There is a conceptual project that I hope to make reality soon. I was able to present it at one of the Gadget Smackdown sessions at the EE Live! 20 ...
When I first tried to run a quantum mechanical calculation in a computer, I used a humble Sinclair Spectrum ZX+. These days we have GFLOPs-scale co ...
Recently, I had a task to design a two-channel signal converter from a bipolar input voltage to a bipolar output current. I immediately assumed tha ...
As you can notice in my bio at the end of this article, I work as a manufacturing engineer. One of my favorite things that happens on a Friday late ...
I was talking to a young colleague who was trying to make a measurement using an analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) and convert this measurement i ...
Typically, a comment I see (or write) that is even vaguely critical of industry in China is followed by an avalanche of responses in its defence. O ...
At DesignCon last year, Al Neves, the self-proclaimed signal integrity (SI) Practitioner, said "I use airlines every week". He's also the Chief Tec ...
After several years of hype, multi-core and multiple-CPU embedded systems are now becoming mainstream. There are numerous articles about multi-core ...