013-8-15 21:18
Views on intellectual property (Part 1)
I earlier proposed that the acronym IP should stand for Intellectual Partnership instead of Intellectual Property. This was based on the fact that ...
用户3519980 2013-8-15 20:53
Discussions on IP (Part 1)
I previously suggested that the acronym IP should stand for Intellectual Partnership rather than Intellectual Property. This was based on the fact ...
用户3519980 2013-8-7 09:11
Work-related ethics concern
I recently had to deal with a work-related ethics issue. I am going to leave out the details, but I thought it was worth sharing the general case w ...
用户3519980 2013-7-25 16:08
Thoughts on IP software integration
We are getting close to the end of the series of questions about IP that I have posed to the industry. Last week I asked about IP theft and protec ...
用户3519980 2013-7-25 16:07
Insights on IP software integration
We are reaching the end of the series of questions about IP that I have asked the industry. Last week I asked about IP theft and protection . One ...
用户3519980 2013-7-17 19:01
How do IP providers protect themselves
In this blog, we continue with our focus on intellectual property. Last time , we looked at the question of who verifies the IP. This time, we loo ...
用户3519980 2013-7-17 18:57
Guarding against IP theft
The spotlight still shines on intellectual property. Last time , we looked at the question of who verifies the IP. This time, we look at a very di ...
用户3519980 2013-7-16 19:39
Experts tackle who verifies IP cores
With the help of five experts, I considered some questions around verification of the IP. How much verification of the IP blocks should the ...
用户3519980 2013-7-16 19:38
Experts' take on IP verification
I thought about some questions around verification of the IP: How much verification of the IP blocks should the licensor and the licensee co ...
用户3519980 2013-6-13 16:45
NASA's PhoneSat points to satellites of the future
Last April 21, NASA launched a novel programme, putting into orbit three satellites that employ an off-the-shelf commercial smartphone as the contr ...
用户3519980 2013-4-24 18:45
What were they thinking: Lack of transparency
Allow me to get on my soap box a bit. I apologise if you prefer that I stick to patents and things related to them. What has got my goat at the mom ...
用户3519980 2013-4-24 18:42
Where's the transparency?
In this article, I am going to get on my soap box a bit, so I apologise if you prefer me sticking to patents and things related to them. What has g ...
用户3519980 2013-4-4 14:09
My music player just won't shut up
For special projects, I keep an inexpensive MP3 player handy as I'd rather not tie up or risk my smartphone. Recently, when I pushed the "off" swit ...
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